Ben Fulford as Daruma http://goo.gl/uiv1B

Select Postings from Ben Fulford's Free Blog:

May 14, 2012

From a reader: (translated from Japanese)

 In the November 2002 issue "Business Community Outlook" monthly magazine ran an article [that] can not be overlooked . The article is the "Whole Picture of Japan: CIA tool to manipulate power business policy in Japan." By the way, (U.S. Central Intelligence Bureau) are also rumors flying column of (American Petroleum capital) Rockefeller CIA.

Because the Rockefeller Foundation's contributed a large donation of the CIA. According to this article, research reports of the energy situation in Japan of CIA (February 2000) is similar to the following recommendations have been made is likely. In order to prevent the mosquito {?}anti-American over the future, in the energy sector over a long period of time, needs to be containment, as if put handcuffs on Japan and, without over mighty than this national power of Japan "Japanese nuclear power. some are already accounted for more than 30% of the power. So, put the power of the Tokyo Electric Power Company in Soi nuclear technology to dominate the Japanese is effective.

TEPCO is Japan's largest asset company , also. which is leading companies to lead the business community, the business community, to prevent mosquito (?)nuclear armament thicker trust from the public. in Japan, significant technological development of nuclear power by without discredit of TEPCO, to decline . there is a need to delay to "

Ben Fulford: 

Threat of being attacked by five kiloton atomic bomb in Japan crossword puzzle was written by David Beckham at 2 minutes and 55 seconds of this video is Rothschild wrote. Sent to me as this link is threatened British MI6 staff. Japanese authorities should examine a particular can be detailed in this huge source of threat.

The following link is to a Rothschild Olympic video, at 2 minutes 55 seconds you will see an image of a crossword written by David Beckham. It contains a threat to attack Japan with a 5 kiloton nuclear weapon. This link was sent to me by MI6 as a threat. This video provides a clear forensic trail for international investigators to follow.



Information from Reader in Brazil

I'd like to call your attention to something, I would say "weird" that's going on here in Brazil. Just recently, right after the BRICS summit in India, our President Dilma started a nasty offensive on Brazilian private banks, urging  them for STRONG interest rate cuts. Brazilian state commercial bank Banco do Brasil slashed its rates by 50% on a single day, in an effort to push the private banks to do so.

Here are the weirdness of this move:
Brazillan government NEVER - EVER - messed with the banks, As long as my 39 years old can tell. On the contrary, we were known for bailing out banks in the 90s, years before the 2008 Wall Street-Bernanke bailout party.

They are DOING SOMETHING. THEY ARE MAKING THIS MOVE FOR SOME REASON. And at least for Brasil - the interest rate is the tool, or at least the primary tool to be used. And it started right after the BRICS summit in India. What I would like to know, however, is whether or not the other BRICS
countries are making this sort of aggressive move as well. Be it in the interest rate side or anything else. Any move that might sound "Weird" from their part, could be considered a BRICS summit aftermath,.couldn't it?

Ben Fulford: Thanks for that information. The move to cut interest rates and increase the money supply is part of an offensive against the Western financial mafia who are printing too many dollars and trying to use those dollars to buy assets in Brazil and other countries. It is a way of fighting back by saying that if they keep trying to print too many dollars, other countries will retaliate by printing more of their own currency too.

Please note that President Putin is not going to the G8 or NATO summits in the USA but is going to the environmental summit in Brazil. The whole world is sick of those gangsters in the G7 countries and is fighting to remove them from power. Your president is a champion of humanity.

Question from Reader:

I have some serious concerns over statements you made from your recent post where you stated the following?

... New system involve a reunion between some old shady business Partners: the CIA and their Asian secret society counterparts ...

Why in the world would we want to allow this to continue as they have been responsible for so much strife and destablization of country's and currency's around the globe for the last 50 + years?

This will provide for the continued financing of the military industrial secret society complex until they are able to restructure their organizations so they are once again self-financed.self financed. By what? More drug and weapons sales?

The condition attached is an agreement to participate in a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and free the suppressed technology. Would that include the suppressed weapon
systems the pentagon would love to employ against China or Russia or some third world country who has fallen out of favor with the groups Above, or some bankster who did not make his 120% profit on some sweet inside currency deal in exchange for some rare earth minerals, gold or silver?

Ben Fulford: Thanks for bringing the issue of why we need to work with the black ops people. The fact of the matter is that right now they are the only people who have stepped up to the plate and offered to take real action and not just talk. Unless the sheeple suddenly wake up, they are the only real show in town right now.

You can be sure freeing the forbidden technology will done in a responsible manner. We do not want people having back-yard nuclear weapons.

The deal being negotiated with China is to return gold that was stolen from China during WW2 in exchange for having all US debts written off. That is a better deal than the 300 years of debt slavery the banksters are offering.

RE: Question from an Oath Keeper

Thank you again for your continued correspondence. It makes sense that the Chen incident was a PR stunt, as they needed some cover for Clinton and Geithner being in China to grovel. I have been paying careful attention to the news being given here in the US by 'Drake', and he recently made a statement that corroborates what you are saying.

I do sincerely hope that the plan to arrest these people and put an end to this is close at hand. The recent statements made by General Nikolai Makarov in regards to the possibility of Russia using preemptive force against the US / NATO missile defense system, which is set to be unveiled at the NATO summit on May 20-21st, (which will follow the G8 summit at Camp David, where Putin will meet with Obama), is the most frightening talk in my lifetime. If this is saber-rattling, then they've officially got my attention;. and the attention of all within Oath Keepers This is not Ahmadinejad throwing around hollow banter;. this is coming from the highest levels of the Russian leadership Putin himself put forth a decree today issuing the same type of warning. On top of this, we've got the impending joint US / Russian special forces exercises on May 21-24 to "seize and hold" the Denver International Airport and the headquarters of both the CIA and the NSA. All of this goes on while Americans are fast asleep.

Perhaps May 20th will come and go without so much as a whimper, but this concerns me greatly. You say that these oligarchs have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, but they are turning Chicago into a massive police city in preparation for the NATO summit , and are officially stating that they will be using Joliet Prison, an old, abandoned 'gulag', as an internment center for protesters. All that we can do, (those of us not 'in the know' in regards to the supposed planned mass arrests), is to go off what we are seeing and hearing, and it's all very worrisome. If what Drake is reporting is correct, then these arrests should take place sometime in the next few weeks, and the new financial system implemented. If not, then we've got a very serious situation on our hands. We in Oath Keepers will continue to follow every angle that we can. The dam seems ready to break. The question is, will the water trickle out and will we repair the dam, or will the water wash us over? Many of us are prepped and ready to bug out to safer ground, as we all sense that something is close at hand. But who really knows how much longer they can prop up this phony system? I am maintaining that what is coming may not be as nefarious as some believe. I will continue to keep a close eye on your news reports, and hopefully catch the trigger point before it happens.


Ben Fulford: 

To the oath-keepers and all patriots,

Remember that what is closest to you is most important. General Patton had a 2 million man army but was murdered because of people who were personally close to him. Make sure you and your most trusted colleagues and family have contingency plans for your own immediate surroundings . If there is any action you can personally take, take it. Worry about the rest of the world only after you have done that. Thank you.

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