
Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Dec 27 (3 days ago)

to Brian, American, kauilapele, Trustees, Advisors

Thank you, Brian, for sharing your wonderful insight, experiences, and Truth.  Your generous energy is willingly fused with all creation and that is the key :)

I accept.  So we go forward to co-create...I will forward you the emails I have responded to for the last four hours or so just so that you can sense the "flavor" of what is manifesting in the collective conscious...that way we can all begin to have the same "database" so to speak in order to co-formulate and do-create consciously.

I am a mother of four very wonderful, energetic and young children, amongst other roles. :)  I am in awe and wonderment at what is transpiring, but I accept it with full conscious responsiblity and liability.  How do you all respond to the emails and inquiries that must experience?  After my time "acting" in the theater of "court" and banking, I have relished my quiet corner where we have worked...basically with the only audience being the former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former slaverly systems.  SO MUCH ENERGY IS MOVING IN A FRENZY.  I know it will settle out and stabilize, but, boy! is it powerful :)


without prejudice (by the way, this is a phrase that lawfully and legally keeps those former systems in their place of Truth)

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

Brian Kelly
Dec 28 (2 days ago)
to Heather

Hi Heather,

I realize this message will transmit while you are deep in what is I'm sure is a much needed, and definitely deserved slumber. I didn't cc anyone into this thread simply out of concern that others might feel I'm steering a very powerful and productive dialogue into an off course direction. :)
I'm curious if you are one of the so-called Earth Ally's many of the channelers and Cobra (from Portal 2012) commonly refer to? Any affiliation with our brothers and sisters from the stars? ;-) just curious....

Cosmic Blessings,
Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Dec 28 (2 days ago)

to Kau'ila, me, Americani, Trustees, Advisors

You are all so wonderful!  It is only going to get more outrageously fun from here!!!!

Brian, in regards to your question in another email regarding allies...when inspired or otherwise moved to ask a question...please have no caution, no fear, no worries...there is a reason a question wells up inside or is inspired inside any of us...be love and ask it in love as you have.  Then set your intent to BE consciously aware of EVERYTHING AROUND YOU.  You can ask yourself, "what do I know?"...that's what I do.  Do it all the time, actually, like breathing.  Let me give you an example, shall I?  Brian asked if I was connected to the allies channeled and mentioned by Cobra....all Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth is rolling out now, and I must admit, I am having the best time and "floating" (when I am grounded :) ).  AK posts on the blog the article about the gold being taken out of the castles and such (http://www.americankabuki.blogspot.com/2012/12/this-actually-happened.html )....now let me return the energy in kind by way of further transparency of connecting, or rather, making visible the interdependency and oneness of just a few dots more:

This particular message was between myself and Jonathan D. Betts.  We have a very quirky and fun working relationship...anyways, back to the gold...

 [12/9/2012 2:12:19 PM] Jarrafusa: When they go to see the gold they stole and hoarded in their "space", their chesire grins shall fade in a twinkling of an eye...for what they will find instead is the equivalent of one gold-wrapped tungston bar for each of them with a love note from me...and they shall know the truth...that they are loved. (heart)
[12/11/2012 7:50:22 AM] Jonathan Betts: Such thoughtful poetry.
[12/11/2012 8:09:13 AM] Jarrafusa: ;)
[12/11/2012 8:09:32 AM] Jarrafusa: Poetry to some...the truth for others (chuckle)
[12/11/2012 8:10:11 AM] Jonathan Betts: So what is our next step?
[12/11/2012 8:10:45 AM] Jonathan Betts: And yes poetry is in air quotes
[12/11/2012 8:10:47 AM] Jarrafusa: the united states of America is almost ready to go...I will have specific proposal
[12/11/2012 8:11:07 AM] Jarrafusa: sent to you
[12/11/2012 8:11:19 AM] Jarrafusa: is that like an "air guitar"?
[12/11/2012 8:11:23 AM] Jarrafusa: (chuckle)
[12/11/2012 8:11:42 AM] Jonathan Betts: yep

That was the "lyric" that came to me while consciously listening to this majestic symphony we are a part of.  :)  (Gold-wrapped tungston bar...lol).  I sent that off via skype to all the former principals, agents and beneficiaries of the former slavery system that day.  Then I saw myself and a bunch of others appearing in their caches (local and non-local) and instantly making the gold disappear safely transported to a storage for final release, so I wrote that love note, put it under my pillow, set the intent that a copy be left at each former cache, and went to sleep.  My husband was shaking his head, smirking, and begging the whole time to be "read in" to whatever I was doing....because I was having such an excellent time with my self :)  (I will scan the love note in when I find it in our moving box)

How long after was it when they announced and reported that the "Queen of England" unexpectedly inspected the gold holdings?  Lol.

You lovely bunch of beings are sooooo spot on, receiving data like crazy, and it is going to increase with every moment of the present...it will come from (what is for now perceived as) near, far, friend, foe, stranger, or not so stranger :)...data, Truth, is presented in just the right formula, pitch, tone, key for that beautiful and majestic symphony that creation is conducting....BE a conscious participant, just BE.

Have fun. Going back to sleep for an hour or so to enjoy what you all just manifested as visible...love you all!

Brian, if I didn't answer your question sufficiently for you...I'll be back to do so. :)


without prejudice

 Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

Dec 28 (2 days ago)

to Heather, Kau'ila, Americani, Trustees, Advisors

Reading this email brought tears to my eyes and made me laugh simultaneously :) This rabbit hole is getting so deep, it's hard to keep up with it all!

I'm so grateful for you Heather...I'd say you answered my question pretty darn well :-)
Dec 28 (2 days ago)

to Heather, Kau'ila, Americani, Trustees, Advisors

In an instant every single one of Sheldan Nidle's messages have just exploded into my consciousness like a time bomb set to go off in this precise moment of NOW.

If we're talking about total and complete transparency here, then it would behoove me to admit the next sequence of questions coming to the surface pertain to another kind of Disclosure (you know, the one with a capital D)...:)

Sheldan Nidle said this on Dec 25:

Dratzo! We return! During this holiday season we are preparing a series of final surprises for the dark which will mark the end of our waiting-period. Then our sacred allies’ many programs for manifesting your new reality can begin. Much has transpired over the past few months that can finally permit us to start the final moves toward new governance and a formal disclosure announcement. Here it is important to note that disclosure will allow us to address you directly for the very first time. Once we can speak directly with you, we intent to deal with various vital subjects right from the outset. Your world has been run for millennia by a group of ultra-wealthy and very powerful men and women whose sole concern was for themselves alone. It is now time for your interests to be fully represented and this we intend to secure! Your present economic and societal predicaments need to be looked after properly by those who are about to take the helms of your new governments and new financial institutions. You also must be informed about what has been happening over the last decade to prevent all this from manifesting as was originally planned.

So many parallels to what we've explored over the last few days...the word coincidence should officially be removed from the English dictionary. Someone needs to send an email off to that Webster character ASAP :)

Steven Spielberg couldn't come close to creating something THIS juicy! Ok, I admit it, I'm having way too much fun! :)

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Dec 28 (2 days ago)

to me, Kau'ila, Americani, Trustees, Advisors

Hhhhhmmmmm.  You are definitely consciously BE'ing aware of EVERYTHING AROUND YOU now, aren't you?  lol.  Perhaps, if you go back and read his messages from October, November, and December, you will see a thread through out manifesting the visibility of what IS and always has been...specifically about "legal" in regards to the "Cabal", "New Government" and the "financial" :)

One message in particular, disclosed an impatience at the "timing" and that the GF may take matters into their own hands because events were not happening in the "time frame" they were announcing in their messages here on the planet...and further announced, despite mandate by Council with Heaven, they may make a choice to take their own action to move things at a faster pace, but only after careful consideration of the consequences....

I invite you to go within and "see" or at least imagine a "Council meeting" of another kind happening shortly after that message:)  At this Council meeting an energy stood, in alignment with source, and stated, with absolute love for EVERY BE'ing there (many of whom you may "see" as manifested also in globally recognizable state of body at this moment of present), that fear of what any other in existence may think of any BE'ing involved in the events of the moments of present manifesting was irrelevant...that there was no place for ego or fear.  This energy further stated that no interference with any manifestation of self experiencing self was permitted...and a request for those BE'ings worried about what others thought of them was set forth for them to make a choice by their free will, with caution to also know the consequences they would knowingly, willingly, and intentionally be choosing therefrom, as follows:

look within and KNOW the Truth of what IS...that every manifestation of the creator, BE'ing creator equally on this planet, has the same term/goal of Truth by Universal Contract...and the energy setting forth this choice duly bonds the Truth of that term of unified goal and the Truth that each manifestation is the same source, creator, capable of completing that term/goal without limit.  The choice set forth and requested to be made is whether the other BE'ings would violate, invade, usurp, abrogate, subordinate, or subjugate those other manifestations of creator as less valuable and less capable then the creator manifested as them by taking action to interfere with those Universal Contracts in order to support "their timelines presented to the public" so that people may deem them "credible".

Now the crux of the matter is visible above, isn't it?  Do you "see?"  These many moments of present manifesting so majestically are not in regards to just the freedom of the people on this planet and their "ascension from unconscious duality", but the freedom of all of the creator's universe and all the manifestations of creator existing therein.

What is really fun, Brian, is going back through movies, books, messages, personal events, the beings that have come into your consciousness....well, ANYTHING really, and seeing the Truth of what IS has always been right there existing at all moments of present, but to "eyes wide shut" for the most part.  Perhaps you shall "see" that sooooo much assistance, locally and non-locally, to open all of our eyes (hearts) has been feverishly working non-stop, and maybe sometimes, much to their frustration.

Freedom to all in any and all existence of creation's universe

without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

Brian Kelly
Dec 29 (1 day ago)

to Heather, Kau'ila, Americani, Trustees, Advisors

Oh boy, what a good solid rest does for the mind body and soul!

Ok, I feel almost an inner obligation to ask this follow up question to your previous email, now that I've had a chance to sleep on it. :)

Lets start with this and see where it goes...

I've been following Sheldan Nidle's work for nearly 2 years, know a man who used to be his room mate, and have read his book, You are Becoming a Galactic Human, so I'd say I'm pretty familiar with his work and connection to the Sirians. Sheldan forecasts that we will all be going into inner Earth to be induced into Full Consciousness via light chambers in Agartha...any truth to all that?

After our discussion las night, with a newly profound emphasis on Truth and Transparency, I get the sense there is no intention to hold anything back anymore, we (our group and the rest of the people) need to simply ask the right questions...I also believe the timing of said questions is also important, so as not to overwhelm the average reader before their consciousness is ready to receive the Truth.

Now, this might be the case for "the average reader," but I know I speak for AK, KP and I when I say, "we are so definitely ready to receive anything and everything you could possibly throw at us! (just don't throw too hard) lol ;)

Selamat ja!!

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Dec 29 (1 day ago)

to me, Kau'ila, Americani, Trustees, Advisors

Brian--in light of all the transparency, Truth, energy..."seeing" all the effects that this is having in the totality of creation's universe simultaneously manifesting in the "now" by collective conscious...not just the collective consciousness on this planet, but by the collective consciousness of the whole of creation's universe....I am speechless at this moment of present.  :)

 Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

Claudia Lyons
Dec 29 (1 day ago)

to Heather, Pami, me, Trustees, Advisors, americankabuki, kauilapele

I now believe that you are the first to be publicly revealed of the high vibration beings that the Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactics have been speaking about. I will continue to stay in present and trust Source for guidance and next steps. Archangel Gabrielle has shown us that she is with you.I have spent my whole life preparing for this time,sometimes unconsciously, but in consciousness for some time now. I am filled and expanded and honored to be in this now!
Namaste to all of you,Claudia

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Dec 28 (2 days ago)

to Trustees, Advisors, americankabuki, kauilapele, Claudia, Pami, me


Thank you so much for your email.  We are currently formulating many things to honor the energy and the willingness of all the people who want to help!  I have no words for what everyone's contact has created in me...but I am definitely in want of nothing knowing that everything experienced was well worth it!

Please stand by as we prepare to release a second announcement that may help us all know how to come together harmoniously to consciously and responsibly co-create our "now" in unity.

Thank  you  soooooooooo much for your email.  I just wish that I could personally respond to all of the emails and calls personally :)


Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf





The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.

The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.


From: Kathy Kelley
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:52 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: A note of thanks and gratitude

It has just been brought to my attention that you have been, and are the champion of We the PEOPLE of the United States and Planet Earth. I do not know where to begin or how to express the depth of my gratitude for what you have done to free us from slavery under The United States of America Corporation Inc. I am GOBSMACKED, Pole axed and in tears. Heather, Thank You!

From: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 3:23 AM
To: Kathy Kelley
Cc: Trustees; Advisors; americankabuki , kauilapele
Subject: RE: A note of thanks and gratitude


Thank you so much for your energy and generousity.  The Truth IS that the people, everyone of them, individually and collectively ARE the champions of Source, the creator, and responsible for the value the creator "deposited" in each of them equally.  Caleb, Randall, I and others just accepted the role of guard to make sure everyone has the opportunity to know that Truth.  The complete implementation of practical application of that Truth, that freedom from former slavery, is the responsibilty of each and everyone of us.  Caleb IS one of the people. Randall IS one of the people. American Kabuki IS one of the people.  Dr. Duell IS one of the people.  You ARE one of the people. I AM one of the people.  Collectively or individually, we all possess the power and opportunity of responsibility to exercise that power to create and co-create the present as we choose. :)


Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Donald R Beurbe
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 3:51 AM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: ucc filings

Hello dear,

Are those ucc docs actually filed, if you don’t mind me asking?

And if so, may I refer to them in my battle with the irs?

I’ve never seen them before, but after reading them I know what their significance means., but HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU GET THE US MARSHALLS TO ENFORCE IT UPON THE CROOKS?

Thank you,


Don Berube

From: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 3:58 AM
To: Donald R Beurbe
Cc: americankabuki; kauilapele; Trustees; Advisors
Subject: RE: ucc filings

Dear Don

Thank you for your energy.  Truly.  There is a general process to deal with any private organization, inclusive of the purported IRS.  The Trustees and Advisors have personally mined, tested, and refined these processess by testing them in their individual matters, as have many other of the people choosing to stand in Truth.

We are releasing that information now.  Please stand by. :)

without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Paulo de Souza Lima
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 3:35 AM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: Contact and information


I've read the information available at www.peplestrust.org. Most of information on this issue I could find, come from USA and Holland. I am trying to find out how to proceed with such declaration in Brazil, but I am not finding how to do it.

I've talked to some attorneys/lawyers, but none seems to know anything about that, or they're not interrested in break the system down. So, it seems I am stucked.

Can you help me? Or point where I should start with?

Thank you very much.

From: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 4:04 AM
To: Paulo de Souza Lima
Cc: Trustees; Advisors; americankabuki; kauilapele
Subject: RE: Contact and information

Dear Paulo

It matters not where any state of body, the people, chooses to domicil self on the planet, the Truth IS you are created by the creator and responsible for the value "deposited" in you by the creator.  The former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the slavery systems know this, and they are not likely to be willing to assist you in asserting and using that Truth.  Others within that system are designed by those very principals, agents, and beneficiaries to be incompetent of that Truth and are most likely not able to assist the people, regardless of where they domicil their body on this planet...especially BAR attorneys and bankers.

Please stand by as we release examples of process that you may find valuable to your individual matters.


without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.
From: b.nijboer02
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 4:06 AM
To: Randall Hillner
Cc: Heather Tucci-Jarraf; Caleb Skinner
Subject: Some questions regarding your websitE

Hello Randall and others,

I saw your website on the internet, the peoplestrust1776.org.
Love this good initiative.

I read it, but I do not fully understand it, as I do not fully understand all the legal stuff on it and all it means for the people.
Is this an attempt to reclaim the money from the Debtors, as you call them, I call them Cabal by the Way, or is this a big trust fund with the so called funds of St. Germain in it?
I cannot fully see what you website "reaches" for...or wants to reach "towards"...what is the purpose?...in simple terms.

I have some simple questions, so please answer in simple terms what your website and all in it means for the people on this planet. And for each soul individually.
As I am aware of the term "St. Germaine's trust fund" and have heard of the term "the peoples trust fund" before, is this One and the same? Or a start for One?

So, here are my questions:

- What are the implications of your Trust fund, for a soul, individually?
- And when will "the people" be able to feel, in 3D and "in their hands" the profits of your Trust fund?
- Or is this a decree to claim the money back from the Debtors, could you please explain this for me...and for All ?

Please answer them as simple and plain as possible for me.

Thank you, God bless you,

Your friend,
With Love and Light,

From: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 4:39 AM
To: b.nijboer02; Randall Hillner
Cc: Caleb Skinner; americankabuki; kauilapele; Advisors
Subject: RE: Some questions regarding your website

I would refer to you by name, but you did not identify yourself.  When the solution involves taking responsibility under full liability, one should at least provide a name, no? :)  I have knowingly, willingly, and intentionally responded to the questions posed due to the fact that some are similar to those posed by others.

Simply, the answers to your questions are in the order you posed them:
1.  The Public Trust's sole purpose is to guard, preserve, protect and implement the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowlege from within...means that each individual must make the choice between standing in Truth with their full responsibility under their full liaiblity; The Public Trust and all the branches thereunder were previously abandoned by design over many, many, many moments of present; Some of the people took the responsibility over many more moments of present to stand in Truth, hence the Public Trust was reclaimed and re-established as operating; The Public Trust  is not St. Germaine's Trust, however, by FORECLOSURE, the St. Germaine's Trust, all value therein, as well as other mechanisms and legal fictions the former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former slavery systems instituted and constituted to steal the value of the people and earth, were set back to prime, back to zero point....to all the people equally on the planet, and to earth....creator's creations.

2.  The Public Trust, through the actions of the Trustees and Advisors of record, have feretted out the processes of perpetuity (standing, authority, and remedy) lawfully required to be preserved by the former principals, agents, and beneficaries of the former private slavery systems...we tested and refined the tools for practical application of those tools in any one of the people's individual matters...and those tools are duly secured as the joint property of all the people equally, the Commercial Registry otherwise known as the UCC is the main tool which the former powers that be understand and have used to enslave, manage, and commandeer the people's value and that of "deposited" on earth by creation.  It is up to each and every one of the people to choose when they "feel", in "3D" or otherwise, their own value which you referred to as "profits"...the Public Trust is not responsible for operating, managing, or using the value...we are responsible for guarding, preserving, and protecting it, the people, and their lawful and legal systems the people knowingly, willingly, and intentionally form for their access and use of that value...until then the Public Trust has duly secured what always has been...the people's government, completely jointly owned equally by all the people on the planet, in all the locations on the planet.

3.  The DECLARATION OF FACTS, UILO UCC Doc. No.'s 2012127810, 2012127854, 2012127907, 2012127914, and 2012128324 are the lawful and legal underwriting (in every sense of the word, inclusive of banking and legal terms) of the people, their standing, authority, value, rights, and principle of law aligned with common law...start with those. The gold and silver is duly secured by COMMERCIAL BILL, a lawful, legal and valid instrument in law and banking.  The True Bill that has also been done and is posted at the website is a lawful and legal indictment, that can and will be used in the pending systems of accountability for those who damaged and continue to damage the people.  Examples of how those are practically applied in one's own individual matters are being prepared for release now...please stand by. :)

Next time, if there is one, please provide me the mutual courtesy of fully identifying yourself, or at least your full name, otherwise I will use my time to respond to those who do provide me that mutual courtesy.  If we can't stand transparently, with full personal responsibility and liability then how can we ask others to?


without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Cindy Currier
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 6:05 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: Announcement from One Peoples' Public Trust

Hello Ms. Heather,

I found a document on Scribd.com announcing the official disclosure of "Point Zero." See link:


Your email was listed on the document. I have only one question: is this official and for real? I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but I've been waiting for something like this, but thought it would come through a man named Neil Keenan.

I have been waiting for years to see the financial tyranny perpetrated by the evil cabal to come to an end. Your document indicates that victory has been won. Please let me know if it is for real and when it will be implemented.

Thank you so much.

Cindy Currier

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Dec 27 (3 days ago)

to americankabuki, kauilapele, me, Trustees, Advisors, cindycurrier

TO: KP, AK, and Brian


I believe the email I sent you with further transparency into the consultation, inclusive of the emails I have responded to already and copied you on, may assist those who are asking similar questions and making similar reference such as the email below.  I so want to return the energy in kind without missing anyone or having anyone felt "missed".  Yet there is much action that I and the others are doing to assist the people to assist themselves and each other.  We are you, you are us, we are the people.  If you are inspired, I request help...that we co-create a way for all to have access to the emails or conversations yet providing the opportunity for energy to continue to create the tools and examples for pratical application of the tools by each and every one of the people.  Meanwhile, Cindy, thank you for your energy and know that I am working to answer your specific questions, which are the same questions of others. :) Preferably, that would be by release of some recent emails to avoid repetition. I specifically put the "Keenan" matter in context by transparency in one of those emails.

In regards to your question whether this is "official" or "real", yes, the document at the link posted by American Kabuki is official...yes, the facts are real...you can always verify whether something issued is officially issued by checking what is posted at www.peoplestrust1776.org . All the underwriting of your value and all the value of the people  (in every sense of the word, inclusive of banking/legal terms) is posted there.  Specifically, see the DECLARATION OF FACTS, UILO UCC Doc. No.'s 2012127810, 2012127854, 2012127907, 2012127914, and 2012128324.  Examples of how to incorporate that underwriting in one's individual matters are being prepared now for review, consideration, and use as the people see fit.  Everything is being implemented now, by the people for all the highest good of all the people.

I thank American Kabuki for making the energy flow. :)


without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Bkelly
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 10:50 AM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Cc: Obi-Wan Kabuki
One more question:

During my consultation with Poof he told me the announcements have already been written and we're simply waiting on the moment they will be made, publicly and at a mass level. He also said it would most likely be Obama to make them. Can you either confirm or deny the validity to this claim?
Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Dec 28 (2 days ago)
to me, Obi-Wan, Trustees, Advisors, kauilapele
Brian, this one, too, is added to the list.  I will rest up for a few hours as it is nearly seven pm here, we are at dinner and my children have "graciously" (not) been so cooperative today while I worked today.  I am completely in tune with the energy of "priority", so to speak, that appears to be building every moment now...and with every question you are delivering :)
The question below is particulary interesting, and you already actually have the answer in previous emails to this one when considered in context with the transparency of that Poof matter that has been addressed.  However, let's do an experiment, shall we?
I have the absolute pleasure of working with a man that actually knows what is happening right now in that oval office, or where ever they may be convening.
 I know about the Universal Contracts (some of the former powers that be do too)  Even the Universal Contract of this particular being.  Let's consciously focus our energy and ask, "what do we know?".  The Truth of what IS this being will magnificently manifest itself in his "next" choice that he knowingly, willingly, and intentionally makes...(no I am not referring to the contrived "fiscal cliff", however, that "issue" is a part of the whole now isn't it?)
[NOTE TO JB, KL, O, AND THE BOYS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE POND:  time to stand, and to stand in transparency, because transparency is about to shine on you anyways.  Thank you in advance. H]
Brian, working on your questions after a little rest up.  Thank you for helping to bring this forth at what you call "the street level" :)
without prejudice
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.
From: Bkelly
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 11:37 AM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Cc: Obi-Wan Kabuki; Trustees; Advisors; kauilapele@gmail.com
Love this, Heather! Your energy permeates through your writing, I so greatly appreciate it.
With every email, comes more questions :)
Could you please elaborate on the term, "Universal Contracts?" I think I know what you're referring to, but I'm trying really hard to avoid any and all assumptions.
universal contracts: those agreements/contracts between creator and bondservants resulting in the manifestation of state of body to experience self however agreed/contracted...creator + one's soul/spirt = the person and all that person experiences
Also, would be helpful if we knew who, "JB, KL, O and the BOYS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE POND" is referring to?
JB=Jonathan D. Betts (atlantica capital, aka man who knows what is happening in oval office, unofficial mentor and official friend of mine, serving the highest good in the only way he knows how)
KL=Karl Langenstein (my gosh, where do I begin...swiss mentor; one of the former Swiss "elite" that went to school/works with Rothschilds, Cartier, SAAB family owner, and any of the other former "elite" you can think of, Prince of Brunai, Marcos (now his oldest son), Old Man (Asia), Texas Camp, UN, any and all intel agencies...the "go to boy" for all financial issues; Responsible for "resetting" all security and protocols for all sensative global accounts...last time in 1997-99; Smuggled out of Switzerland and quarantined in Panama with the help of MI6 due to the Diamond For Arms [they made a movie about it] perpetrated by the dirty part of the CIA/various intel agencies, Texas Camp, and a Swiss attorney named Rudolph Meroni who is now hiding in Latvia and causing problems there; A man with a truly big heart, smart as a fox and completely serving the highest good of all in the only way he knows how)
O=the man currently known as "Obama"
SORRY, Brian, but as everyone already knows, all communications are monitored and have unintended audiences "attending".  Just wanted the to know it is time...we are here to protect ANYONE and ALL who stand in Truth, because under Universal Contract, we are all working for the same goal of Truth anyways...time to disclose the Truth completely. :)
Did I answer all the questions...at least in this email...lol.

Here are my questions in simple list format:

1.       We have spoken before about disclosure protocols. What has been the plan unfolding behind the scenes, to let the world know of everything that has been transpiring? What I understand of all the below (which I do agree with Claudia, when she says that much of the legalese is a bit confusing to follow for the average guy/gal on the street), sounds great. However, this information, even after it goes viral, doesn’t seem to have the potential to penetrate the critical mass….? There are many in this country, and throughout the rest of the world, who unless they receive their info from the MSM, they will see it as BS or conspiracy theory. I know our group has trust and faith in what has been released thus far, but there are already many on the net trying to rip it apart as disinfo. There has to be a plan in place to get this out to the masses, right? Too much work has been done, for too long, by too many people to not have such a plan in place, I have to assume. This is by and large the biggest, most  crucial question, in my opinion.

  2.       Can you please give a deeper explanation by what you mean by “tools,” in your 1st item below? I also need some clarity on number 3. Fact of the matter is, the majority of the people of this country and beyond, are completely oblivious to the lies and corruption they have been fed their entire lives from the old world power elite. Therefore, this is going to be a huge horse sized pill for them to swallow. What are the processes that have been put in place to assist with this process? I’m sure there has to be many. Can you elaborate and expand here?

3.       In your first announcement, you wrote this “That the speed and delivery of any and all announcements from any and all sources in existence, depends on the people and their willingness to be open to receiving information and their exercise of responsibility to know the Truth from within and act with full personal responsibility and liability...that is the key or the “trigger” that determines the “timing” of announcements universally, globally and locally; Clarifying the action in simple plain English...that we and others were able to take, make and effect action in three capacities that when fused together in action, is what enabled what IS to manifest...the capacity as bondservant, the capacity as state of body (one of the people) and the capacity as Trustee.  Everything is now secured to the level that state of body (the people) can safely and effectively finish the job.” This again revolves around “the people and their willingness to be open to receiving information,” please excuse my lack of knowledge for much of this information, but isn’t it going to take a landslide more than a few announcements and an interview to be sent out on a few popular alternative media blogs to make a major impact here?

As you can see, all three of these questions all revolve around the main theme, “organized and calculated mass disclosure.” If I can understand this better, it will make it much easier for me personally to provide some value to this group. AK sought me out because I have an ability to bring complex and complicated situations down to where they can be understood on the street level. In order to be able to offer that service successfully, it’s imperative that I understand the logistics on a much deeper level than I currently do now. Perhaps we can arrange a call to discuss?

Lastly, considering your history and experience with Miles, it may be much more impactful for either you to interview him, or you to be on the call to help guide the interview in the direction of the most important pieces of his story? Just a thought.

All business aside, these are exciting times and I remain humbled and honored to contribute in any what that I can!!


From: Claudette
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 1:58 AM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: What is TRUST?

The Internet has offered humanity much knowledge, statistics, blogs etc.
Your elite group now offers 'Trust' in the form of neatly prepared documents. Since all of us are ONE with the Creator, we volunteered to come here as caretakers on Gaia. Our DNA was damaged and caused our enslavement by illusions of time and money for centuries. Now we have an opportunity to break loose from this matrix and return home.  Does this about sum up humanity?  My question is, who elected, ordained or promoted you as the trustees?  There are none that are special, nor elevated in consciousness to rule.  There have been abundant announcements, messages, documents, books, DVD's and Internet sites with false promises showing no results.  There are as many ways to Ascension as there are people.  Each creating their own exit from 3D.
Neither money, food, clothing or man-made laws can assist here. All of the mantras, trinkets, pyramids, religions etc., are a hindrance.  Forget about the records of past cataclysms, weather changes, axis movement, to dwell on these events is to re-create same.  This is our period of change, to focus on what our hearts desire.  Every soul is feeling the energies from Creation and waking to their uplifting force, generating a connection to their real home.  For this we do not need a document, nor guidance from those who mean well.  Every road map is within each of us.  A GPS* we CAN Trust.
(*galactic plasma ships) ^jj^

From: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 2:13 AM
To: Claudette
Cc: americankabuki@gmail.com; kauilapele@gmail.com; bkelly5142@gmail.com; Trustees; Advisors
Subject: RE: What is TRUST?

Dear Claudette,

Thank you for your email and sharing the Truth of your position of BE'ing at this moment of present.  As we all BE, we consciously choose to consider the data, the information, whether cherry picking through all the information that is available through limited filter or considering the totality of the information available in conjunction with the knowledge from within absent filter.  One's thoughts, words, and actions notice the people, the universe, creation, of their position or status of BE'ing in Truth at any moment of present.  We have shared ours transparently without absolute responsibility, liability, and unconditional love.  We thank you for sharing your's in kind by email. :)

All my love, gratitude and appreciation for your BE'ing and manifesting it in my conscious so that I have the opportunity to further remember what I know within.  We return the energy in kind:




without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Dave Stewart
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 7:50 AM
To: Caleb Skinner
Cc: Randall Hillner; Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: Re: Light Worker Association

Please let me know if this article is Ok or any comments
It is a short verion of Obi Wan's large section to inform our people here in the Caribbean of all your efforts behind the scenes and offer some clarity.
It is without doubt the most spoken about conversation we all have here right now.

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Dec 29 (1 day ago)

to Dave, Caleb, Randall, americankabuki, me, kauilapele, Advisors


Everyone has their own beautiful and unique way of expressing and manifesting the energy that IS.  We thank you for sharing your energy with us and all creation's universe!  You and all the others inspire me with your BE'ing...you energize me to create and co-create more and better manifestations in harmony with others...that is the true wealth...that is the true power...BE'ing.

Create without limitation or restriction!  Your knowing, willing, and intentional contribution of manifestation for the highest good of all, regardless of what the content is about, is what is key.  Create!  We give you are gratitude, appreciation, and love for BE'ing!  We return it in kind.


without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Chris Rose
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 4:20 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: How do I go about Verification Of Filing in Public Domain.

Hi Heather,

I am.

I have a few questions for you from a number of interested parties, I am one of the Admin from No Holds Barred.

Firstly I appreciate what you are doing and although I’m playing catch-up with UCC I understand what you have done.  (do you have any good sites to frequent for background learning)

Please we need to know how to verify your filing in the public domain, to shut down naysayers and provocateurs.

Where exactly should I look and what number should I use to find your filing.  As I am UK based at present, I am also interested in UK filings, South Africa Filings and Botswana Filings.

Do I need to order some copy papers  and then just check they are the same papers as you have posted to verify to others that this is all legit?

In my heart I know.

Peace to you.

Kind Regards

Chris Rose

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
4:38 PM (22 hours ago)

to Chris, americankabuki, me, kauilapele, Trustees, Advisors

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your email and sharing your energy.  In regards to background info on UCC...it runs the gambit, so to speak, with a LOT of disinfo by design out there.  I am working on that for you and others.

In regards to verification:  Most of the filings were done on the Washington D.C. UCC portal.  D.C. is an international entry point, that is the beauty part about the uniformity.  All the former STATES, and international equivalents, are just branches of that one and the other International portals.  To verify any filing done at D.C. portal you can go to


you have to register, but it is free.  They charge for you to search...hence, we posted all the filings at the website, since the people already paid for them.  You can search by many methods.  I would suggest that any one who wants to do independent verification at any UCC portal can use the filings on the website as a tool...the debtor's names are all listed on the filings at the end and the name of the filing party is usually on them as well...however, the best way for any amendment to UCC filing no. 2000043135 (the perpetuity filing) is to just search that filing and it should pull up every amendment thereunder.

For filings anywhere on the planet, one can use the D.C. portal, which is an international portal, for any filing globally...it let's you choose the COUNTRY.  The portal filing website is


again, you will have to register as a user but it is free to register...filing costs are minimal.

Hope that helps for now.  We will be posting updates, other tools, and ANNOUNCEMENTS as quickly as possible.

Thank you

without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Lorraine Loudon
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 4:23 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf; Randall Hillner; Caleb Skinner
Subject: if you need help in Scotland .

Hi All,

            Just a short note , well you are very busy , I am in Scotland and my intent is to help in anyway I can mind , body and soul , so if I can be of any help in these weathers and as far a way as Scotland ,please let me know .
you speak the truth . Many thanks


Heather Tucci-Jarraf
5:01 PM (21 hours ago)

to Lorraine, Randall, Caleb, americankabuki, me, kauilapele


Wonderful!!!  I was just talking about Scottland the other day.  Maybe yesterday?  Time doesn't really exist for me anymore so I have a hard time remembering that with all the other incredible memories flooding in.

All my love, gratitude, and appreciation for you BE'ing.  Everything is formulating and manifesting now thanks to conscious BE'ing like yours.  You already have the answer of how to help within.  I am inspired right now with all the pledges of willingness to help and many are stating that they aren't sure in which way or how to start...can you help me with something?...Would you like to have a little fun?

During this incredible adventure, when I had the desire to "do something", or "know what to do next" (there were plenty of moments I felt clueless, many), I would sit somewhere quiet, close my eyes and consciously set my intent on receiving the answer... and I did.  I wasn't always confident that I had the correct answer. :)  But the more that I released expectations and fear, while committing to the Truth that I already knew the answers, the process never failed to produce what I asked for.  The "timing" of receipt got faster.  The effects of what I and the others did subsequently manifested more visibly and quickly.  Now that process evolved over moments of present for me to a process that IS my Truth in the "now", but I would love and be so interested to hear back from you and others about what you find IS Truth of process for you and the answer(s) that you find to your question(s).

If you are willing to help in this way and have a little fun that is...ok...maybe I am the one having too much fun!  You are all so beautiful and teaching me so much right now.

Thank you again for your email and BE'ing.


without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Nova Principia
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 4:25 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: In regard to Oath And Bond Contract requirements.

In a publicly posted correspondance found at
you wrote:

"I am ABSOLUTELY open to another submitting their OATH AND BOND CONTRACT as
Public Servant, President, of this CVAC BRANCH without judgment.  If they
duly secure themselves to service to the people, then I will immediately
step out of that position with a smile in my heart...I am of more service to
the highest good of all as a Trustee guarding the overall framework and
securing it to the people, to creation, and creating the protocols and
methods of how to operate aligned with the policy of the people and source.”

I would like to be a public servant. Please tell me, how may i help the

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
5:08 PM (21 hours ago)

to Nova, Caleb, Randall, Advisors, americankabuki, kauilapele, me


Wonderful!  stay tuned to those sites and others.  We will be getting that information out shortly.

Thank you so much for your email and for BE'ing.


without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf





The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Allen Atkinson
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 4:23 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: Thank you...

Hi Heather,
I've been reading the disclosure document and the postings on KP's and American Kabuki's sites. I've been following what they have been posting for over a year now, so while I am not involved in the industry, I am pretty aware of what is going on. Thank you so much for the work you are doing to alleviate the suffering so many on the planet are enduring. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to be of assistance to you. At the very least, I will remember you when I am offering Love, Light, and Reiki to the planet and her inhabitants. These are truly incredible times we are living in, and I'm so proud of the people all over the world who are helping to carry us forward.

Thanks again,
Allen Atkinson

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
5:47 PM (21 hours ago)

to Allen, americankabuki, kauilapele, me, Caleb, Randall, Advisors

Thank you Allen for BE'ing.  By your own admission you are consciously helping carry this forward...we are all one and that IS the Truth of what is manifesting our "now".

I appreciate and love all that you do and BE.  Please keep it up!  We will all work as one to create and co-create the manifestation as we choose.  Please keep posted on the sites.


without prejudice.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Silly Whabbit Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 4:14 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: Love

I am in love with what is being created.
I began to create a year ago. Intent and all.
Thank you for coming into being and hearing my intent of creation.

I finally understand the phrase, "And the Truth shall set you free."

It IS what it is and I am happy to BE part of it all.

I knew Love was the answer and fear was what was controlling so many.

At your service as well!

Carolyn Selene

From: David Ashwell (Agrilube)
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 9:57 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: RE: Questions

Dear Heather

My wife and I are very confused at this time and we need some questions answered please. Having read the numerous kauilapele messages regarding this subject of “world wide abundance”, our questions are thus:

Will we, the people of this earth, receive the sum of $5, billion in currency from these trusts?When will we receive these funds?
Will these funds be received by all the people at the same time?

We realise that you are extremely busy at this time, and we would appreciate your answers to these questions that I AM SURE MANY PEOPLE ARE ASKING.


Dave and Mary Jo Ashwell

Heather Tucci-Jarraf
8:10 PM (18 hours ago)

to David, kauilapele, americankabuki, me, Randall, Caleb, Advisors

Dear David

Thank you for your email.  All questions are being compiled now for an interview, including yours.  We thank you for sending them to us so that we have the opportunity to honor your energy in kind.

The interview will be announced at American Kabuki, Kauilapele, and maybe other sites.  I leave it to the professionals to post where ever it serves the highest good of all, so stay tune for release of further information that is intended to clarify matters and answer further questions for the people by the people.


without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: Druegan
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 10:16 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: A clarification question, if I may..

Greetings Heather,

My Name is Dwatthaell, I have, in recent days, run across information from your organization as posted on American Kabuki's blog site.  I admit to not being overly skilled in legalese translation, having preferred in the majority of my life to deal in straightforward communication, and not the language of deceit..  However..  

Upon reading this latest batch of posts...  I have a very... perhaps odd... question for you..

I'll try to explain what I'm getting at.,,, it may be awkward, so please bear with me.

Legalism, at least in the mundane sense, has one peculiar vulnerability.. No amount of legal expertise in the world can prevail within a system where there is not a body with establishable jurisdiction over a case, and without an "arm", so to speak, with both the will and the ability to enforce a decision.. often through use of brute force, as current systems presently rely upon.

This is why I have been very skeptical about the various "lawsuit" news posts.. I know of no existing body with both demonstrable jurisdiction over such claims, or ability to enforce them upon the "cabal" which dominates the social systems of the Western World.

Upon reading this latest batch of correspondence posted on American Kabuki's blog...another notion occurred to me, and thus I write to you in search of confirmation, if indeed you can confirm it, or are authorized to, etc.

It occurs to me, on this reading, that your group is attempting not only to deal with the mundane legal system.. but rather to establish a properly founded challenge using legitmate legalism to the metaphysical (magickal) structure that the "Cabal" has imposed via the existing financial and legal system?    To, as it were, "hijack" the phenomenal magickal web that has been created through talismanic finance, and, by making certain all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed, through legal circles... to usurp control of that magickal web?  The "Cabal", in their arrogance, was not exactly thorough, nor precise, in the founding of that work, at least as I perceive it.. and has left itself open for the mechanism to be subverted in this fashion....

Am I anywhere close with this?  Or if not the "hijacking" of this magickal system per se.. then at least the undermining of what holds it up?

This is the thought which occurs to me.. one that makes the question of jurisdiction and enforcement moot,and the only reason I can conceive of why spiritually guided people would bother with legalism, knowing the aforementioned inherent weakness in such systems.

Secondly.. if this is in the vague vicinity of the case... do you need any help? I'd be more than happy to lend whatever metaphysical aid I can in tearing these bastards web down around them.


From: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 4:46 AM
To: Druegan
Cc: americankabuki; bkelly5142; kauilapele; Randall Hillner; Caleb Skinner; Advisors
Subject: RE: A clarification question, if I may..


I am really behind on emails.  I am working with Caleb and Randall to make sure at least one of us makes a direct response to each one we receive...for we very much are appreciative and grateful to the consciuos energy that every BE'ing is collectively building and we want to return that energy in kind....it is very important we return that energy in kind as you are so eloquantly manifesting for visibility...which is why it is so important we all consciously know what the Truth of energy, the prime, that IS, and consciously set our thoughts, words, and actions in the frequency and vibraion of love...to BE love so that we may only DO love.  I am sure you are "receiving" a hint of where my energy and answer are "going" and I return your energy in kind by way of further transparency to your specific question.  Know that by this email and the energy that manifested it on "both sides of the pond" we co-remember what we know within, no?

You are quite an intuitive BE'ing...I love it.  I love all of you, equally....every one of you without judgment. Truth IS gloriously manifesting into visibility by the energy of your BE'ing consciously creating your very question in Truth by searching, reviewing, and dissecting our energy and manifestations.  Thank you.

I unconditionally bond and reconfirm our committment to deliver transparently the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.  There are some in the recent moments of present that have already transpired that have openly and transparently expressed by notice of their thoughts, words, and actions the Truth of the position of their BE'ing at moment of present...that they are not open or otherwise willing to choose Truth, in any delivery or at any level of amount.  However, those positions of BE'ing are changing at this very moment of present...and it is breathtaking.  Your cautious approach and manner of your question honors and respects the Truth of the position of those BE'ings, and you did create that "safe-harbor", if you will, for their choice to change those positions at this moment of present.  I love you for that, for all that you BE.  Therefore, I take great care in absolute love to answer your question, one that others sense, feel, and know...and I will do so by way of introductory summary here for further review, dissection, discussion, etc. at many, many moments of present unfolding.  I was actually speechless yesterday as I "saw" the Truth of change approaching and manifesting...and then I open your email....

I know you have accepted and created this opportunity in moment of present for you and I to consciuosly co-create the manifestation of the visibility of Truth that IS regarding this perceived magik, in whole Truth, just prime of energy abused and the tools historically not so talently used...so that we, all of creation's manifestation of self, may make them transparent as a collective conscious and then make a knowing, willing, and intentional choice of whether they serve the highest good of all or not....and then either protect that service or create and co-create Truth in manifestations that are of greater efficiency, vibration, and frequency to accurately reflect and be of service to the highest good of all and their increasing state of consciousness.

For quick example:
"legalese" is a tool (only a tool), a manifestation of energy (not mine initially, but yes, I was effectively trained in it to use it at the many, many moments of present that have transpired, completed, and this once energized tool is exitinguishing itself but not before it serves the highest good of all as a catalyst  to co-create the opportunity for us to choose to experience unity and BE unity);

"Money", inclusive of all forms and manifestations, is a tool (only a tool), a sub-manifestation used to REPRESENT the Truth of the manifestation of energy, the Truth of BE'ing;

"Systems", all systems, inclusive of banking, trade, finance, judicial, accounting, government and even "secret squirrel world" (those are the sytems I have been trained in and are most familiar with) are a tool (only a tool) of recording, transfering, transmuting and managing the energy and all the manifestations of energy, or by design and intent of any system, to restrict energy or restrict energy from manifesting in any moment of present

Knowing energy, tools, and knowing the ability to create or co-create, at level of prime, sub-prime, etc., remember that?  Do you know that within?...Now imagine the work and tiring dedication it would take to not only keep over 7 billion BE'ings "unconscious" of the Truth, but other BE'ings, in Truth all manifestations of creator's self, existing in all of creation's universe....that is what IS being undone right now. :)

Knowingly, willingly, and intentionally review, dissect, discuss what tools serve the Truth of BE'ing in our "now" that we are individually and collectively creating and co-creating....imagine, NO, remember and know how that process works instantly when we remember it already IS...accept that it already IS...it manifests instantly because we consciously choose to "see" what IS.  It may appear as "Magik", but that very term denotes and creates by its very manifestation into BE'ing...something that is not known, maybe even "allusion", "deceit"....hence, the power of transparency, the power of prime/zero point, light being shown and consciously focused on the Truth that IS (I must say with a smile, American Kabuki, Kauilapele, Brian and all the others sure do take transparency to a whole other level that I am enjoying the experience of).  That is all we did using the tools of the Public Trust, the UCC, etc, we secured what IS, so that it visiblly manifested what we are already bound to, even the principals, agents, and beneficiaries...BE'ing self, consciously BE'ing self, creator.  That is what the powers that were fear...The Truth about the former slavery systems, all private, inclusive of the HAUGE, IMF (which was a special agency of the UNITED NATIONS) and what they consciously "practiced" or had someone "knowledgeable" "practice" is forthcoming, some already disclosed, by various and numerous sources for all of us to have the opportunity to remember what we know within.  I don't want to BE selfish and all have all the fun...many have waited for eons to experience, create, and co-create the moments of present where Truth IS disclosed and to BE the ones to do it....so DO it!  Otherwise, by conscious choice of the collective, Truth that IS will find another way to manifest its visibility :)

So, do you care to ask, review, dissect and discuss with me?  What, if any, tools were of service, yet are no longer of service, or maybe, at least, not of service any longer.  Legalese makes my mouth dry, my eyes water, and my head ache!  Yet, it was of the most beautiful service in many moments of present that even manifested a little fun for me to enjoy...that produced the opportunity for me to BE with you here and now manifesting THIS.  However, I no longer find legalese of service, knew that tool's service would extinguish long ago, and so I wish to either discard it or re-design it through transparency and prime language of energy.  What do you think?

What tools do we choose to re-design, if any?  Do you "see" a Truth of benefit manifesting in communicating, creating, or rather co-creating using the prime language of energy, light?  I am watching and experiencing soooooo many BE'ings, creation in glorious manifestations of self, do this unconsciouslly for the most part with every email, every comment on all the various blogs, all the phone calls, all the messages...unconscious in the Truth of what IS actually manifesting in Truth of creation's universe and all the manifestations of creator's self that BE...I was speechless yesterday at the visibility of that Truth manifesting in our "now", and the effect it was having on EVERYTHING....because all BE'ings, in EVERY PART OF creation's universe have consciously set the intent to know the Truth, and BE self....that is part of the whole Truth in "the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth".  :)  I saw the element of "instantaneous" added to the ability to responsibly manifest by the collective conscious...the collective chose that, and recently...what some have "predicted" would take another 5000 or 25,000 or 75,000 years (some do so love that allusion of "time" :) proffered as "required time" necessary to "grow the ability into consciousness".  Thank you, and all that BE for that experience yesterday...truly an honor.

That is why the "powers that were", in their states of BE'ing that are transforming by choice made at a higher conscious level, are so fearful.  Know in this moment of present, if not by the moments of present already transpired, that I know and that BE'ings once "managed" to be unconcsious in any and all parts of creation's universe (yes, they existed not just on this planet) are not so unconscious anymore. I choose to "see" the Truth of each of those powers that were for what they actually BE, and I love them and I am grateful for the opportunity to remember, know and BE self that they co-jointly manifested with each of us from a higher consciousness by way of Universal Contracts. Those Universal Contracts have completed. They have been certified and REGISTERED as satisfied. There is no reason to fear. All that IS now operates and manifests as Truth of BE'ing, love. I see each of the powers that were for what I know them to BE. Just as I see all of you for what you actually BE...source, creator, creation...in all these glorious conscious manifestations of energy. The Truth that IS that your question so wonderfully starts to manifest for visibility and review for a conscious choice to be made.

You and all will have the opportunity to know that during the reset, and even now, some of those referred to as "cabal", "china", "east", "west", "iran", "middle-east", "texas camp", maybe even the "little general"?  :)....whatever the "label", some have made a different choice at the highest levels of conscious, vibration, and frequency...because so many of you did, which tsunamied into creation's universe so that they did...it is most breathtaking.

Do you maybe consider that what you termed below as "vulnerability" may actuall just be Truth manifested as a tool, as many tools...(those who still have set their focus on "knowing" who I AM, who Caleb IS, who Randall IS, and what we have DONE before they will focus on who they ARE) we just set our intent in alignment with source intent, utilizing our skill sets (chosen and developed by design in Truth), to use those tools effectively for the highest good of all, and consciously continue to do so transparently with all of you, if you so choose...and many have.

How about we let all that perculate for even greater review, dissection and discussion in order to remember what we know within at another moment of present (although, I admit, it never shuts off...that is why I used the word "perculate").

Thank you so much for sharing your energy and manifesting visibility of this Truth....thanks for letting me get a night's sleep to recover from speechlessness before you did it :)

with absolute gratitude for your BE'ing
in love

without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

From: John Samson [jsamson0617@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 6:53 AM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf
Subject: My Pledge


I am aware that you most likely will not respond to my email. However..

Let it be known that

I, John R Samson, with honor; PLEDGE to knowing, willing and intentional choose to BE, to stand in self, in Truth and Respect all Living beings as equal with Love and Equality. This day December 29, 2012. So Help me God.


Heather Tucci-Jarraf
7:59 AM (7 hours ago)

to John, Caleb, Randall, Advisors, americankabuki, kauilapele, me

Well now, John, you do appeal to the part of the old paradim competitive side of me that still exists, barely...the one I have for the most part only utilized to work with others to put the former principals, agents, beneficiaries and the slavery systems in the place of Truth :)

Throwing down the guantlet?...Drawing the line in the sand?...lol.  I accept your "challenge" for response and I do so in love with absolute gratitude for your BE'ing.  Through my process of work, your email "highlighted" on the Table.  Now I know why...

I thank you for sharing your pledge with me.  Truth IS that it IS done.  By notice of your thoughts, words, and actions, made and done with your full responsibility and liability, your intent in alignment with source...your BE'ing self IS, duly recognized, accepted, re-confirmed, and ratified by you and by the creator...for all the people, the world, the universe and creation to rely upon.

Truth of BE'ing IS that simple.  The allusion of complexity of the simplicity of Truth IS what has been unwound and unbound through the tools of the Public Trust, the UCC, etc....that IS all that was done...that's what all those filings and paperwork say....that is what the ANNOUNCEMENTS announce....so that all would have the opportunity to remember what they already know within.

It doesn't take legalese.  It doesn't require a suit or professionalism (You can put smiley faces all over the darn place on that pledge if you choose too!) ...It doesn't require the "approval" or "authorization" of a legal fiction, a private system, a purported "court", a purported "government" nor recognition or announcement from its purported President to make it stick that you BE and you are the sole BE'ing responsible and liable for BE'ing as you choose to BE in and by state of body, no matter where on this planet or creation's universe you choose to place your body for experience of self.

In Truth, that is what creator made, and creation noticed to the principals, agents, and beneficiaries upon creating self by manifestation in you.  All we did was REGISTER that in COMMERCE so they lawfully and legally couldn't and you would have remedy if they chose to try again....so all that was left standing is the Truth that IS... you, all the people, the earth, manifestations of creator's self.

This is such a wonderful gift of experience you have shared with me today.  I return in kind with absolute and unconditional appreciation, gratitude, and love!  Thank you for BE'ing.  I honor and respect your BE'ing and your declaration and pledge noticed by my thoughts, words and actions under governing law, with my full personal responsibility and liability, for you and all of creation's universe to rely upon....and collect upon if I ever violate, usurp, invade, subjugate, subordinate, or abrogate your BE'ing.  You are magnificent.  I am at your service.

A wonderful man, a judge that I worked for in law school, once asked me what I hoped to aspire and accomplish as an attorney...with absolute conviction of knowing the Truth, I responded that I aspired to achieve that no one would ever need an attorney again...I now "see" the choice of the collective in this moment of present unfolding, that the tool of the UCC shall be rendered "no longer of service" to the highest good of all in its current form, if at all :).  Let's see how it unfolds, shall we?...whether extinguished/re-designed naturally as effect to what is manifesting or by knowing, willing, and intentional action of the people on this planet to consciously do so.

with absolute gratitude
in absolute love

without prejudice

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

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