
Transcript: Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda Part 2/2


Posted by Stephen Cook
Transcript: Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda Part 2/2

This is Part 2 of my interview with author and Galactic messenger Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda from August 9, 2012. Thanks to Ellen for the transcript.

Part 1 of this transcript is here: http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/transcript-sheldan-nidle-on-the-light-agenda-part12/

Sheldan first went public with the messages he received from his Sirian star brothers and sisters in 1992. He has since written several books, including You Are Becoming A Galactic Human, and continues to share his messages with us every week and host monthly webinars. We talk about Sheldan’s childhood, family and what lies ahead with regards Ascension, Disclosure and December 21 – and more.

You can listen to the full The Light Agenda interview here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/08/09/the-light-agenda

Stephen Cook: But you actually went on and worked with free energy yourself, and you looked at concepts for that.

Sheldan Nidle: I did. I actually developed various working projects with light bulbs, run motors, things like that. The thing that is fascinating to me is the way in which the US Government pleads about needing to find sources of new energy, and when the sources of new energy are given to it, or at least put in front of its face, so it can use its various grant systems to help create it, it looks the other way and tells you things like, “Well, these grants that we were going to give you, if you showed us that your thing worked — that was a joke. We didn’t mean that.”

So, I’ve had that happen to me a few times. So, I realize now that these energy systems that we have right now, they’re alternate energy, until these governments are gone, until this political system that suppresses all of these various inventions is gone, the whole process of getting this alternative energy into the world is going to be, if not nearly impossible, extremely difficult.

SC: Um-hmm. But what’s really fascinating for me is that you did all of that from 14 through to, what, early 1980s, with no…. Okay, you had the education that the galactics had given you as a child; you also had your slight influence of your Earth-bound energies. You then decided that you were going to live in a three-dimensional world as a human. And you, yet, still did all those things in a three-dimensional life, as a human. But then suddenly, in the early ’80s, your extraterrestrial contacts, or let’s just say your star brothers and sisters contacts, resumed.

Why was that? And did you ask for that to happen again?

SN: Not really. [laugh] It kind of snuck up on me. It was time. You know, like they say with time-line, there’s divine, right time for everything to happen, let divine, right time happen. At that time I was married to my second wife, who was Miriam.

SC: Um-hmm.

SN: I was still associated with the organization. And what we did was we drove up to Redding, because I had read some articles on some guy, and before we met him. And he was very extraterrestrial in the way he acted. I never found him and could never find him at all after that. And he basically reconnected me up with the Sirians. With whatever he did, he got me, he got this telepathy going, and it started up the whole process again.

SC: So what year was that? Do you remember how old you were?

 SN:Roughly about 40. What happened was, I had been involved with a number of other scientists about trying to figure out what was going on. There was this… the return then of Haley’s Comet. Haley’s companion comet, which is called Comet Wilson. A giant question of astronomy of the year ’85 and ’86 was, which was coming in first, Comet Haley, or Comet Wilson? And if one was coming in ahead of the other one, which one was it, and what was the significance of that?

And so we had been working on alternate energy. I had that network from the early ’80s. And we decided to use our worldwide network with one another and try to figure out what was going on. And so we discovered eventually, by late ’86, that Wilson was the first one coming in and that it was not a normal comet. And it was not acting like a normal comet. It was doing… it was doing stuff that comets don’t do. Mainly it was changing direction.

And so I happened to be involved with some people who… one of whom whose father was one of the people who had developed the interstellar program. They were trying to answer a question back in the ’sixties, which was, if a ship was to come in from space, deep space, and had to… wanted to land on our planet, how would it do it?

And they spent a couple of months, and they developed a very primitive computer program. And we discovered that the way it would be done was they would break… and this is something you can look up, because this involves the National Observatory in Canberra …

SC: In Canberra, in Australia? Okay.

SN: Okay. Now, the way it would break in, it would have to go through the southern hemisphere. So, what …

SC: Because of what reason?

SN: The program was it would go just below the planet, break around the sun, and then come back and… into the northern hemisphere. So, what we… so then, we suddenly noticed that every major scientist dealing with astronomy on the planet, or something related to biological science, was suddenly headed for Australia. So we had a bunch of people in Australia, and we asked them, “What’s going on?” This is 1986.

And they said the national observatory — there’s a visitor’s center there — it’s been closed! They roped it off! They got military police and regular police officers suddenly guarding it! And they’ve got all these things around it, these big huge fences and everything, with Do not enter’s on it. We said, “That’s awful odd.”

So we finally got a hold of a couple of scientists in Canada who were going there. First, they were very upset at us that we found their number. And the second thing that they were upset about us was that we knew that they were going to Australia.

And the reason was, of course, very simple: the scientists wanted to get, immediately get pictures off of the telescope, which was then, as I said, is the largest physical telescope, at that time. There’s a whole bunch of telescopes that are a lot bigger now, but this is, this is 1986. This is 25 years ago! So, the largest eye telescope, physical telescope, was at the National Observatory in Australia.

And all of a sudden, it was roped off. And you couldn’t get up there. If somebody tried to sneak over the gates, they’d get arrested, and either thrown into jail, or else they’d get warned, if they catch you again, you are going to jail.

SC: So, why was that, though?

SN: They didn’t want anybody to see what they were actually doing.

SC: Which was?

SN: Which was to observe this comet, which was not really a comet; it was a giant ship. And it would be… come close enough to Earth that, with this big telescope, you could actually see the craft very well, because it was a very powerful telescope.

So, their job then was to make sure that only the scientists and those people invited by various national governments, cooperating of course with the Australian government, decided to let these scientists up there. And they wanted to be able to have full rein of the observatory, so, they closed the visitor’s center and allowed nobody up there.

So we wondered what was going on. So we talked to a few of these scientists, and like I said, they were extremely nasty with us. One of the things that had been done, which was one of the things that I had been doing, was to call up the Smithsonian Observatory in Massachusetts. And, so, we finally got the guy who was the chief PR guy for them at that time.

Finally, he said, “We want you to stop calling us. If you won’t desist from this, we’re going to start getting nasty.” And finally, his final answer was, “You know what’s happening. I know what’s happening. Let’s just leave it at that, please, okay?” And then he hung up.

SC: So, do you think, though, that that moment, then, when you were trying to find that out, that alerted the galactics to the fact that you needed to be back in contact with them again?

SN: I got in contact after that, and they showed me what was happening. What they were — what the — what was happening was one of these false flag invasions. They were, the Anchara group, which had a long series of treaties with the United States government and a few other major governments, was basically working together with the Anunnaki and with the dark cabal, which represents basically all these major governments. And what they were doing was setting up an invasion. And so, that’s when President Reagan gives that famous quote of his.

The one thing that will unite the Earth was, is if there was an alien invasion. Remember that quote?

SC: Ooohh. I didn’t even put these two things together.

SN: So now, we realized what’s going on. So we had no other choice, we had to cut it off. But we knew what was going on. So that’s when I got in direct telepathic communications with the Galactic Federation.

SC: And that’s when it resumed and has stayed with you ever since.

SN: One of the things they told us was there were two ships involved with made-up Comet Wilson. The first one was just a command ship. That was allowed to come into this planet, the star system, and go around the solar system and break against the moo … the sun, and all that. The second one was not allowed to pass Jupiter. And that was the one that had the soldiers on it, the invaders. And that one went back out into space.

That’s when they did the first of the five attempts to invade this planet. The first one was in ’86. The second one was in ’89. And after that, there were three more in the ’nineties. And I had a friend who knew Gordon Cooper, the astronaut. And he was sending out notices all the time to people on his list, which were mostly scientists and people related to them. And I just happened to know one of them. And he kept telling me, he’d call me up and he’d say, “They’re trying again.” And I knew then that the Federation would stop it. And sure enough, they did.

But, so, this has been going on for a long time. But that’s how I got started again in what I’m doing right now.

SC: So then, what led you in 1992 to suddenly write that first book?

SN: Well, I’d been getting more and more information, more and more information. And I didn’t know what to do with it. So this is how they worked it. I finally got convinced to go up into Seattle and visit my sister, and Miriam had discovered there was this lady who did regression therapy. And so I went and spent about two weeks with her doing regression therapy.

And she came up with all the things I was being related with then, because I was starting to remember even before the regression therapy what went on when I was much younger. And so she got all the information from hours and hours of listening to me when I was in the hypnotic state. And so then I was asked to give a talk to her group. And that was my first lecture.

SC: Wow. [laugh] So, writing that first book, was that very hard, or it actually flowed quite quickly and easily?

SN: It was pretty easy. But the major thing was I needed an editor. And my writing style was not very advanced then. My writing in the last 20 years has gone way up.

SC: You got the book out, and suddenly you had people really, really interested in what you were saying and talking about.

SN: Right.

SC: And then, in 1997, in November, you founded the Planetary Activation Organization, or PAO, which you still run today.

SN: Exactly.

SC: The aim of that was literally what? To bring everybody together that believed or had read your book or resonated with it?

SN: What I wanted to do was, first of all, Planetary Activation Organization’s primary purpose was to prepare the planet for First Contact.

SC: Um-hmm?

SN: The second purpose was to understand the fact that there was a consciousness shift going on on our planet, and that we were moving from being limited conscious beings to being fully conscious beings. And we needed to know the basic history of why we got here and why we’re going back to where we are as our natural state, which is to be fully conscious beings.

And then the third part was to understand that our planet is not just a giant rock, it’s really a living being and a living essence, and that we were originally brought here to be those beings whose task was to be a guardian for this planet and for its incredible, diverse biology.

And so, I wanted people to understand all of that. And one of the things they told me to do with it was to create planetary activation groups, which led to the book called Selamat Ja!, which is called a handbook for galactic humans.

And so, what I was doing with that was to give a basic overview to people who are interested in how to go about creating planetary activation groups. My primary concern was to have people understand about First Contact.

And then the third book, Your Galactic Neighbors, was written to help people understand that the people out in space, most of them are non-human, but they are very incredibly beautiful beings, and we wanted to get over the fear. Because I remember the fear, like I was explaining, when I was a kid, when I saw my first dinosaurian, probably created by the fact that I saw that crazy movie, but anyway, it was there.

And so I wanted people to get over the fear that people have. That’s why Star Wars is so frivolously effective, is because it’s almost like a cowboy, it’s like a — I call it a space western.

SC: Hmm.

SN: There are good hats and black hats, and all that. But that’s all changed. I wanted people to get over those ancient fears and to understand completely who and what they are, and who and what we were, and what we a re about to become again. And so, my task as messenger was to explain that to people, and also to give an update to people on what’s happening.

And that’s what we are doing right now. Our website, PAOweb, is doing all these various things and providing information on it. It’s got a lot of information on it. And I’m increasing that with the updates, and now I’ve been adding, the last year and a half plus, I’ve been adding webinars to it.

SC: Well, we’re going to get to one of them in a minute. But I was just thinking, no one could call you Mr. Idle Nidle, at any time, could they? Because you have just been phenomenally busy!

SN: Yeah. I’ve been … I’ve been asked to do all the things that are necessary to make all this happen. And as far as the final aspect of it, which is the actual shift, I would have loved it to happen yesterday, if you want to know the truth.

SC: Despite all of that, and, look, it seems to be part of the course when someone is a lightworker or a starseed, that sometimes there’s a bit of controversy. You’ve actually been ripped off. You’ve had people do things in your name, such as try to sell seats on a space flight that you had nothing to do with. You’ve also had all sorts of things done behind the scenes. I mean, how do you feel when something bad like that happens to you when you’re trying to do something very good?

SN: Well, it comes with the territory. And the thing that I’ve learned, the best thing I’ve learned is to just ignore it as much as you can. Being caught up in the controversy does not solve anything. It starts people into a series of you said, she said kind of things, and we don’t really need that. What we need as lightworkers is to be together and not try to create situations with one another where we get into these ridiculous conflicts.

So I do my best to try to smooth them over and to ignore the worst of it, because it’s really, as they would say in the game, it’s really solving nothing.

SC: Yeah… [laugh] But what about Middle Earth and the healing light chambers? I mean, some people agree with one and not the other, and some people say, look, we’re not going to need healing chambers at all because Ascension is the healing process. And then there’s others who believe there is no Middle Earth.

So, I mean, I always think in my head, well, they used to believe the Earth was flat, and we know that’s not the case. But what do you say to them, and …?

SN: Well, Inner Earth is real. If you look at the NASA photographs from Apollo 14, Apollo 11, a couple of other Apollo flights, you begin to see from the very flights that science has given us, through the photographs coming back from the Moon that the Earth is hollow.

They’ve also taken pictures of Mars and of Jupiter, and they have all kinds of strange things happening around the poles of Saturn which show conclusively that planets tend to be hollow. So that means it’s real.

Although I, when I was a kid, I was taken, as one of the many trips that I had, into Inner Earth. I got to see the crystal cities, I got to talk to the Agarthans. And they’re just like the Sirians and the Pleiadians and the Andromedans, and et cetera, and the Galactic Federation. They are very advanced, magnificent benign beings. And so, and the world they live in is a five-dimensional world, just like the five-dimensional world you see on the ships.

SC: Um-hmm. Which is where we’ll end up hopefully soon. [laugh] And what about the healing chambers, the chambers of light?

SN: The chambers of light are about bringing back the codes…. Right now, all of us have the various things in our RNA, DNA that is starting to go through what is called by the geneticists, it’s becoming encoded, which means it’s waking up, it’s becoming alive. As a matter of fact, in ’95, they saw this as a major thing. They had a secret conference in Mexico and decided to tell all the geneticists, “Don’t talk about this. This could be the next great monster after AIDS.” And so they didn’t want to get involved with it unless it showed up more.

We have crystal children on our planet right now that are very telepathic, who have learned and understand how to use nature and matter just as fully conscious beings can, who are growing up in a world and understand that their purpose is to help move us from where we are right now, in limited consciousness, into full consciousness. All this is now happening.

Now, let’s look at the light chambers. They know, because of the sequencing, we have a thing that was discovered about 15 years ago which is called epigenetics. Epigenetics simply is that when a certain crisis happens in your life your gene sequencing shifts, and it shifts permanently, unless another major crisis happens.

So, all of us had the same thing happen to us when we were switched from being full, unlimited conscious beings. We have gene sequencing surrounded by epigenetic programs which prevent us from becoming fully conscious beings. One of the giant tasks that any of the great ascended masters had, and why it took generations for them to do it, is because it required that you have a special moment when you shift the sequencing back into the proper sequencing for being a fully conscious being. So it’s not easy. It takes a lot of work, a lot of stress, a lot of concentration.

All of these beings went through almost a whole lifetimes where they basically just spent the whole day going through immense prayers and just standing or sitting in certain positions to allow them to be in a degree of meditation that they could talk to heaven, talk to their body, and gradually, genetic sequence by genetic sequence, by genetic sequence — and we’re talking billions of them — move their bodies from where we are as mortals into an immortal, fully conscious being.

That …

SC: And that’s what the light chambers would do?

SN: And so what the light chambers do is they take this stuff that is so difficult for us to change, and it allows us to lay there, surrounded by our own guardian angels, surrounded by our angelics, surrounded by our mentors, surrounded by all those beings in heaven who are there to help us, to allow us to be in complete security, in complete oneness with all life and all light, and use that time, of a few days, three days exactly, to shift from the limited conscious being we are now into a fully conscious being, and to allow us to go through all those processes. Because once we become fully conscious, all our thoughts become manifest.

So, we have to learn how to control that. So, when we come out, we’ll go through a seven to ten-day training to help us understand the etiquette of full consciousness. And from then on we are a fully conscious being, we are part of a natural civilization that will then evolve on this world, which is a galactic civilization, a galactic…

SC: Yeah! [laugh] That’s what we all want! Now, just briefly… I was just going to say, you know, sometimes the messages seem the same. So do you sometimes get bored with them, or think, oh, this is the same old, same old?

SN: Well, we’re educating people.

SC: Yes.

SN: Sometimes it requires a few weeks, a few months of going over it again and again, because people tend to take anything that’s repetitive, even if it’s stuff that they have to learn…. We all know that from school, when we have to learn things. We, after a while, didn’t feel very good about it because we had to go over it again and again. Of course I had a giant assist, which was I had a complete memory system that remembered everything.

So when I looked at a book, I could just flip the pages and remember it. And I would… to the point where the history teachers when I was in high school, would ask me, “Did I teach that subject right?” And I would tell them yes, or if they didn’t do it right I would tell them, well…

SC: [laugh]

SN: … so, said the following. And I would…. So.

SC: But you don’t ever get bored?

SN: No. I love facts. I’ve always been related into facts. I love… I love history, I love all things dealing with facts of any sort. I’ve been that way since I was a small kid, probably because of the way I was brought up. I have felt, to understand anything, whether it’s government, politics, history, whatever, so.

SC: Well, speaking a little bit more about history, you’ve been married twice, and you’re in, now, a third and wonderful relationship. You were married in your second marriage to a lovely lady called Miriam, who you’ve mentioned already. And she remains one of your very close team. And in fact she creates the beautiful illustrations that go with a lot of your work. So that must be a lovely feeling, to still have her around in your life.

SN: Yes, I am. And I’m … I’m doing all I can to help her get through cancer. She’s toward the end of it. It’s been a long journey.

SC: Okay. So at the moment you’re helping Miriam with cancer, but you and she were still working together even after you divorced, and she was very good friends with a lady called Colleen Marshall, who is your partner now. And the three of you work together very closely. So how does that all work?

SN: Well, we have our ups and downs, but — as does anybody — but we get along. We… we work. Right now she hasn’t been able to do anything for a while because of the cancer, but…

SC: Mmmm. But Colleen’s been an enormous help with your business now and also your life, and in fact she’s grounded you on many levels.

SN: She has. She’s a magnificent lady.

SC: One of the big surprises I got about the two of you was about two weeks ago when I was talking to John Smallman. And he mentioned that he and his wife Eugenie and you and Colleen all ended up sharing a place in Maui in Hawaii at one stage. So, how was that? Because you’ve all remained friends since then.

SN: Well, once again, we had our ups and our downs. John went through periods where he said, “I don’t want to do this anymore,” to where he changed his mind. Eugenie had always been, felt like she was another unofficial member, and she of course is the person who edits all the updates.

SC: That moment in that house must have been quite, I don’t know, just bizarre in some ways, because John was still channeling Saul, and you were talking with the Galactic Federation. So, as I said to him, you kind of had the whole world covered, or the Galaxy covered.

SN: Yeah. Well, he was still, when we first came together, he was still finishing… he was finishing up his career as a very excellent airline pilot.

SC: All right. So, moving forward, how do you see what lies ahead for us? How do you see Ascension unfolding? And how do your current messages relate to Ascension as it lies ahead?

SN: Well, Ascension is meant to happen not that far away. We’re close to that period. What the Galactic Federation is doing right now is finishing up the process of changing our reality.

SC: So, do you not believe that Ascension is on December 21? Or what is the significance of December 21?

SN: Well, December 21 to 24, because everybody will throw a different one of those dates at you. What it is is there are timelines in our reality that are coming together. What happens on that time, the 21st or the 24th of December, whatever day is the magic one, is that all the timelines will then merge. A great vortex will then come forth, and we will then be entering a new reality. And that means by that time, we should have had the beginnings of the shift happening to us.

We should have Disclosure. I think that Disclosure will happen before the end of this year. The Federation has to come on board right now, sometime in the next few months, and it has to bring forth two other things. It has to allow people to formally get access to new technologies, and it has to be the supervisor for creating these new governances on our planet.

We have to move from this crazy society based on debt and power to something entirely different. Because we are changing as a people. We are changing as our own soul is changing. We are no longer ready to continue to accept a limited conscious existence.

We all realize that something wonderful, something amazing is about to happen, and that is indeed what is about to happen. We are creating, within our own bodies right now, we are changing our chakras, we are changing the energy system in our body, we are reconnecting massive layers of light bodies together. We are basically bringing up new chakras as well.

So, we are moving from being a limited conscious being to a fully conscious being. We are reaching a certain stage at which we then need a giant assist. And that’s what the light chambers are. That’s all they are. They’re just a giant assist.

SC: So, with December 21, or around that period of those timelines, you just said that a whole lot of timelines come together. And in fact some of the people that have done things like through the looking-glass and Project Bluebeam and those sorts of things within the military, they’ve all come back and said that every single possible timeline literally comes together around about December 21.

So, do you know what lies ahead for us after that moment?

SN: After that moment, we have slipped into the new reality. The only thing that then will be allowed to happen is all the things I’ve been talking about, which is new governance, prosperity, abundance, and full consciousness. So, when anybody who goes through that or has visitations on ships with various people on the ships, they immediately come back and say one thing: Something wonderful is indeed about to happen. Don’t worry about it. We are entering a world in which all our dreams come true.

And that’s basically what is now on line. It’s on tap. So with December 21 through 24, whatever that magical date is, it’s the time when the gate closes on any other possibility. It’s the time when all of us then become locked into becoming fully conscious beings. And then the rest is following this path. It’s almost like in a movie where you go through a door and you suddenly see this amazing light, and you start heading toward the door, and when you open it up you say, “Wow!”

And that’s basically where we’re going. We’re approaching the “wow” moment when we shift.

SC: Can you wait? [laugh]

SN: I would love it to happen, like I said, yesterday.

SC: I know. I know. And so the galactics have never, or the Federation has never shown you what exists beyond that point?

SN: All they’ve said that exists beyond that point is Earth creates its own galactic society, we reunite with the people from Inner Earth, we recolonize all the various planets, we return all of them to their full, pristine level, and we create a brand new star nation.

They leave up to us what we will call it, they leave up to us its exact role. But they said the role destined for us is to become this special key that unlocks doors, that allows for the movement of people from galaxies far, far away from us to come together and create intergalactic unions that then come together and form even larger unions, that allows for this galaxy to move itself, along with these thousands and millions and billions of other galaxies, into the light.

And one of the things that we are going to do when we return to full consciousness is to be one of the groups that helps create these keys that keeps unlocking everything and moving it forward as the divine plan has so decreed.

So, we have a very important position to play. That position is a part of unfolding this divine plan. So, because of that, that’s why everyone who comes here tells about, we have a very special position. And that’s why it is so important to the galaxy, and to the universe actually, the physicality, that we move forward and become fully conscious beings.

SC: Now, Sheldan, your next webinar is called Preparing for Disclosure. It’s on two different dates, on the 26th and the 30th of August. And people can go to your website, which is PAOweb.com. What are you going to be talking about then, and when do you see Disclosure happening, and how do you see it unfolding?

SN: I see Disclosure happening, like I said, it’s at the most a few months away. It has not got a lot of time left. There are people working very hard to create films and documentaries about Disclosure. Disclosure is…

SC: Some of them are ready now, though, I’ve heard.

SN: Some of them are getting readied right now. I suspect that in September and October, November, we’re going to be deluged with stuff about Disclosure — films, websites, et cetera. We have documentaries. We have a great deal of pressure right now from the Galactic Federation for humans who are dedicated to Disclosure to do their stuff, in other words, to put together their materials, and to use it to make Disclosure happen. Because that is the next step of what needs to happen, is we need to have Disclosure.

SC: Ummm. Well, I can actually say that those of us working on the 2012 Scenario are doing exactly that right now, gathering that information. But in terms of how you see it unfolding, it’s basically going to be information flow first?

SN: It’s going to be information flow, and concurrent with that should be the changes in governance, and the changes in the economic system.

SC: Umm. Which we’re all praying for yesterday! [laugh] And in terms of what you’re going to be talking about in your webinar, preparing, what… how… what do people need to do?

SN: The most important thing right now to prepare is to get over your fears about the fact that there are other aspects of the human family that do not live on planet Earth. They live either inside or they live outside in other star nations that are very far away. Sirius is close, but you have things like an Andromeda that are like a thousand light years away. So you have, all over our galaxy you have humans that are coming to visit us, because as we’ve been saying, the time has come for us to switch from being in limited consciousness, which is how we now live and exist, into being fully conscious beings, immortals, basically, like the gods, physical angels. This is our true state.

We are going to take the final steps and allow us to become a full fledged, fully conscious being who has then an even more great, greater task than we now have right now. On this planet right now we’re attempting to change certain things, a shift in consciousness. We’re now going to move to an actual shift in physicality.

How do we change this reality that we live in, this great, incredible, almost infinite breadth of space, how do we change into beings of higher consciousness, and bring it all together so that we can turn all of physicality into light? And that is our basic task.

And so my job, as well as everyone else’s, when we become fully conscious, is to take our new responsibilities and use it to unfold the divine plan, as we’ve been saying all the way through this.

SC: Well, speaking of your job, what do you do when you’re not on the job? [laugh] What are your interests? Because I know you and Colleen love movies.

SN: Well, we try to watch some conscious movies. We don’t really like violence that much. We try to avoid all those kind of crazy movies. So we don’t get to go to a lot of ’em.

SC: No, because there’s not many left, are there? [laugh] And then what else do you like to do?]

SN: Another passion is baseball.

SC: Oh, yes. Now, that, that is an area. You, you… apparently you could, or you used to be able to recite whole statistics because of your photographic memory. Is that true?

SN: That is correct. Yes. When I was… when I was doing baseball in high school, et cetera, I had people that would try to take the baseball encyclopedia and try to have a special time to try to throw questions at me. And of course they didn’t realize that I had memorized the entire book, so anything they asked me I could recite it just as it would be in the book.

SC: The game that they used to play with you, was that — what was it called?

SN: Try to stump me. And they couldn’t.

SC: [laugh] So what, all the other kids would come along and give you a question and see whether you could get it right and wrong? And of course you were always right.

SN: I was always right, because I had the book memorized.

SC: [laugh] So, did you play baseball as a kid?

SN: Yeah. I did.

SC: You did. And you used to go to games all the time. So you don’t go to games as much as you used to?

SN: No. No. I’m unfortunately living in an area right now that doesn’t have a major league baseball team in it. So I watch it on the telly.

SC: Oh, just as good. And apart from that, what other things do you use? Are you a gardener? Do you listen to music?

SN: Not as much as I used to. I used to be really into music when I was a teenager and early twenties. But not anymore.

SC: Now, I asked you for a music choice today, and you have chosen a song that, by sheer chance, a lady I interviewed about five or six weeks ago, a channeler called Fran Zepeda, also chose. So, what is that song? Who is it by? And why did you choose it?

SN: The Beatles, John Lennon, “Imagine.” I like it because it explains to people about another reality: when people, as I’ve been talking about, are one; when the world is not like it is now; when there’s a new reality. So I see that song as being John Lennon’s attempt back in the late….

SC: Sorry, in the late…?

SN: Well, in the late ’seventies was when it was most popular among people, even though he created it much earlier than that. But what I like about it is that it was John Lennon’s attempt to explain to people about another reality. And that’s when unfortunately he died. I knew he would… if he had lived, he would have created I think much more advanced concepts in songs, for lyrics, than he did with…pretty good right now, but I think he would have gotten even better.

I really feel that John Lennon was going to be an incredible being when he got into his fifties and sixties, but unfortunately that did not happen.

SC: Actually, in saying that, do you think that the dark organized his assassination, then?

SN: They were trying to snuff the light out of anything. And of course Lennon was one of the few Beatles who actually understood what was happening. He knew about the shift, he knew about consciousness. He was beginning to become a person who was shifting his music to understand what consciousness was. And that’s why I said, when he became older, I felt for sure he was going to write a lot of incredible albums, a lot of incredible songs in those albums, that would have allowed people to really understand about consciousness.

And so, to me it was a great loss when he was assassinated. Exactly.

SC: Umm. So for you “Imagine” is about the song, and it’s showing the way forward and the world that we can imagine, hopefully, before the end of this year.

SN: Hopefully, yes. [laugh]

SC: Well, Sheldan, I have so much enjoyed getting to know you today. And I want to thank you so much for sharing your very personal light agenda with all of us.

Now, you can find out more about Sheldan Nidle’s books, his e-books, his DVDs and of course his webinar at PAOweb.com.

Now, next week we’ll be in the middle of the harmonic convergence, and I’m hoping to talk about this rare alignment with a special guest.

Meanwhile, this is Stephen Cook, and as always, in everything you do this week, may you only serve the Light agenda. And please thank my very special guest today, Sheldan Nidle.

Sheldan, it has been an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much.

SN: And I want to say, I have enjoyed this, Stephen. Maybe we can do this sometime in the near future.

SC: Oh, I hope so. That’d be great! [laugh]

Well, here is Sheldan’s music choice, “Imagine,” by John Lennon. Thank you, Sheldan.

SN: You have a great evening or morning, whatever it is, wherever you are.

Sheldan’s Song choice “Imagine by John Lennon was played.

Sheldan’s website is www.paoweb.com

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