
Apocalypse(s) Anyone?…
”Discovery Channel – Militia Rising – Watchmen of America”

Posted on 2012/10/24

From Removing the Shackles: Now I’m not one to pay much attention to military and militia and all that, but since listening to the Drake, I realized that there is an intent behind the militia beyond anything “military”, and that they may serve as community groups prepared to help out in emergencies.

But the reason I post this, is that this program airs tonight (10 PM EST; on our cable networks in Hawaii, it’s on Discovery channel at 7 PM HST), and I sense is a part of the unveiling of the presence groups like this, and why they are here. And possibly this is being aired to prepare the public about these groups. That’s what I got, at least.


Soldier Hugs and Watchmen of America: Militia Rising

From my buddy Aaron at SoldierHugs, brand new series on Discovery Channel all about the Watchmen of America. The launch episode airs tonight on Discovery at 10est. Freebyrd from the Watchmen has said that this series will be amazing AND…. in this first episode they discuss the patriot movement and the return to the constitution.

….I know what I’m watching tonight!

Discovery Channel – Militia Rising – Watchmen of America
I just got off the phone with the administrator of the “Watchmen of America organization. They have a great new program series called “Militia Rising” airing its pilot episode tonight on the Discovery Channel at 10pm EST.

Here is the Trailer

From the Watchmen of America website:


SUBJECT: PROJECT Dx – Discovery eXtreme
DATE: OCTOBER 15, 2012



For almost a year now, the Watchmen Of America and several State Groups have been contracting and filming with the Discovery Channel to Create a New Show called “MILITIA RISING.”

The Discovery Channel network came to us with the desire to finally divulge the Real Truth in the Patriot movement and why so many Americans are training and preparing for “Ultimate Survival”  in this heated political climate. They expressed the desire to have us provide them access inside the True World of the Legal and Constitutional Militias and other Survival and Prepping Groups that all have become a part of the Watchmen of America Program. Discovery has a true desire to share the information about the Patriot Movement and why so many Militia groups are growing, and to divulge the Truth that the Mainstream Media has Refused to Tell.

Under a strict set of guidelines and Contractual agreements, the Watchmen agreed to participate in this Documentary and possible television series, so long as they did not demonize or criminalize the movement, but rather expose the simple Truth in why so many Americans are enraged and not willing to stand by and let our country be destroyed. In addition, they wanted to focus on the entire Survival and Prepping movement in order to enlighten the American audience to the everyday dangers we all face with Natural Disasters, Man-made Disasters, Economic Collapse, etc, and why a large portion of the population are engaging a “Survival Mindset”.

This Fantastic project has taken almost a year to complete and included Filming productions that took place in 3 States and involved several dozen Watchmen Members, not including all the Discovery and Magilla Production people. We want to thank ALL those who devoted so much time and money and energy in making this happen and giving us the opportunity to be the Organization that was chosen to help Expose the Truth in the Patriot Movement.


We are proud to announce the upcoming release of the Initial Television Show Special that we participated in and will be airing on Wednesday night, October 24, 2012 at 10:00 p.m. eastern,
on the Discovery Network.

We will be making Special Announcements on our PRN Radio Network including a Special “Round Table Discussion” Show on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. eastern.

We would like to ask all Watchmen Members to join us in our excitement to finally be able to expose the Truth in America’s Plight with the Nation and the World with this fantastic television documentary/series opportunity.

Help us spread the word Far and Wide……………..
Post the links and press releases to every social media site you know of including, Facebook, Twitter, Web Blogs, Networking Web Sites, etc.

Let’s get America on board and Moving in the Direction of Unity and Brotherhood for All of our Sisters and Brothers, who cherish Freedom and Liberty. The more support we can generate for this show the Greater it will be.

The Watchmen are On the Wall, and will remain “Eternally Vigilant”

“Now is the Time, for All of us to make the stand and let the world know that America will always remain America as long as the Spirit of Freedom and Liberty presides in our Hearts and Minds as a Free People.” ~Freebyrd~

Please find below, links to the Public releases sent out by the Discovery channel just hours ago.









This is a subject I continually have mixed emotions about. My father was an Air Force Captain, and was very much a military man.  Yet he chose to enter a religion that was pacifist (non-violent) that was founded by an ex-Quaker, Herbert W. Armstrong.  I grew up being taught sometimes people have to die for love of their country but nobody should ever kill for their country. Killing was killing whether it was personal or state sponsored.  It was a very black and white view of things. In the religion I grew up in it meant that young men were expected to become conscientious objectors.  Most were. 

I grew up during the Vietnam War and faced the very real prospect of being drafted into the Vietnam. Those a few years older than me skirted the issue by going to college and got college deferments. The great chicken-hawks of our time, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Clinton all were college deferments. Draft-dodgers. And since they never had bullets coming at them, they were all too willing to have others take them for them. They did no alternative service for their beliefs.

Those with poorer families who couldn't afford college went to war. By the time I was getting near to being old enough to be drafted, college deferments were ended.  I faced the gut checking choice of going to war in violation of my religious beliefs, or filing for conscientious objector status and the stigma that carries with military service people (including my own father) and bleak potential future employment opportunities in industries that did defense contracts. It also meant the required menial service work like cleaning bed pans in hospitals and similar fates consigned to to those with C.O. status. C.O.s are not cowards. To face that kind of societal pressure for one's conscience takes an extreme amount of courage.  The other choice was fleeing for refuge in Canada - something that my father would never forgive me for doing.  When I asked my father for advice, this was one subject he seemed to differ from the teachings of his chosen religion, he simply told me "That's a decision you have to make, I will respect whatever you choose."  The church legal department sent me a set of papers to make my case if I chose the C.O. route. Most of the legal argument consisted of the proposition that a Christian was a citizen of the Kingdom of God, therefore not subject to a lessor power and set of laws that were in defiance of the divine laws.  

Its an argument that is valid and strangely enough, recognized by the United States of America Corporation. It seems the leased franchise the cabal has on our reality requires our consensus.  That's a strange concept to wrap your head around, but one that seems to be very true.  Its also why the cabal always symbolically telegraphs its intentions, like its a corporate K12 filing with some divine version of the SEC. The problem is we've been hypnotized into passivity.

These are issues 16 year old's shouldn't have to consider.  16 year olds should be out playing ball and chasing girls not wonder whether they might die soon in an Southeast Asian jungle.  In all honesty, a lot of my friends who had brothers coming home in flag draped boxes from Vietnam so I didn't really think I'd even live past 24 years of age.  

Fortunately for me, the draft ended the year before I came eligible for it.  The military became a volunteer force.  So the choice never had to be made officially.  I think I did send in the C.O. paper work anyway, in case the government changed its mind, with a new President, on the draft. Its probably sitting in an FBI or DOD file somewhere.  Perhaps they just binned it when it came in, given the draft had ended. I don't know. I do know that I was never successful at getting a job in any defense related industry.

I was very much moved when I saw the Sir Ben Kingsley movie Gandhi. If Gandhi had chosen violence as the means of his opposition to the British Crown, India would have had years of blood bath.  The Crown knew what to do with violence, and it knew that violent resistance only gave it more power. But they did not know how to deal with Mahatma Gandhi.  This was a man of enormous courage, a flawed man - yes, we all are.  But still a man who chose the way of love over the way of separation and set a nation free.  Its Gandhi's example that Martin Luther King successfully pursued civil rights for black people in America. There's a lesson in Gandhi's story we need to remember.  

The cabal has become more sophisticated in its handling of non-violent protests.  They've invented non-lethal weapons (they just maim and permanently injure the body), they invented sound devices that can turn your brain to mush with sound waves. They've invented fear inducing devices to cause panics in crowds.  They invented microwave devices to make your body burn and cause you to flee.  They've invented the term "free speech zones" which really mean "you have no free speech where it counts".  They bought up all the media companies and control the news now, so movements like Occupy are ridiculed as dirty hipsters and lazy bums.  

Our effective weapons are truth, the Internet and our sharing of information through it, our collective purchasing power, humor (think Steven Colbert!).  The cabal is hugely egocentric. It likes to be feared. It likes to carry a big stick.  Its so fears the population of this country awakening so much that it  wants to put a drug dispensing GPS located high definition WIFI connected probe up your ass 24/7. I still think our best weapon is to relegate it to insignificance. To ridicule it. To laugh at it and its impotence against the divine field of love enveloping this planet.  To turn our back on it. To wormhole alternatives through it like swiss cheese so that structure of the cabal no longer holds and it implodes on itself.  The Asians have thrown a new powerful tactic at it, deprive it of money, cut off its oxygen.

Still having said all this, for much long than I really intended to write, I really do understand where these guys in the article above are coming from and in the scheme of things this may indeed be the path these people below are to walk.  It is not my path.  But I know all are one and I honor the courage of these individuals and pray and hope their efforts do not come to naught.  

Someone will have to arrest the miscreants who have taken over this country.  Perhaps its best those who have been most exploited by the miscreants in their various wars do the arresting.  This military is the last bastion of honor left in this country. They certainly have the skills and training to do so. God speed. -AK

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