
Sedona Arizona

I'm back from a short trip to Northern Arizona.  You probably noticed my postings were not as frequent although Sophia Love kept the blog alive during my absence with her blog posts on Love Quest.  We stayed in Sedona, the hotels in Flagstaff were simply full due to all the students returning to University for the fall semester.

When we left home Thursday I had the strangest thing happen to me.  I felt pretty good over all, but every sentence I spoke to my wife and daughter in the car it was as if I had come down with a slight case of that gibberish syndrome that struck those TV announcers over the past year.  I would say a well known word and I'd put an odd ending on it.  Other times it sounded like English was my second language and not my first.  I could think of the word but it was coming out of my mouth in odd and unusual ways. Sometimes dyslexic, other times like I didn't know English at all, and one time I sound like a hillbilly.  My daughter was in hysterics laughing at the things I was saying.  All I could do was smile and shrug.  I have no idea what was going on, I felt a little tired but other than that I was fine and I had no problem driving the car.  After about 4 hours into the trip the episode cleared completely and never returned.  If this is an ascension syndrome symptom, its a new one in my book.  Its not as annoying as the odd aches and pains since 2010, just a little frustrating while trying to express a coherent thought.  But at least my family found it amusing!

Coming into Flagstaff on I-40 I saw an unusual sight.  The San Francisco Peaks, had three layers of clouds. Right at the peaks was a cloud surrounding the very top of the peaks, the last 1000 feet of the mountain peeked through.  Above that was a huge lenticular cloud about 10 miles in diameter.  Some call lenticular clouds "cloaked UFO" or "cloud ships".  I am somewhat agnostic if lenticular clouds are cloud ships, and have been reticent to call them that. I am no expert on that.

Above the lenticular cloud I saw was another set of turbulent thunderhead clouds we often see in Arizona during the southwest's monsoon season of July and August.  Three layers of clouds in all.  Very unusual arrangement of clouds.  As I mentioned the cloud to my wife and daughter and told them about how some people believe they are cloaked mother ships,  we pulled around a hill on I-40 and the mountain was obscured for a couple of minutes.  When it was in view again, the lenticular cloud had vanished entirely, as if it was never there!  Now that got my attention!  Clouds do not evaporate that fast!  I did see dozens of other smaller lenticular clouds scattered throughout the area.

The weather was partly cloudy and we had some torrential rain showers which cleared as rapidly as they began.  Pretty much typical weather for this time of year in Northern Arizona.

Friday night my wife and I had a conversation about my blog and the things I have come to believe, she's very skeptical and believes nothing will every change on this planet.  She's a good woman and a wonderful mother, but she has a slight tendency to see the cloud in every silver lining.  She's not unusual, most of humanity has this view.  Most people just want to survive and get by and raise their children in peace. And the record of history in the last 6000 years gives them little encouragement anything will change.

I explained the best I could in the drive through the midnight fog of Oak Creek Canyon about the layers of dimensional density in the universe and how the human form is found in 3D, 4D and 5D levels.  How were were meant to be physical angels of physical creations, but that we had been entrapped on earth for eons in a cycle of reincarnation under the rule of some very dark and negative beings.  Beings which have been and are being removed by higher beings for our benefit.  I explained the galactic cycle of 50,000 plus years and how stars align  at certain moments, like a galactic tumbler lock, to pass huge amounts of energy to trigger new cycles of evolutionary growth.  During these periods mankind has the opportunity if they choose, to advance spiritually to new levels and higher existence.

Then she asked me the question, which I knew she'd ask, "HOW DO YOU KNOW?"  That's a tough one. You've likely faced it yourself.  Ultimately I can't answer that question with articles from David Wilcock, Steve Beckow, Blossom Goodchild or mysterious graphic, articles and tips I receive in email from sources known and unknown.  Those sources helped me immensely, but it was the divine that somehow awakened me, for only the divine knows where I came from, and what it takes for me to see.  I can only relate the journey I took and the things I learned along my way. I can only tell her my very human story of discovery (of which she's had a ringside seat), the thousand and one things that confronted me.  Information that always tied into what came before.  It seems telling the tale of my journey, she comes to understand the why of of what I believe, even if she doesn't yet accept it herself.  She can at least accept the reasons behind my convictions. She appreciates that I do not force my unusual views on our family, quite unlike what her and my father did while we grew up within the quirky religious teachings of Herbert W Armstrong.  I do not know what choices she will make.  That's very much beyond my control.  All I can do is be the very best person I can be with the knowledge I do have, and that will speak more than anything outside myself.   My light has to shine for any of it to have any true meaning.

Saturday morning we had breakfast at a Sedona restaurant.  The table to my left  had a very loud man who's voice reminded me of Richard Hoagland, but he didn't look like Richard.  There were four women with him, and they appeared to be fairly well off.  I was less impressive with my Nautica T-shirt and jogging sweats on.  They appeared to be the sort that enjoy the light worker seminar circuits, going from seminar to seminar around the more beautiful and energy active places on the planet.  They seemed to do this a lot.  They certainly had more money than I do for that sort of thing, but people like these also keep people like David Wilcock, David Icke and others in enough pocket change to provide the rest of us with great free information. So I don't begrudge them their wealth. I wish every one had that.  I am glad some people can choose to spend their wealth in seeking the light.  My path has been a bit more lean financially...but I have learned much from sharing the same circumstances as the average man.

They mentioned an unspecified conference in Hawaii where they frolicked with dolphins and some friend of theirs was "toned" by a dolphin.   Two of the woman started reciting some dire prediction about pole-shifts, and I knew which web site she was reading.  Part of me wanted to walk over and whisper to the woman, "everything is going to be okay!" But I restrained myself.  This seemed like a great light worker anthropology moment.  And I like people watching anyway.  The man quickly told the woman that  various channelings have indicated that dire things she feared where not going to happen during ascension, and that what was really required was to stay in a state of oneness and joy at this time.  I smiled at that.  Where else on earth could you walk into a restaurant full of strangers and overhear a conversation on Ascension?

There will come a time when Spiritual knowledge of the Creator of All, and the Spiritual creation will be known by all.  That time is not far off.  Eventually light workers will move on to other tasks, perhaps other worlds.  But right now we all have a lot of work ahead right here on planet Earth!
"....they will be my people. They will no longer go around setting up schools to teach each other about God. They'll know me firsthand, the dull and the bright, the smart and the slow." - Jeremiah 31:34 as translated in "The Message" bible.

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