
Thanks to your generosity I have enough to get an iMac!  What a shock! Went shopping for one today but the Apple Store, Best Buys and Fry's Electronics are sold out of them.  Apple is apparently bringing a new thinner model out but have some supply chain glitch.  They aren't in the stores yet.  I am thinking maybe I should just bear with this PC until my daughter gets home and hopefully Apple with have them in stock by Thanksgiving.  I might be able to get the older model online but with shipping it puts me into the same time frame.

I am simply amazed at the love shown me.  Its very heartening to know I have touched so many lives and to read your little notes you sent with the donations.  I've tried to thank each one individually, if I have missed anyone consider this your belated thank you!

You don't need to send anymore money for the Mac, unless you just want to help the effort in other ways. There are tools I can get to make the blog better and I have wanted to do videos and podcasts as well.


American Kabuki

Update 11/18/2012:  I ordered a refurbished iMac from apple.com, should have it in a couple of days. The refurbished model means I can get a larger screen for the same money as a smaller model and it carries the same warranty from Apple.  I can't get a new in any case because they simply aren't available now and I don't know when they will be.  The Mac Rumor web site says it could be 2013 before the new models are available.

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