
This is from my friend Henry Hasse.
  Henry is suffering from cancer.  What a light he is!
 This is long, please read it all by pressing on the "READ MORE" link.

Oh, the Patience of Unconditionality!
By Henry Hasse 


There always seems to be a better way
  to write what one has learned of “unconditional.”
Of this I know, for I have labored long and hard
  to bring this ode to you.

Perhaps you can improve it some,
  and add to it some thoughts – or take away.
Go to! Make it your own to think about and share.

I make no claim to say these words
  should not be touched,
     as if they be so sacred.
I hope that I have just begun
  to learn such love as this
     to pass along at three and seventy.


I. The Best of Times

It must have been exciting – that creation time!
The Source of all, at play, with all the thoughts
   on what to make at first, and then how far to go
      with each existence –  hmmm
   perhaps to turn it loose to grow and change.

And then the thought that crowned it all:
A human pair to fill with wonder, and not least,
  a hint of creativity, enough to play with and enjoy,
      but most of all, exciting love to share –
         which made them much like Love Itself!


Accepting one another as but one and same,
   just different in form,
      and always seeking ways to better things
         for self and others coming soon, –
  such was the way implanted in them both.
Besides the gift of life itself,
   the greatest gift to them was freedom. – Wow!

To choose the ways that made them happy was a gift
   that filled with hope and curiosity.
These attributes did make them kindred, near and dear
   to One who placed a consciousness
      of such great gifts within.

It was a consciousness that sought
   to use these attributes with grace and love
      for those who followed after yet unborn.

Another word describes such Love:
It’s unconditional – means no conditions placed
   on living, loving, doing good;
     no, absolutely none.
It was the Source’s greatest attribute as well.

Such is the risk that Love must take!

II. Times that Try Patience and Love

A Love that takes the risk to grant a freedom
  then allows for choices not so loving too.
This would be difficult to do,
  but human robots would not fit
     as images so dear to Source.

Unloving choices try the patience and the love,
      not least of all, acceptance of recipients.

To mirror consciousness instead,
   and understand the Source within,
      (at least some part of it),
  to not reciprocate in kind
         with payback punishment,
            is twice a blessing for the deed.

Forgiveness heals the wound and counsels hearts
  of those who dare to hurt their peers.


The ancient story of the Fall
   shows no such thing as love for deeds that hurt.
Instead, it tells a story of what could never be
   a just reaction by a Loving Source.

An oxymoron is that story!

Love, and punishment as payback do not fit
  as one and same,
      and this is proof enough that it is myth!

A myth’s responsibility and punishment
   for choices made by those who do not love
     besmirch Creator – Love.
As if such treatment gives divine permit
to punish and pay back.

Creation myths abound among religions of the world,
      as do the myths of falling from a paradise.
The Hebrew myths are not unique at all.

That humans have indeed made choices
  which betray their lack of love, there can be no doubt.
A close account of history will tell as much.

Some greater detail may be helpful too,
   but I prefer to leave those details
      to some recollections of your own.
Experience will call up evidence
   and give you opportunity to practice
      unconditional forgiveness and acceptance too.

Better given late than not at all!


To pay love forward is the answer then,
  for it defines the Source’s justice as a better way.
Forgiveness brings relief to harmful situations, all,
   including loving self enough to love a neighbor.

Acceptance will restore Creator’s justice to you both.
It brings a peace to you as victim,
   and brings great comfort to an erring soul –
     perhaps enough to turn their ways around, in time.
This is the hope of love enduring. – To be
  a double blessing! Restorative! – Such
     is the hope of justice from this Love.


Religion of the Hebrews was replete
  with all its mediators and its rituals.
(Do not forget about its sacrifices and its laws.)
Yet none of these were much unlike
  surrounding nation’s written codes.

Each nation thought their sky-god was the
  strongest of them all, and that their ways
     were most effective to appease an angry god.

Some people, like good Abraham,
  who only looked for better land and better ways
     to live with family,
       still followed rituals that he had learned too well.

Oh, the beauty of that place, Chaldean Ur!
But that its ways were not so loving, we can see.


The worried questions of his son
  foresaw a father’s brutal deed
     in preparations odd.
And well it was to question such a brutal rite!

Thank goodness for the questions of the young!

The young can make us think, and doubt
​some ways of old!

Their consciousness of Source’s way
  is still somewhat unspoiled by much experience
     with all the ways that do not love.

Bring up a child in Father’s way of love.
Acceptance and forgiveness leave their mark,
  remembered well in latter days.


The choice of brutal sacrifice and punishment
  were learned again at other times,
     by brother left to die, then sold away.

There were Egyptian kings whose hospitality
  made use of skills that called for husbandry.
Their animals did well with care
  from those who had escaped a famine
​in their land.

(Forgiveness and acceptance from a brother
  they had hurt, was not received with grace
     and comfort. They chose instead
        a payback to receive.)

But there were other kings that came
  to spread their tyranny
     across the land, in fact, they saw themselves
        as gods!
In time, some had enough of it, the fear and slavery
  that is, and left the tyranny behind. They
     searched again for better places
        to call home.

There were the judges and the kings,
  some good, at times,
     who understood and led with ways of Elohim.
Most others seemed to not know loving ways.


III. Glimmers of Hope

From time to time the light burst loose
  from inner consciousness.

The prophets, bold, complained of
  priestly ways and rituals.

They called for ways of Elohim.
Mercy! Justice! And forget the sacrifice!
Show love and kindness to your neighbors!
The generous forgiveness of our Elohim
  brings peace and comfort to us all!

But prophets suffered from the treatment
  of the most religious.

A priest from Aaron’s line (the first of Hebrew
  priests to lead astray with golden image),
     worked long to gather up the ancient
        stories left behind by ancient scribes
           who wrote with flare
              of Hebrew origins and wars.

His name was Ezra. What seemed to be
   the most important thing to him was lineage.
It gave authority along with words from Elohim
   at least he claimed they were.

He had enjoyed a life in Babylon, by then
  a Persian state,
      (all priests were looked upon as leaders, pure).
The Persian rule had made a Zoroastrian faith
  their way, and Hebrew faith was not too far removed from it.

The writings of this scribe and priest, High Ezra,
  betrayed his own interpretations
     and additions to the scrolls.

They fit his thoughts and needs to press
  so hard upon the captive Israelites the threats
     of punishment when they would disobey
        the ancient laws and ways.

The story of the Fall, the punishment of death
  – and hell –
  had their beginnings here, and smacked
     of Persian faith we said.

(I have a hunch he was the one who tampered
  with the earliest of books
     to make them fit his Eastern desert faith.)


And yet, appointed governor, the Nehemiah good,
   who saw the sadness of his fellow men
     and women coming home
         to hear such words as Ezra read,
  while looking at the walls
     whose stones lay scattered far and wide,
        found yet another meaning hidden there.

His consciousness explained them
  to the gathered folks.
“Find love and mercy in these words,” he said.

“They tell of Elohim’s forgiveness and acceptance,
  and give instruction on a better treatment
     to your neighbors.”

“This Elohim does love you more than
  you could know, and only hopes that you
     could share this love with others here.”

The people heard these words of comfort
  (yes, and many more), and cried
     with tears of joy.

For days they celebrated such good news!

And then they changed their ways
  of payback punishment to
     then more loving ways.

Good changes come when after hearing
  such great gifts –
     Forgiveness and acceptance!

Love changes things! It’s true! It is creative.

A threat can only bring out insincerity.
​Unloving acts are bound to follow such.


The Greeks and then the Romans brought on a
  treachery and tyranny to all.

A time of war and horrible rebellion left people filled
  with fears again for selves and for their homes.


IV. Light From the Hills

A Galilean, young, and said to be the son
  of nearby carpenter (to cover up a tragedy,
     oh, shush!),
        learned well by posing thoughtful questions
          to his elders.
And it was said that their amazement showed
  at his perceptions shared with them.
His depth of understanding did not cherish
  ancient ways.
Known as the “sage” from hill country,
   his was a simple message, new to those around.

He taught the presence of a loving and
  accepting Father who is within us as we treat
     a neighbor with respect and dignity.

It was a message not unlike the olden prophets too.

He spread his sayings using stories, clear,
  of common things in life,
    and gave examples of relationships so generous
        that all could see a mirror of the Father’s
           presence, here, and now among them.

He gave the people hope for better times,
   and love for enemies was key to peace, he said.

He showed them how to party with the poor.
The overlooked, excluded too, came in,
  and joy and laughter always filled the room!
He called himself Joshua ben Adam,
   (a son of humanity, the human one),
      and refused another title higher still.

So, many chose to follow with his ways –
  not follow him, as person, note that well,
     for so he asked and cautioned them.

His ways were what he taught and lived,
  and hoped he could pass on.
It was the message of acceptance from a
  Presence that should hold the day!

To see the Father’s presence in our ways is key!

It has been said that people need their heroes too.
  But, when will we learn that what our heroes did
     is lost among the accolades for them,
        and then authority bestowed on them?

Their loving deeds must always cover up
  themselves! It is such work that lives
     through generations on.

Humanity will come and go,
  but loving works live on and on
     so surely as the Source, Eternal.

In spite of moving place to place,
   the crowds and teachings were offensive
     to the leadership.

Religiousness was questioned for their rituals
  and words had bound in fear
     the people that he loved.
His fearless questions of the words
   they claimed had come from Elohim
     offended their authority!

He knew beyond a doubt that words which speak
   of anger and revenge, of punishment,
     destruction too, were not from Love itself,
        a Father to us all.
For this, and for the Roman ruler’s fears
  of possible rebellion in the wind,
      he suffered brutal treatment on a Roman cross.

And yet, with dying breath, he still called out,
  and trusted in the Father’s way of justice pure.
“Forgive them, Father, for they just don’t know
  yet what they do.”

Amazing love for enemies,
  and what a grasp of Father’s justice!


V. Just Another Religion

Now afraid for all their lives, the followers
  went into hiding, and worse, became convinced
     by written words from new Apostle Paul,
        Apocalyptic Law, and PhD, who wrote:
     “He was the Christ! His death had deeper meaning
        as payment for our sins.”

I call it worse because,

They left behind the light of Jesus’
  words and ways for them –
     the ones concerned with presence
        of the Father, so filled with love and
     patience for his children, dear,
        and mirrored by our loving help for all.

Instead, they soon returned to justice known
  from old – a sacrificial payment to appease
     an angry sky-god.

IF we believed, they said, a bloody offering paid,
  perfected by the Son, no less, then we
     could see salvation from a death and more
        destruction in the end-time judgment
           that is sure to come.

(I said before and say again that hell and
  end-time judgment were but Zoroastrian
     teachings that the priests brought home
        from Persia many years before.
Those same apocalyptic words where taught by
  cousin, John, along the Jordan banks, but
     they were words that brought no comfort
        to John’s cousin, Jesus.)

The years that followed saw a narrative,
  and then three more,
     about the life of Joshua.

Those stories claimed he did and said some things
   that do not fit his message
     of the “kingdom” here and now.

One spoke of Son-ship at a Jordon river bank.
Another wrote of terrible and fearful times
  that soon would come, when he returned to
     rule as King and send all enemies to hell.
And one described a birth that was unusual,
  with lineage again to give authority.

Another author, late, but sure that he was
  not unlike the Roman heroes
     so well known. – all gods that walked about
        on earth as if to hide themselves,
           but not their mighty deeds.

Just use the test that Jesus used
  on words that claim to be the Father’s words.
A love for all would never send a curse
  to towns across the lake of Galilee!

In centuries to come, a Christian church
  was formed, and creeds were written up
     about a man that they had turned into a god.
The church claimed power to control the people,
  even governments, with words, they said,
     came from their god – a claim used once
        (or was it twice) before by priests so bold.

Again, they punished some to brutal deaths
  for questions of mistrust, and said to
     place authority and rituals at risk.

Thanks to the Father’s consciousness within,
  there always was a soul, some here or there,
     who understood, at least in part,
  the meaning of the light that brought sage Joshua
     to live a life of love and pass it on to us.
And what of those who still do miss the point?

Forgive them, Father, Dear! They too will know
  and celebrate with us as well,
     much like the brother of the Prodigal
        who thought you so unfair, and
           so unjust at first.

Accept them as they are, and love them still.
We know you will, and so shall we. Amen!

The Father’s love, accepting all,
   the freedom and the hope it gives
     for happiness pursued,
   shall always break away across the world,
        in spite of gloomy messages
            with all their “ifs” that implant fears,
        and all the horrors promised soon
           for disobedience of laws that some create
              and profit from.

A thousand years are but a day
  for Love that does not fail.
To us, that time is long, indeed! – That is,
  until we learn of love and patience from
     the One who knows that its Reality will
        finally come to all
        who pass through death – a door ajar!

The promise of the Father always was, and still is,
   never to forsake or leave us here in grave
     to rot away with meat and blood and bone,
        for we are more than those!

We are his children after all!
We are more than we can see, and we shall ever be
  within the presence of our Father!

(Forget the meat and blood and bone,
  all here for us to be in school,
     to learn to make improvements and
        to learn to love a neighbor!)

So, fear death not! Again, I say, “a door ajar!”

Enjoy what has been given you for here and now.
And share your happiness with all.
Your face will show relief, and they will ask,
  “What makes it so?” –
An opportunity to tell of things discovered
  and made known to you!

The ways of Love, and not the man himself,
  who taught us well to comfort those
     that suffer from their fears,
   are what this life of ours is all about!

So, just let Jesus be the man from Galilee,
  a son of man. – No more!
Of course, we all are sons and daughters
  of the Father, including him,
     as he did know full well.

The presence of the Father, found in loving
  human ways, just is what it is.

You cannot build religions out of that!

To do the loving human thing, to be the mirror
  you were meant to be,
     this is unconditionality –  the Father’s way!

The Source of all lives in you now
  (your consciousness can tell),
     and eagerly awaits to show his Love
        for everyone – Through you!

This can be done so easily, but not until
  you finally see this light and love
     are meant for you!

You are the one accepted and so loved!
  You are the light!

You are the child of the everlasting Father!

Know that well and it will turn you on to shine on all around!

Henry Hasse - March 21, 2012, (The First of Spring!)
Revised 12/14/2012
Lakeland, Florida      


What need is there to waste our time
  on wondering about a life to come?
It is enough to know that we have merely
  scratched the surface here.
There’s much to do and much to learn!

The wonders of the Father’s endless works
  to be uncovered still
     by consciousness and mind
        set finally free of – well, you know,
           are bound to thrill us all.

Like children playing in a sandbox,
  at a playground, at the beach –
     all safe from harm and tireless,
        while Father smiles on,
           enjoying each discovery then made
​   by children, dear….

A waste of time to think of it –
  like day-dreaming in school.
There still is so much love to give
  right here and now.

The more we hear of brothers, sisters,
  children dear, that suffer from a need
     and fears of death and punishment,
        the more there is to do….

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