
 June 5, 2012

9 Ahau, 13 Pax, 8 Manik

Selamat Balik! We return! A great deal is happening! What now remains to be done is some internal paperwork resulting from several important legal issues that are close to being resolved. What is essential is that our Earth allies complete these tasks and obtain the final legal judgments as this is what is temporarily slowing down the recent thrust toward the changes that we all long for. The dark cabal has been using our legal schedules to convoke a number of 'conferences' to once more examine your many global crises for ways to perpetrate more of their skullduggery. Our defense forces have been put on alert and are monitoring your global flash points to ensure that nothing serious erupts. On another front, we have been busy with last-minute discussions between the personnel of your new governments and our liaison teams. It is vital that a good rapport be maintained between us as the first announcements will be accompanied by a flurry of vital activity which must proceed rapidly and with no unforeseen hitches. We will make sure of this, which is why we have teams working closely with your new governments.

Our fleet is assigned to watch Gaia and to ask her Spiritual Hierarchy about what is needed, from moment to moment, to keep her relatively stable, because the ongoing rape of her resources destabilizes the interdependence of her many systems. The continuous attack on the planet by your multinational corporations disturbs the uneasy balance we have established, which is why we constantly need to rectify the new damage. This situation will persist until the world's governments are forced to change the laws allowing this depredation to continue. On another front, we have put the dark cabal on notice that the sites of their trials have been changed, and they will be advised of the new sites shortly after the mass arrests are complete. We have discovered that a particular group is planning to disrupt these court proceedings, and so these individuals will be detained before the hearings get underway. Those who support the would-be disruptors seem to think that such unwarranted activities are somehow going to save them, but this is not the case.

In the meantime, Gaia is slowly setting the stage for her massive makeover. Our planetary scientists are noticing a large increase in anomalies occurring across your planet, which is Gaia's way of preparing for her swift rise into the fifth dimension. The sheer quantity of these anomalies jumps out at us as they proliferate across the world; she is very serious about this shift as she longs to reunite her inner and surface worlds. Preparations for the shift are also seriously affecting your Moon whose wobble is getting much more pronounced, making the lunar orbit most unconventional as it reacts to the eccentricities of Gaia's changing gravitational pull. Another anomaly is the clusters of large rock fragments trailing behind or just in front of the Moon at various points in his orbit. These are the foregatherings of the materials that will be used to create your future two-moon system and are a typical example of the immense and 'perplexing' changes happening throughout your solar system.

Your entire solar system is undergoing crucial alterations in preparation for your new 5-D reality. Many groups of Elohim are engaged in removing the old grids and setting up the preliminaries for your new reality, and we daily watch them working with your local Time Lords to make ready for your primary timeline. This new timeline will usher in an age of full consciousness and a sacred return of your presence to the Main Council of the Galactic Federation of Light. Your appearance is to seal the Galactic Peace and permit you to be part of the grand return to the Light of this section of physicality. This, in turn, will herald the next unfolding of the divine plan. We are proud of what you are doing to make all these events manifest as rapidly as divinely possible. We have prepared your Light chambers with joy and with Love for all. The time quickly approaches for a series of awesome announcements which, at a stroke, will alter your world forever.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive on this day with good cheer, bringing interesting news for you. Presently, those working under our advisement are preparing to set the dates for the completion of their assigned tasks. Accordingly, our Agarthan friends are coordinating with these associates to firm up the schedule for the mass arrests and the many announcements that will follow. Galactic Federation liaison teams are keeping their fleets apprised, moment by moment, of the rapidly developing scenario. These are indeed blessed and exciting times for this reality! You are about to embark on an adventure that will liberate you from your cruel worldly masters and give you the Heaven-sent opportunity to be restored to the divine consciousness that was so callously snatched from you 13 millennia ago. We are here, blessed Ones, to assist you and lead you back to the elation of full consciousness.

We are approaching the lockdown stage for the removal of the dark cabal. Arrests will be made shortly across the board and will include: Presidents, Prime Ministers, government cabinet members, judges in the court system, members of national legislatures, as well as heads and officers of major banks and multinational corporations. Ranking members of the dark cabal's ruling bodies will be detained as well. This is being done to isolate these ones from the institutions through which rule your world, and all of them will face various forms of penance. The different types of sentencing are to be uniquely adjudicated by specially prepared common-law magistrates who fully understand the legal implications of the trials they are to preside over.

The process of isolating 'special interests' from government will be a major occupation of the caretaker governments. This is a period in your history which will sever your global society from all that has gone before it. Seemingly overnight you will no longer be chattel subject to the whims of the cabal; you will be free and sovereign individuals. A huge amount of information will be presented to you by those who are to head up your new governments for the next 8 to 9 months. We suggest that you diligently pay heed to this information as it forms the basis for what is to transpire over the next 6 to 9 months. Included in this time span is the coming of us, your Ascended Masters. We will manifest among you in order to reacquaint you with a range of spiritual knowledge which may at first take you aback, but which will eventually lift you up and pave the way for your spiritual rebirth. Verily, humanity is about to revel in a most blessed moment!

Today, we resumed our weekly appointments with you to keep you informed of what is taking place on your world. Gaia is preparing in every way for her glorious ascension into the fifth dimension. Likewise, Heaven is preparing each of you for your ascension, and with it, a return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

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