That is, besides already being a buttfreak pissant geek.

E.D. Kain
See William Jacobson, "Worst and Best Wisconsin Recall Predictions":
Worst Prediction

Erik D. Kain channeling David Frum in Forbes Magazine, March 10, 2011, Is Wisconsin the Real Republican Waterloo? (italics in original):
After the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, conservative writer David Frum called the passage of the bill the GOP’s “Waterloo” in reference to Napoleon Bonaparte’s crushing defeat at the hands of the Duke of Wellington. This earned him the ire of his fellow conservatives and pushed him further outside the conservative movement.

But David was wrong. If anything, the healthcare reform victory was the GOP’s Siege of Acre. Wisconsin is shaping up to be the real Waterloo….

And now conservatives have chosen public-sector workers and teachers as their hill to die on….

Republicans have a long history of union-busting and anti-labor rhetoric, but taking on teachers and cops is a big mistake. This blatant effort to weaken the Democratic party will have precisely the opposite effect….

This is the Democrats chance to recapture that narrative, to turn the discussion back to the dignity of the middle class, to the importance of policies that do not simply push power and capital ever upward. This is the Republican’s Waterloo….

This is the moment that Waterloo has begun, and the Republican party has sealed their own fate. Nothing they could have done could have roused the Democratic base the way this vote in Wisconsin has. I think they’ve bitten off much more than they can chew. This is the beginning of the end. Nor did Republicans need to take such drastic steps. They had the momentum and could have run on their budget concerns into 2012. They didn’t need to take on labor, but they did, and whatever minor victory Scott Walker has made now will be overshadowed by later defeats.

Also – perhaps Pearl Harbor is a better analogy.
Best Prediction ...
It'd be hard, but I doubt Kain could ever screw up remotely that bad as a geek blogger.

Sheesh. What a loser.

As for winners, well, you'll have to check the post for the best prediction.

HINT: The winner's an Associate Clinical Professor at some Ivy League school, and not in a political science department. (Political scientists dream of making predictions that accurate!)

FLASHBACK: "E.D. Kain Denies 'Disciplinary Action' as Motive for Workplace Intimidation!"

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