When I saw these images captured by Dutchsinse I immediately thought of the Rodin coil pattern discovered by Marko Rodin.  We've seen arcs, squares, circles, saw tooth patterns in HAARP echo returns that show up in weather radar images, but the Rodin Coil pattern is a new HAARP configuration.  A shape that could be very potent.  Below is an image from Marko Rodin's lectures on the mathematics of the vortex which are available online and on YouTube.

Richard Hoagland has spoken for sometime about the power of hyper dimensional physics.  Marko Rodin has given the world the mathematical basis for the role the vortex and torus shapes play in the transfer of energy in the quantum world.  The math is quite simple, its sum of nines math which is the same math used in numerology.

This intrigued me so I sent the link over to GW Hardin for his analysis given his experience and knowledge of sacred geometry, solfeggio frequencies and the rodin coil (which is related to the solfeggio scale).  Here's GW Hardin's comments which you might find interesting, especially in regards to the apparent weather wars currently underway:

OK. The Fibonacci spiral in Sandy is normal. What's not normal are the spirals around the Yucatan  There are three spiral configurations: 6, 20, and 7. The 6 and the 7 are counteractors to the 20. It looks to me like you have vortex wars going on. The 20 is the troubling number. Whoever is creating the 20 number is being counteracted by whoever is creating the 6 and the 7.

What this tells me is that Sandy could have been a lot worse. But it wasn't. Whoever is running HAARP has competition. Frankly, I don't understand this.

If you can get DutchSince to find out who is influencing the Yucatan, you find out who is neutralizing the Illuminati.

Perhaps someone good in interferometry can figure out where on the globe these patterns are originating?  HAARP signals are normally bounced off the ionosphere from ground stations, and there are many installations owned by various countries and private interests.   There's also been some indications recently that there are also HAARP satellites in orbit.  Who has them? Nobody knows.  Probably the usual suspects.

The images below are Dutchsinse and the complete post is here: http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2012/10/28/10282012-mexico-canada-spiral-vortex-shaped-radar-return/

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