Tarpits, Honeypots and Venus Fly Traps
By American Kabuki,
This is a very strange time. All around us the autumn crispness of change is occuring. Structures, institutions and energies of oppression crumble and disappate. Amazing pieces of information are flooding into our consciousness from so many different sources about what lies ahead. We've come a long ways actually, we no longer puzzle of what, we pretty much know that. We are also learning the how. The when we do not know, nor do we know the pace of the change.
We get frustrated because we know we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. Galactics, interdimensionals, angelics, Elohim, the Crystallines, Gaia, Mother/Father Creator. The Solar system is chock a block with craft. Krulian cruisers doing what ever they do with their planetary sized craft moving in and out of the Sun. We even have those who really don't care what happens to us, this is after all not their fight, but they are watching. Curiousity has brought everyone it seems.
A careful reading of various channelings over the years show that even the Galactics are astounded by by the cabal. No wonder too. It is ill-logical to choose to go down in flames and attempt to take everyone else with them than give up control and power. But this is a human condition, and we humans understand that kind of villian. Our movies are full of gunslingers who go down in a hail of bullets. We even mark them in our history, Dillinger, Billie the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, Adolph Hilter. Cameras recorded Mussolini dragged through the streets by Italians. Il Duce became Il Pulverem. There is historical precedence for this our Galactic friends! This misguided insistence of strong willed brilliantly deceptive minds to engineer their own destruction, is because they are afraid of facing who they are. They are afraid of love. They are afraid of their own inhumanity and what they'd do to themselves if they were their victims. When you live from lies you lie even to yourself. They spiral away from truth and love. Some may even spiral their way out of existence forever.
We're pushed forward by the current of the collapsing duality time wave to our new humanity, our crystalline tesseract DNA that begets a new species of human. Homo Sapiens Unum, and yet we find our feet sticking to the past. And it hurts to let go. It even hurts to let go of pain because that means we have to let go of judgment, being a victim and retribution. None of that baggage gets on the train to where we are going. Travel light, and bring your light.
Venus fly traps for the ego engineered by one cabal minion or another for light workers, great visionaries and peacemakers. Will it be pride? Will it be our desire to defend the illusionary ego? More people are sunk by their hurt feelings than by the errors. What is the ego anyway? A mask to scare people away from knowing who we are. We are manifestations of the Creator. That's nothing to shrink from. We have the best linage of all.
These wizards of public mass mis-perception are blissfully ignorant of the venus fly trap of no-time they themselves sink into with each new planted story, tarnished reputation, darkened deed of their numerous minion proxies and outright murder. The system is a lie so they seek to crush truth and reinforce he lie. We are not fallen from the grace of God. We are not foresaken by God. We have nothing to fear when this body dies, for we go on. I know that personally.
We search for information and guidance (we forget the internal one). We want some outside compass, we want a clock on some local town tower that says its 5 minutes to ascension and half past the fallen cabal. We scan the financial news, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, for some clue of what is happening. We know that in any prior time there would have never been a FED bailout of the stock market, and noone envisioned even the ones for the banks. The finanical news can't explain stock prices that defy logic, and even to the pundits it doesn't make any business sense. Their only hope is more QE from Bernanke. We scan various dire predictions and false flag scenerios in one blog or another, as our fear and cortisol levels rises, our health subsides. Who needs chemtrails when you have the evening news? It exhausts us. 500 cable channels and nothing worth watching. We reminisce about Marshal McLuhan's great wasteland, and call it the golden age of TV. What does that say about what we have now? We find what we think is sweet, but it too wants to trap our hand in the honey pot of duality. Everywhere we move are tarpits of things we cling to, honeypots of duality. Its easy to put your hand in it than to get it out. Sometimes we need to call on higher help to free us. They are there, you need only ask.
Movie stars are built up and torn down by the same media machine. Hollywood has learned how securitize and monetize human reputations happiness and misery. TMZ, Access Hollwood, Entertainment Tonight. And it only works because we slurp up that slime. Making money on misery.
Banking learned it long ago. American's can't refinance homes because they all have bad credit ratings. The greedy banks made it difficult to file chapter seven for high income earners so the economy never sheds it debt and small business tanks. They broke the business cycle they created. Now its frozen. And the bankers can't figure out why nobody is borrowing money. Bernanke dumps more money into the banking system and it just bleeds out into the commodity markets. Gold goes up. Oil goes up. Food goes up. And our idiot economists exclude food and fuel from their inflation figures? What fantasy land are they living in? Oh yeah the one with VIP VISA cards that always clear while the rest of the poor slobs get turned down erroneously for a ham sandwich. Corruption comes in many forms. For decades the airlines have given free airline passes to Congressmen. Banking systems and Airlines flag VIPs. Pan AM flight 103 knew it was in danger. They unloaded the VIPs and boarded standby students. The students ended up scattered across Lockerbie Scotland. They didn't tell you that on the news. Now London's Heathrow is going to let the rich bypass the immigration and security checks the rest of the British public must endure. The class system is back and you ain't in it!
Credit ratings are a marvelous invention, loosely modeled on the erroneous Christian concept of God as the sin bean counter in the sky, the pyramid cyclops money god collects and retains each and every financial sin. There is no mercy with these ersatz gods, only retribution. Its a system for sorting compliant slaves from non-compliant ones. Its jailhouse privledges from the warden. What it really is a means to serve up the highest retail interest rates for the largest number of people. There's no incentive for correct information - sorry Bud, that's your task to clean up those credit errors. But it will take you months to do it. If you pay more because of them in the meantime that's to the banking systems advantage. They don't want it accurate or even fair. Can you really say Wall Street firms who cratered the economy are better credit risks than the man on the street? Who is the freeloader in the economy? Who are the ones demanding entitlements Mr Romney? Wall Street gets its money for free from the FED. The man on the street pays 23% interest on his credit card to buy a set of tires for his old car. Corporations do not operate under the same credit reporting system real people do.
And FICO scores? The system that makes those who are truly financially prudent less credit worthy! Go figure! Not even Dave Ramsey can figure that one out! Nobody can tell you how that algorthim works. Its a trade secret. Just try and figure out what you must do to get the highest score. "Trust us, your not worthy of our favor".
Intellectual property laws have long passed their sell by date. They're not intellectual, don't benefit Intellectuals. They call them digital rights, their rights not yours! They've become a means for corporations to suck up the hard work of individuals, musicians, artists, programmers, engineers and limit innovation and competetion. Coopt the bright and brilliant and tell them their special but always not quite as special as those with secret handshakes and the right pedigree of hemophiliac troubled relatives. Pure genes my ass. They could use some wild DNA from the rest of the planet. Some genes with empathy and compassion in them. That sociopathic gene pool needs serious dilution. That might have happened if they had let their children marry for love rather than position and power.
The cabal was never about free enterprise, it was always about monopolies and control. Its centralized planning. For their benefit not yours. For decades they hid their control through linked directorships, holding companies, crosss shareholdings among corporations and investment houses, but computers and software now can track that all. We know who they are and where they live. We know their plans, methods and goals. They no longer even put on the pretense of decency up anymore. They know the gig is up.
Its easy to get caught up in the heaviness of the truth of our situation. Our energy has powered our oppressors both spiritually and phyiscally. That is a heavy thing to come to grips with. Its enough to make one head for the Paxil or the bottle of Jack Daniels. But there is another way to look at it. None of this could have happeend without us. I am not speaking of blame here, although you could argue we've all had our role in darkness either in this life or previous one. Not one of us has escaped that. No sensing pointing fingers as we all did it. But look the basic thing going on. OUR ENERGY. That says something about us doesn't it? It says just how poweful we are! They are not the power plant of this, WE ARE! We need only to change where we direct that power. Our finances, labor, pain, vengence, anger, hatred and war, has fueled this planetary squid that wraps its tentacles around Gaia. We are connected to source and that's why these beings who have shut down their connection to source use us for sustenance.They are nothing without us.
Humanity has surived because we can and do bring light to darkness. Its this ability that makes humanity truly special. This is the ability that is present in our very DNA and it soon going to rotate its structure into the crystalline DNA of the ascended human. This DNA is a tesseract, its multidimensional, its filled with portals and portals connect dimensions and bring light into dimensions and we've got this tesseracts in every cell in our body. I was told recently that scientists have found the mass of the proton is equal to the mass of the entire universe. Kind of mind boggling isn't it? How can that be? Its not possible in 3D thinking. Yet the math proves it. Its true because everything is ONE. Even the little proton in ONE. We are going to be completely surprised who we are when this event happens!
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