I Have A Need
I've debated with myself about a week about doing this, but here goes. This summer has been very hectic for me, I've incurred some medical expenses from illness (which I am negotiating payment on) and some unexpected car and lodging expenses dealing with family matters that required a lot of traveling. Those I can deal with over time. No worries there. We all have to deal with stuff like this, I am no different.
The one item that is coming close to breaking the camel's back so to speak is that I need to pay for a medical device. I have had sleep apnea for sometime. Both obstructive apnea and central nervous system apnea. I had surgery in 1992 after my wife discovered that I stopped breathing in my sleep. I was born with two very large tonsils and had them removed in 1992. They were the size of golf balls. I also had a deviated septum fixed at that time which helped immensely. It seems to be a family genetic issue, my brother also has apnea.
In 2009 the doctors decided I needed a CPAP machine, as my blood oxygen levels would drop to 85% of normal at night - not a good thing. With the machine they stay around 97%. I bought a very good one in 2009 which has served to keep me healthy and oxygenated. It began failing in May and has lost all pressure in August. The replacement is better, more adaptive to breathing patterns, and slightly cheaper than the one I bought in 2009. But it still costs about $1200.
I normally don't ask for money on this blog, I run ads, they bring in a small amount of income for displaying them, a bit more if people click on them, but they have to go to the other expense incurred this summer.
If anyone would feel they'd like to help me pay for this one-off medical device expense, my PAYPAL ID is obiwankabuki@gmail.com. I would suggest no more than $5 each. American Kabuki has a lot of readers and it wouldn't take much from as many readers that come here. There's power in numbers.
If you'd rather stay anonymous and avoid the prying and somewhat fickle whims of PAYPAL, and are familar with using BITCOIN, you can send a donation through BITCOIN.
My bit coin account number is: 16vXk8ENqcJKqgaMSyteccXgehQeexqaYk (you can cut and paste the account id)
I thank you for being able to serve you all with the information I find, it has been an honor to be of service at this time in history.
Please feel under no obligation or shame if you choose not donate. Many people are in very difficult financial times right now. Better times are coming, but they are not here yet.
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