
I thought I'd share the emails I received after Christmas.  Kauilapele actually saw these before I did. They were addressed to both of us. I was up late on Christmas and slept in until 11 AM the following day. Its not uncommon for me to be up to 2 AM. I am a bit of a night owl.  

Brian will conducting an interview with Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, the Trustee from The One People's Public Trust (TOPPT) soon.  We should have that up in a few days after that is completed.  Hopefully that will answer everyone's question in a non-legalese format.   The reason for all the legal "mumbo-jumbo" is that what is happening to change the banking system from its current debt-slavery model to a global prosperity mode, it has to have a firm legal foundation.  Something it really didn't have when the Federal Reserve was secretly created.  This is a system that will be based on openness and transparency.  Kevin Kelly in his seminal work, "Out of Control" discusses how in complex systems its vitally important to have the correct starting conditions as complex systems will replicate their founding parameters.  The more complex systems become the more their behavior becomes like biological systems. Behaviors like flocking, predation, herding and clustering show in a very complex system. An economy is a very complex system.

You may recall Sheldan Nidle in his messages speaking about the various sacred societies helping to bring freedom from our debt slave system through our existing laws.  This is more confirmation to me that Sheldan Nidle is one of the most accurate channelers out there.

The following is a sequence of emails as this disclosure by the One People's Public Trust unfolded December 26th. The note from Heather to POOF  I wasn't aware of until the 26th.  I've also included emails regarding the whole mess about pulling the POOF video.  I am put it all out there for public record.

I didn't post these right away.  After the brujah of the POOF interview I wanted to make sure and double sure we had clearance to post this information.  I didn't want to go through that again. I don't mind taking grief from the cabal (well I do mind - but I won't stop) but from people I actually support was difficult.

Kauilapele (KP) and I were threatened with some pretty heavy legal action if we didn't pull the video with the POOF interview, tout suit.  POOF didn't threaten me - I think he was just as flummoxed as I was, but there was a man out of Hong Kong that got kind of nasty with me.  I didn't sleep well that night. I called on God and AA Michael to secure the premises.  As sometimes happens with anyone in times of extreme pressure, I had images of some Hong Kong Triad ninja coming into my home at night. I mean if you read Fulford long enough you know he's had some pretty scary encounters.

I have had emails, like Ben from the P2 Illuminati Lodge myself, after I posted the banker resignations, they were threats against Japan and Japanese institutions.  I gave those to Ben to pass onto Japanese authorities. He told me it was the same style of threat he got prior the giant 3/11 quake in Japan.  Just a little background on some of the hair raising stuff I haven't talked about publicly in the past.

I wasn't really sure who I was dealing with or who Brian, KP and I just pissed off.  As usual, when I call on such protection I find myself just falling into a very peaceful sleep.  I've been behind the veil in my NDE, I know there's more happening on this planet than what we see with our limited spectrum of vision.

The troubling part for KP and myself, was that we were concerned we might have delayed the change in the economic system.  I know I was beating myself up emotionally about it all, wondering what else I could have done.  We had cleared the release with POOF so we were left scratching your heads as to what happened.  The best we could determine there were some lives at stake, and that appears to be true, briefly.  The emails will explain how everything unfolded in chronological order.

From: POOF
To: kauilapele
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: Well, here it is...

Hong Kong has told me to take this down now... if you don't there is Legal action on  your ass..sorry dude  P

On Nov 29, 2012, at 8:22 PM, Kauilapele wrote:

Done... And I've removed all links to the mp3s.

Damn!!! How come AK told me it was okay to post? Blast.

Okay, I'm not doing ANYTHING until I hear it from you.


Because POOF gave me permission to post it in two days!

Warm Regards,

American Kabuki

On Nov 29, 2012, at 9:04 PM, Kauilapele  wrote:
I know he said that. No idea what's going on.


To: Kauilapele 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 10:20 PM
Subject: Poof's Interview

Hello Kauilapele,

I am not compelled to correspond very often, but this is one of those times. Because of your email, as synchronicity would have it, I had the privilege of listening to Poof’s interview with Brian before it was pulled. I thought you might find this interesting, as there was an ah-ha moment in his interview. 

I do not remember my dreams very often, but when I do, they are extremely profound and intuitive. Two nights ago I dreamt of cockroaches falling on a white car. No where else were they falling, just on the white car. I was moved to google the meaning of cockroaches and find that they scurry from the light. The white of the car represents light and the structure of the car represents strength. The cockroaches fell to the power of the light. 

Poofs interview said the Bush’s were running scared and they are cockroaches! Synchronicity at it’s finest!

The time of change we have all been waiting for is about to happen. I live in Laguna Beach and attended Cobra’s conference this past weekend. I almost collapsed from the loving energies of bliss, which brought tears to my eyes, as I was taking notes on my ipad... and it was 11:11 ... after I composed myself, the same thing happened again... and it was 11:22 !!

Thank you for all your posts, as I find your summaries highly informative and to the point.

Peace & Love,
[name redacted]

From: misterjones
Date: Nov 30, 2012 12:24 AM
Subject: poof video

I replied on your blog, but I guess you're too chicken to post it, so I'll comment here. [I review comments once a day at best, and I sure as heck wasn't posting it after getting this. -AK]

Come on, man wake up, you really don't have any idea why it got pulled?  He didn't give you permission to post it specifically in two days, he said a couple days, obviously thinking everything would have happened and it would be okay for this kind of info to get out.  He didn't specifically say two days and you didn't have specific permission to post it when you did.  Did you check with him before posting it today?  No, you didn't because he didn't know the call [?] was out there.  How do I know that?  Because I'm the one that emailed him tonight and asked if he knew it was out there and he said "No, but Hong Kong was on it now".  And a few minutes later, it was pulled.  The dragons don't fuck around, man.  Use some common sense, this is not public information, is that so hard to grasp?  Never mind the fact it was recorded by Brian without Poof's permission.  It was a good interview, but now is not the time as he has been telling you for 6 weeks.  Give your ego a rest.  Now, do the right thing and instead of acting clueless, tell your readers the truth, that you didn't really have permission to post it and that it was actually a consultation recorded without Poof's knowing anyway.  Man up, your readers will respect you for it instead of this "I don't know what happened" crap.  Grow up, man, this is the kind of stuff that gives the truth movement a bad name.  Show some integrity.


From: American Kabuki  
To: Kauilapele 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:19 PM
Subject: Fwd: poof video

Got this nasty email tonite.  Havent seen the comment he wrote yet as I only moderate them once a day. What kind of secure operation sells info for 50 bucks a call?

On Nov 30, 2012 1:41 AM, Kauilapele  wrote:
It sounds like this person knows what they are talking about. Don't take it personally.

No matter what, I would not do anything more until hearing directly from Poof.

I contacted the Enerchi person who posted the MP3. They've commented on my posts before, so hopefully it will be removed.


On Nov 30, 2012 1:54 AM, Kauilapele wrote:

You've done your part, and I've done mine... we've taken everything down.

If you see anymore postings anywhere, let me know.


On Nov 30, 2012, at 2:02 AM, American Kabuki wrote:

I'll search google in the AM. Without the galactics and angels nothing would happen on this planet. 

Do you suppose the divine orchestrated this cockup to get someone off their butts before 12/12? No coincidences right?  Having trouble sleeping.  Some day I will laugh at this. right now im pretty upset.

[Doing a lot of praying at this stage. Decided to contact Cobra and asked him to send his Pleiadian buddies to Hong Kong and calm things down.  I saw one of their ships in Laguna Beach. What can I say?  I was getting very worried.  -AK]

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:23 AM, American Kabuki wrote:
I got the dragon family pissed at me for posting poof video after poof gave okay. Now poof is saying he didn't give permission.

On Nov 30, 2012 5:07 AM, "Cobra Resistance" wrote:

It is archon attack from the astral plane triggering the dragons. Help and protection is on its way. Next time when you post sensitive material please get the permission in writing.

I expect the situation to cool down in 1-2 days

[I don't know why, but even Cobra thinks I published this thing without permission, not helping my general state of mind at this moment.  -AK]

Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 2:00 PM
Subject: time for the mystery of Truth to BE known


Before things got to busy with the Disclosure protocols being implemented, I just wanted to give you my personal quiet gratitude and appreciation for directing my conscious focus on closing the Hong Kong/Chinese "shuffling" of the Agenda.  The release of the emails by American Kabuki, and Co. were the telling confirmation point of General Wong and Co.'s sub-Agenda to misuse the foreclosure that was done for their own advantage.  Again, I thank you for your energy and contribution...even if it may have been unconsciously made and given.  If and when you would like your intel real time, I would like to return the energy in kind. 

Some of the people of this planet will initially need to see those standing in Truth with absolute transparency, integrity, responsibility, and liability.  It is time.

Guarding, preserving, protecting and implementing the right of opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowledge from within...

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many. 
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Cc: "kauilapele" ; "americankabuki" ; Trustees ; Advisors ; "removingtheshackles"  
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:07 AM
Subject: (POOF) RE: time for the mystery of Truth to BE known

AK, KP, and "Poof" (cc to D, the Trustees and the Trust Advisors)

To all of you and each of you...I send my love, gratitude and appreciation.  In a few emails I send to you, I return some of the energy you so willingly share with others, including me.

Perhaps the attachments will shine some context on the "past" situation regarding Hong Kong's "order" and the "pulled" interview by the being known as "Poof".  Your energy on that matter served to protect the highest good of alll...whether you knew it doesn't matter, however, I return the energy by way of transparency...the major piece that made them nervous was the disclosure/admission of the timing the "money" China had printed and sent over to (former) US.  They used our presence, the foreclosure, and the inspection of gold holdings at BIS on October 22-24, 2012, to pressure the western half of the families (yes, they are all "related") to submit to unlawful and illegal deals to keep the Agenda alive by "shuffling the cards" to the purported Old Man's side of the family. 

It was actually General Wong...Wong Shui Lung, and other "interested parties" that were having "a moment" :)  General Wong is the former head of all Chinese Intel and when I met him last, he was number 3 in China, only under the Prime Minister...sitting under the Old Man's nephew... The attached Paradigm Report sheds a little more light on that "relationship" and maybe others. 

They tried sooooo hard to keep some control, but it IS as it has been since creation...with each of the people, equally.  So many people have been and are involved with creating a different present....amazing.  Like a majestic symphony where all the "musicians" are not even aware of the piece they play in it. 

A lot, not all of it, is at www.peoplestrust1776.org .  We are more focused about the action that is taken and not the presentation or distribution...hence the website has really been just an official notice and confirmation depot during the FORECLOSURE process for the principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former SLAVERY SYSTEMS to be able to go to to confirm what is done in the Commercial Registry under bond and our full personal responsibility. 

Otherwise, we have been silent for the most part...which I must admit is refreshing.  This is not about the Public Trust.  This is not about its Trustees....this is about the people, the earth, the universe, and creation...all taking responsibility with full liability for their present.  We stand there unconditionally so that others may choose to do so by their free will choice. 

All my love and gratitude for the energy you share.  You shall have it returned 10,000,000,000 x fold...at least.  I begin with this email and a few others :)

Happiest Holidays.

Guarding, preserving, protecting and implementing the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowing from within.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many. 
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.
From: Heather Tucci-Jarraf

On Dec 26, 2012, at 2:55 AM, Kauilapele wrote:

Thank you for this, Heather. Mahalo for your service to humanity.


www.letyourjoyshine.com (music website)

On Dec 26, 2012, at 10:07 AM, American Kabuki wrote:

That's an amazing Christmas gift you gave the world!

Just to double verify…does this mean we have authorization to publish the original video of POOF and any associated MP3s?  Plus the PDFs you have sent?

Also should we keep your personal emails to us private?

Warm Regards,

American Kabuki

From: Kauilapele 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:22 PM
To: American Kabuki
Cc: Heather Tucci-Jarraf; Poofness
Subject: Re: (POOF) RE: time for the mystery of Truth to BE known

That Q kept coming to my mind yesterday, well before I received Heather's emails.

When I listen to that mp3 interview, it somehow brings a restful feeling to my heart. I'm sure it would do that for others.

But only at the AA (Absolutely Appropriate) time.


On Dec 26, 2012, at 1:33 PM, Heather Tucci-Jarraf wrote:

In regards to the "Poof Interview" and related MP3's:  Those were between "Poof" and another, therefore, it can only be logically concluded that "Poof" must give the authorization.  If I remember correctly, there was an issue of recording the "interview" without disclosure of recording.  "Poof", whomever he may be, appears to have certain "obligations" or "pressures" from elsewhere.  Therefore, your question should be posed directly to "Poof".  However, we have duly secured everybody and everything so that any purported "legal action" is easily difused, which our team is more than capable of doing instantly.

In regards to anything I have sent you or anything posted on the Public Trust website, it belongs to the people done by the people...you are one of the people, each of you.  Therefore, yes, you jointly have full ownership (authorization) with all the people of the world to publish, post or distribute it all.  That includes email communications.  We work absolutely transparently, with full accountability and responsibility.



Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

Updated: I was missing some of the text in this email but I found the complete original -AK

From: American Kabuki
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 2:35 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: Re: (POOF) RE: time for the mystery of Truth to BE known

I am honored to receive your email this morning.  You cannot know the joy this brings me.  if there's anything I can do to help your organization get the word out please don't hesitate to ask.

The Poof interview was recorded by a young male named Brian Kelly.  He's a young man  with much enthusiasm and a good and kind heart.  Brian is a "sensitive" and has links to people formerly of the The Self Realization Fellowship in Encinitas.  He had paid POOF his consultation fee and got more information that he expected. He recorded it initially just so he could remember what was said.  When he approached me about publishing it, I had a discussion with Kauilapele and Stephen Cook, I think Stephen (who has broadcast experience) asked if we had permission from POOF to record. I honestly didn't know.  I approached POOF about publishing it and he said to wait.  After six weeks of sitting on the interview, he gave the okay.  Poof was given a copy of the recording for vetting, and we were always willing to edit out anything sensitive.  It is true it was recorded without his knowledge.  But had it been a consultation with someone like my wife with verbatim short hand skills, the effect would be much the same.  The media is immaterial, the information is what what we found amazing and so inspiring.

Its very hard to be awake, to know that something is very wrong in this world, and to know what it is, and yet to not know that anything is being done about it.  So many people have suffered abuse, violence and death exposing the Orion Bank Debt-Slave system. Exposing it is like facing a pack of hungry wolves.  But it has to be done.

I understand the constraints POOF is under and I believe him to be a good man with the highest intentions.   Somehow, someway, some wires got crossed or miscommunicated and as the English say "everything went pear-shaped".  Yet strangely enough, if I read your letter correctly, even this mistake worked out for the good, which is often the strange and unknowable  way the Divine One Source works.

Poof wants me to wait on the interview and I will do so.  Perhaps I can come to an agreement with him to edit the portions of concern.  Those few people who did manage to hear it when it was online, found it most inspiring and much needed fortification of hope and heart.

PS:  I was reading the PDF and came across the phrase "POINT ZERO".   What's really strange is I wrote a warning to the cabal a few days ago that "ZERO POINT" was almost here.  I was wondering why I wrote that choice of words  but it seemed important to do so.

Warm Regards,

American Kabuki

From: Bkelly bkelly5142
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 4:51 AM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Cc: American Kabuki; kauilapele; Trustees; Advisors
Subject: Re: (POOF) RE: time for the mystery of Truth to BE known

Dear Heather,

A few days ago, I pulled an Oracle card that had the following message for me...

"The Hawk Prince appears with good news: He flies into your life to alert you that a message is coming to help you manifest your destiny! Expect a phone call, letter, email, or conversation that lets you know the next step to take toward your greatest good, or to tell you that you've arrived at an important stage along your path....

"The Hawk Prince is also the Ally for Spirit communication, so pay attention when you think you hear something important pop out at you on the radio, on TV, or in overhearing the conversations of strangers. Spirit is constantly in dialogue with you. Are you listening? Stay open and expect Spirit to speak to you and show you the way to your prosperity in all aspects of your life."

A few hours ago, when I received your thoughtful and inspiring email, this prophecy became my reality. It appears that in the coming days, the last sentence, "Stay open and expect Spirit to speak to you and show you the way to your prosperity in all aspects of your life," will become the reality of every man, woman and child on the planet. Part and parcel due to the tireless work brought forth by you and your comrades.

Below you posed the question, "are you all willing to work out a plan of action if we have all the tools to implement, and the support to create any tools as they are required?" In the outside chance this question was not meant to be rhetorical in nature :) so to avoid any potential yet unlikely confusion to the contrary, let me loudly and clearly respond with a resounding YES!!! (With three exclamation points !!! For dramatic affect) :)

Through the series of recent unfolding events, coupled with the massive crash course I've just received by way of your email, I now see that opportunity unfolding before my eyes. I have always had faith there is a Divine Plan working itself out through each and every one of us...but today I am in absolute awe and astonishment on a whole new level, as I witness firsthand, the magic of the Universe and how perfect and intricate it is on an infinite number of cosmic levels, playing itself out right before my eyes. All I can say is WOW!

About two years ago, I was told by an energy healer/practitioner that I chose to incarnate at this time to help humanity make this shift...there was to be many lost, confused Souls who would need the support of my Light and Love to navigate their way through the challenges that would sprout from massive change and upheaval...

I still have a million questions, yet I have complete confidence my answers will come in time. But until then, I would like to formally and officially take this opportunity to pledge myself to this mission in service of the Light. As this all unfolds, If there is anywhere my skillet can be used, so long as it is in support of all my brothers and sisters of this beautiful world, consider me ready, willing and able to accept whatever mission that may be, no matter how big or small!

What an exciting time to be alive! Thank you so much again for your email and all that you have done to bring about this change. Mo words could possibly express the deep Love and Joy I feel in this present moment of NOW. Namaste.

Much Love, Light and Eternal Gratitude to You and Your Comrades,


Sent from my iPad

On Dec 27, 2012, at 5:03 AM, Heather Tucci-Jarraf wrote:

Thank you, Brian, for sharing your wonderful insight, experiences, and Truth.  Your generous energy is willingly fused with all creation and that is the key :)

I accept.  So we go forward to co-create...I will forward you the emails I have responded to for the last four hours or so just so that you can sense the "flavor" of what is manifesting in the collective conscious...that way we can all begin to have the same "database" so to speak in order to co-formulate and do-create consciously.

I am a mother of four very wonderful, energetic and young children, amongst other roles. :)  I am in awe and wonderment at what is transpiring, but I accept it with full conscious responsiblity and liability.  How do you all respond to the emails and inquiries that must experience?  After my time "acting" in the theater of "court" and banking, I have relished my quiet corner where we have worked...basically with the only audience being the former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former slaverly systems.  SO MUCH ENERGY IS MOVING IN A FRENZY.  I know it will settle out and stabilize, but, boy! is it powerful :)


without prejudice (by the way, this is a phrase that lawfully and legally keeps those former systems in their place of Truth)

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Kauilapele
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:54 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: Re: (POOF) RE: time for the mystery of Truth to BE known

BTW, Heather, who is the "Old Man" referred to in the top email? I'm presuming it means "Old Man" G HW Bush?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 5:13 AM, Heather Tucci-Jarraf wrote:
Sorry, almost missed this email.

No.  GHWB is known and referred to us by the name used by our contact in the Rothschilds..."the Texas Camp".  We like the name so we adopted it. :)  "The Old Man" is and refers to the True force in Asia, publicly seen last as an Emporer in China.  I had the opportunity to work on a matter back in '08 involving his daughter...refered to in Paradigm Report.  That is when I first met General Wong and had to deal with Patrick Wang, Sir John Bond, and other colorful characters...most of the same ones involved, directly and indirectly, with certain events disclosed in the Consultation with "Poof".

without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf


The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

On Dec 27, 2012, at 1:28 AM, Heather Tucci-Jarraf wrote:

Dear American Kabuki, and Brian (this email is much longer than I intended, but I know you will take whatever value resonates with you...I am currently overseas, while Caleb and Randall are on Oregon and Kuaui so that we could better be available and assist the process in motion for all the people on the planet... so that the people would know this is not just an "American" thing...this is a people of the planet thing...please do not expect that I will write such long emails all the time).

My email has blown up in the last 12 hours :)  Many questions from many people.  The Trustees are currently getting the temporary branches of the people's governments up and running, inclusive of the system of Treasury, in order to assist the people in their access and unencumbered use of their value. These temporary goverments ideally would be filled by the people for the people.... 

Therefore, I will be setting forth a choice to you and others on how we can all proceed together, all the people together.  When our intent is aligned with source, and we BE love in service to the highest good of all, then the only thing that is done IS love through our previously acquired and refined skills :).  After reviewing all the emails that are pouring in just in the last 12 hours, and asking myself, "what do I know?"....the answer is clear...the many operating, ACTING, in harmony as one.  Are you all willing to work out a plan of action if we have all the tools to implement, and the support to create any tools as they are required? 

In regards to your question regarding the "Poof Interview": 

1.  First, let me thank Brian for his email and the energy he set forth.  Yes, you did assist greatly in putting a little "general" in the place of truth, and many others. :)  This is one example of how humanity actually works unconsciously...when you are "inspired" to do something (for me, I get a "my molecular structure will explode if I don't do it" feeling), and you align yourself with source, then you actually create everything that IS on so many levels that you are unware of.  Now imagine doing that consciously!  You don't have to understand all the mechanisms, details, or "going-on's" that you create...you just BE consciously aware that you do create on so many levels and those levels then manifest in your conscious because you CHOSE to be conscious of them. 

2.  Know that prime, or point zero (yes, AK, zero point/point zero is another example of creating, consciously amd unconsciously by so many at the same moment...), [I made a blog post last week, that for unknown reasons I warned the cabal "ZERO POINT" was almost here... I didn't know why I used that phrase, but was I shocked to see the phrase "POINT ZERO" in the TOPPT documents, being dyslexic, even when inspired I got it backwards! LOL! -AK] is the safe-harbor of creation for the created...know the tools that are there, and master them.  

I know that you are not aware of my skill set, training, or experiences, but I will state my assessment based on the facts that you have provided me, under full personal responsibility and liability...

Brian accepted "Poof's" offer and paid for a consultation (work-for-hire service, a legal term you may be familar with in your experiences).  Therefore, the entire consultation and any method used to conduct the consultation are the property of Brian: A sworn declaration of what he heard from the ears affixed by creation on his head has the same affect as a recording, only the raw recording is actually a more accurate and complete way of preservation of what those ears heard; Still, it is his property, and the fact that "Poof" was actually given a copy or had the opportunity to review the recording, coupled with the email record to release said recording in a "few days", solves any possible issue about non-disclosure or notice of recording... notice was given, and all of your actions to take it down from public disclosure shows your intent not to harm or damage. 

Brian only needs to secure that consultation and any recording thereof on the Commercial Registry (UCC).  He would need to identify the parties (himself and "Poof" or Poof's real name or company he operates under) and state the offer of service (work-for-hire in the form of consultation), the acceptance of that offer by Brian, the method of payment (check/wire/transfer transaction #), the date of consultation, and the method of conducting service (recording, written, oral, etc) as Brian's property, with full title, ownership, and rights.  Brian would then send a copy of that off to "Poof", along with a digital copy of the raw consultation (since "interview" would not be the correct lawful and legal categorization of what went down by the facts that I have).  If you want to take this back to prime, zero point, then gift that property by UCC assignment to the people, all the people.  The people are not going to sue themselves... :) 

General Wong and Co., and all the other families and special interests do not step into that space of Truth that is REGISTERED in COMMERCE, they are fearful of that space of Truth...they know that if they do, all Truth and nothing but the Truth comes out of it and is REGISTERED in COMMERCE under common law remedy that the Public Trust secured...that is what they are fearful of, the Truth of their own actions, all their actions, being known and that they could and most likely would be held accountable for them. 

Which brings me to the content of the consultation with "Poof"...let me provide you with some more context by transparency: In summation, "they", inclusive of the ones "Poof" was talking about, were tyring to re-organize their foreclosed systems, the equivalent of a Chapter 7 re-organization, by issuing what appears to be public money backed by gold, silver, and other metals that were actually covertly owned and under private control of private corporations operating under the guise of "government" or otherwise, hence their feverish buying up of all the gold mines, gold bonds, etc. and the willing, yet illogical, sales of "gold", "silver" and "natural resources" over the last decades, especially the last year, "China", "Russia", "Soros", and other private corps, etc.  

That is the valuable insight Brian provided to me by the disclosure of the purported "money" and timing... I was already warned by an agent by the Old Man that a "solution" had been devised but one of his own agents in particular was disappointed that the "solution" was of the same inherent ilk as the problem... Brian just helped gather the specific information :).  Therefore, the Trustees created protocols similar to the Ecaudor matter in the Paradigm Report in order to feret out their true intent and who was acting in "self/special interest"...by securing the government of the people and REGISTERING it in COMMERCE...what we secured as the people's CVAC Government (CVAC= creation's value asset centers), with the possiblity of 195 branches, one for each of the former "NATIONS", with the sole purpose to serve the people, all the people equally...duly secured as the joint indefeasible title, ownership, and rights of the people, equally.  If they wanted to issue the "public money", then the people would be the full and joint owners of that "public money"...that is when their plans froze and "Poof" relayed the "order" to pull the "interview".  Thank you, Brian, for your energy...you truly served the highest good of all on that one.  

So, after making and giving notice of the CVAC Governments and OFFER TO BRANCH to the former "current leaders", and giving them the opportunity to do it and secure it in the highest good of all the people, I was notified by the Old Man's purported agent and my other mentor with the WH, that "they" were fearful or at the very least uncomfortable.  Therefore, like I do with my children, I "got in the water and splashed around" so that they would know it was safe and "know" how to do it:  The first branch of the CVAC Government, the united states of America, was duly contracted, with absolutely bonded underwriting, and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as the people's property, equally.  I sent over all of it to the principals, agents, and beneficiaries on December 24, 2012...WH announced on the 25th that Obama was cutting his Hawaii vacation short to work on the "fiscal cliff".  :)  

I am ABSOLUTELY open to another submitting their OATH AND BOND CONTRACT as Public Servant, President, of this CVAC BRANCH without judgment.  If they duly secure themselves to service to the people, then I will immediately step out of that position with a smile in my heart...I am of more service to the highest good of all as a Trustee guarding the overall framework and securing it to the people, to creation, and creating the protocols and methods of how to operate aligned with the policy of the people and source. 

I have worked on the Old Man matters in the past.  One of my mentors in banking, finance, intel matters, (Swiss) is/was a Director of Sino (China), and many other equivalents and intel agencies around the world...he was directly responsible for past "re-organizations", last one was 1997-1999, when all the banks, world-wide were organized and centralized under the central banks and brought under BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS. Another mentor is the quiet finance/trade agent for the "White House".  For the last 9 months or so, "They", all the factions and families of "They" "owning and operating" the former slavery systems, have been trying to adapt their liabiity and position by creating a "solution" that would give the appearance or allusion that things are getting better, enough to keep "their capital", the people, in their seats, but maintaing control of it all.... That was why the "west", "europe", etc., went to the "east" so much last year...trying to form this "solution".  Hence, the "Neil Keenan", "Indian Settlements" (1k per?), "Mitterand-Reagan", "St. Germaine Trust", "Law suits against the banks by "governments" (with sham settlements thereafter which constitute "a cost of doing business"), as well as many other adaptations tried, or at least announced, and failed to move... the people already own and have it all... we accepted none of their proposals that allowed them to keep control of or over the people, without the people's knowing, willing and intentional consent being made and given, individually... hence the DISCLOSURE requirement... let the people make an informed choice, and we noticed "them" of that directly and indirectly. "Mitterand-Reagan", for example, was done under unlawful and illegal agreement, in secret...only a few know the Truth about all the details... therefore it was taken back to prime, and is duly secured under foreclosure as the people's property, equally.  Shuffling the same game to the "east" was playing the same game with the appearance of a new "master/ref".  The only thing that was and is acceptable is that the value is returned to the people, equally. The people, equally, are that mysterious level that prevents "Keenan" from "accessing" and "disbursing" as Fulford put it.  The families, the interested parties, that have "assigned", "contracted", or otherwise "ventured" with "Keenan", have no value but their own 5B duly secured equally to all the people on the planet...however, their continued actions/in-actions damaging the people are assuredly dwindling that duly verified and secured value. :(

So, the content of that consultation, when put in the context of Truth, is what they fear... Search and you will know from within that "nations", "religions", "families", "east", "west", "middle east"...these are all FICTIONS serving the management and recording systems of those that have "ruled" and "owned" the people for millenium under all guises.  Did you come out of the womb with a nation's flag on your butt?  Did you come out of the womb with a Serial Number on your wrist?  Those came after, didn't they?  Very nice methods of recording and managing the good "human capital". 

The consultation is very valuable when considered in context of Truth.  It is very valuable indeed. 

Everyone has choices to make.  Standing in Truth is one of them...no matter how uncomfortable it may first seem, when aligned with source intent, it creates miracles!  When done by collective conscious it creates and manifests instantaneously...which is why "they" need you divided and in fear.  Know this, no one is perfect.  We all make mistakes.  DO NOT FEAR MAKING MISTAKES.  They can always be fixed.  It is when those mistakes are not fixed for whatever fear may reside, that the problems have arisen.  Therefore, the people shall make a choice of whether to accept the dead/foreclosed systems as their own, along with accepting the liabilities with them, inclusive of this contrived "fiscal cliff", or they accept what is already theirs, abundance, and use their temporary systems of CVAC Government, that they wholly own jointly and equally, and finalize their new systems of governance, if any, and choose where to invest their abundance so that it creates new value, exponentially and perpetually.  Under common law, you can choose to do anything you want.  You are liable for your choices and actions if and only when they damage another. 

There are 194 BRANCHES of the peoples temporary government to open and operate for the sole purpose of serving the people with full personal responsiblity and liability...the people can choose freedom of self in harmony with each other or voluntary servitude to a few (although I remind you, those few have been foreclosed upon so they would be in voluntary servitude to a DEBT that is actually owed to them...doesn't seem logical, but it is a possibility of choice nonetheless :)  ).  Source did not create you restricting you to a specific piece of land or requiring "authorization" to travel to and experience all of source's wonderful creations.

Thoughts create.  Words create.  Action creates.  When all three are aligned, the same, and consciously done in source intent, absolute Truth, whether by the individual or collective conscious, it creates miracles...well, this is the type of action I propose, with details to be formulated quickly together....pool all our talents together consciously in this majestic "symphony"... Are you willing?  Who is willing to transparently, knowingly and intentionally stand in Truth and consciously create responsibly?  I AM...Caleb IS...Randall IS...Who else? Many embedded within the former slavery systems have chosen to do so to unveil the Truth at great risk.   It is time to stand together for all to see and know...we the people, all the people are I AM and choose to be so consciously and responsibily.

Without judgment.  Unconditionally.  Always.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many. 
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

On Dec 26, 2012, at 1:47 PM, American Kabuki  wrote:
To: Brian 

LOL!!! You brought down a (corrupt?) Chinese General! Don't feel bad about this, apparently a bigger purpose was working its plan behind the scenes through everything we went through!  :)

PS: What really cracks me up, is you have those close friends who channel  St Germaine.

Warm Regards,

American Kabuki

From: American Kabuki 
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 12:24 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Cc: Brian Kelly
Subject: Quick Transport Solutions

All three trustees are listed on this trucking company.  How does the trucking company relate to how you all got involved in this?

Warm Regards,

American Kabuki

On Dec 28, 2012, at 12:35 PM, Heather Tucci-Jarraf  wrote:

During the intial part of the investigations, before I had ever heard about the Public Trust, Caleb, Randall, Miles and others...it was my job to learn, investigate, test, resolve and solve all problems and "holes" in the private money system.

Birth certificates, straw man, trusts, transmitting utilities, etc. all of it...

in answer to your question, that was us on the journey getting things to prime, zero point...the powers that were hoped that we would stop there and peddle that as the part of the "solution" which would have ultimately unknowingly brought people under the slavery systems' jurisdiction by unknowing consent or presented the opportunity for the people to accidently make mistakes putting them there....don't do it.

the solution is:  BE and make them prove you aren't...they can't, or they would've, they didn't so they can't...it truly frustrates the hell out of them... and really scares them that the people are being made aware of it and the tools the powers that be thought they had hidden so well and buried so deep

does that answer your question satisfactorily?

I know you and others have many questions, and I and the others will answer them...all...I am gonna need to pop a bottle open of good chianti to go down memory lane in style  :)  That seems so long ago...

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many. 
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Kauilapele
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:40 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Cc: Brian Kelly; Americani Kabuki
Subject: Re: Quick Transport Solutions

This is certainly a fine wonderful mess you all have got us in!! The second disclosure document was an excellent addition to the first ones. I'm just kind of sitting back in awe and joy with what is happening before our eyes.

Mahalo nui loa (Thank you very much)... to all of you...


On Dec 28, 2012, at 11:12 PM, Bkelly wrote:

In an instant every single one of Sheldan Nidle's messages have just exploded into my consciousness like a time bomb set to go off in this precise moment of NOW.

If we're talking about total and complete transparency here, then it would behoove me to admit the next sequence of questions coming to the surface pertain to another kind of Disclosure (you know, the one with a capital D)...:)

Sheldan Nidle said this on Dec 25:

Dratzo! We return! During this holiday season we are preparing a series of final surprises for the dark which will mark the end of our waiting-period. Then our sacred allies’ many programs for manifesting your new reality can begin. Much has transpired over the past few months that can finally permit us to start the final moves toward new governance and a formal disclosure announcement. Here it is important to note that disclosure will allow us to address you directly for the very first time. Once we can speak directly with you, we intent to deal with various vital subjects right from the outset. Your world has been run for millennia by a group of ultra-wealthy and very powerful men and women whose sole concern was for themselves alone. It is now time for your interests to be fully represented and this we intend to secure! Your present economic and societal predicaments need to be looked after properly by those who are about to take the helms of your new governments and new financial institutions. You also must be informed about what has been happening over the last decade to prevent all this from manifesting as was originally planned.

So many parallels to what we've explored over the last few days...the word coincidence should officially be removed from the English dictionary. Someone needs to send an email off to that Webster character ASAP :)

Steven Spielberg couldn't come close to creating something THIS juicy! Ok, I admit it, I'm having way too much fun! :)

Sent from my iPad

On Dec 28, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Heather Tucci-Jarraf wrote [to Brian]:

Hhhhhmmmmm.  You are definitely consciously BE'ing aware of EVERYTHING AROUND YOU now, aren't you?  lol.  Perhaps, if you go back and read his messages from October, November, and December, you will see a thread through out manifesting the visibility of what IS and always has been...specifically about "legal" in regards to the "Cabal", "New Government" and the "financial" :)

One message in particular, disclosed an impatience at the "timing" and that the GF may take matters into their own hands because events were not happening in the "time frame" they were announcing in their messages here on the planet...and further announced, despite mandate by Council with Heaven, they may make a choice to take their own action to move things at a faster pace, but only after careful consideration of the consequences....

I invite you to go within and "see" or at least imagine a "Council meeting" of another kind happening shortly after that message:)  At this Council meeting an energy stood, in alignment with source, and stated, with absolute love for EVERY BE'ing there (many of whom you may "see" as manifested also in globally recognizable state of body at this moment of present), that fear of what any other in existence may think of any BE'ing involved in the events of the moments of present manifesting was irrelevant... that there was no place for ego or fear.  This energy further stated that no interference with any manifestation of self experiencing self was permitted... and a request for those BE'ings worried about what others thought of them was set forth for them to make a choice by their free will, with caution to also know the consequences they would knowingly, willingly, and intentionally be choosing therefrom, as follows:

look within and KNOW the Truth of what IS...that every manifestation of the creator, BE'ing creator equally on this planet, has the same term/goal of Truth by Universal Contract... and the energy setting forth this choice duly bonds the Truth of that term of unified goal and the Truth that each manifestation is the same source, creator, capable of completing that term/goal without limit.  The choice set forth and requested to be made is whether the other BE'ings would violate, invade, usurp, abrogate, subordinate, or subjugate those other manifestations of creator as less valuable and less capable then the creator manifested as them by taking action to interfere with those Universal Contracts in order to support "their timelines presented to the public" so that people may deem them "credible".

Now the crux of the matter is visible above, isn't it?  Do you "see?"  These many moments of present manifesting so majestically are not in regards to just the freedom of the people on this planet and their "ascension from unconscious duality", but the freedom of all of the creator's universe and all the manifestations of creator existing therein.

What is really fun, Brian, is going back through movies, books, messages, personal events, the beings that have come into your consciousness....well, ANYTHING really, and seeing the Truth of what IS has always been right there existing at all moments of present, but to "eyes wide shut" for the most part.  Perhaps you shall "see" that sooooo much assistance, locally and non-locally, to open all of our eyes (hearts) has been feverishly working non-stop, and maybe sometimes, much to their frustration.

Freedom to all in any and all existence of creation's universe

without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Kauilapele
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:41 AM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Cc: Americani Kabuki; Brian Kelly
Subject: Just posted that first email you sent...


As this is now all about transparency, I felt it was time to let this one out. It explains a lot about what you all are about, and about what WE all are about.

If there are any problems with this, please let me know. 

On Dec 29, 2012, at 12:46 AM, Heather Tucci-Jarraf  wrote:

Reading now.  Kauilapele, please, anything we do is transparent and belongs to the people, the universe, creation.  You have full authorization, although not necessary.  We stand within and behind the statements of transparency, most specifically and clearly stated in our second announcement... :)

Listen within...you already know all the answers...the Truth.

If ANY one ever attempts to exert "pressure", "threats", or other...let me know ASAP so that we may assist you.  However, I know that you will find the Truth that you shall be left alone when you stand in Truth consciously.

At your service...


without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

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