Oneness Meditation Now
Live-Streamed On-line!
Awakening is here. It’s real! The Oneness Meditation is a catalyst for your own direct experience of the Truth: knowing love is all that is. And now the energy of Awakening has grown so strong that this special gift to supercharge your awakening process can now be received on-line—for free.
The Oneness Meditation is a powerful transmission of Divine Energy that raises YOUR consciousness, helps heal relationships, and quiets the mind. Happiness and abundance effortlessly flow from this gift given to uplift humanity. Create a new life and a new earth by receiving it.
Please join us for your own experience of this simple and silent meditation. It is available to all faiths, cultures and walks of life. Simply gazing into the eyes of the Oneness Meditator initiates a shift in the brain, which will serve to deepen your spiritual connection and accelerate your journey of inner growth.
The OM allows one to:
• Accept yourself. Heal your relationships. Live from Love.
• Quiet mind chatter & self-criticism
• Help Yourself; Help Your Family; Help Humanity
About 80 people around the planet have been initiated to give this powerful meditation. Many of them live-stream their meditations, so no matter where you live, practically any day you can receive a Oneness Meditation experience.
In service to help humanity Awaken, several blessing givers have generously created a website with daily updated links to Live-Streamed Oneness Meditations. Here is the link:
Please read the following instructions before you participate. Because this is a global phenomenon, many Oneness Meditator have slightly different formats. Often no instructions are give and when they are, they may be in the native language of the Meditator. So please print out the following instructions to guide you through the process:
1. Please DO NOT record the meditation and do not repost it.
2. Log on about 15 minutes before the start of the Oneness Meditation and prepare yourself with a personal meditation to bring you to heart-centered place or into connection with your personal Divine. This can be as simple as listening to calming music as you reflect your heart’s connection to all that is or invoking the presence of your Divine and engaging in honest conversation and prayer about where are in the moment. You can also practice any form of breathing, chanting, or kundalini raising meditation you are familiar with.
[Note: Some Oneness Meditator include a heart centering meditation as part of their webcast. Some do not. Regardless, please prepare yourself with a personal meditation so you’ll be able to receive a powerful experience whether or not the Oneness Meditator guides you through this step or not.
3. For the next 10 minutes, look into the eyes of the Oneness Meditator. You don’t have to do anything except relax and receive. Eye-contact is important. Please keep looking into the Meditator’s eyes even if his or her head turns sideways.
4. After about 10 minutes, the Oneness Meditator will close her or his eyes. The energy transmission will continue for another 10 minutes or so. You can either close your eyes or continue to look at the Meditator, which ever is comfortable for you. The meditation is not over, you will still be receiving Divine Energy, so please do not break your connection.
5. The final step is very important. Your body will need time to integrate everything it has received. If possible, lay down in Shavasana—the yoga position where you’re on your back with your arms at your side, palms up. Close your eyes during the integration period. Most Oneness Meditators play the Liberation Sutra during the integration period. It’s a Sanskrit chant/prayer to free the mind and be liberated from everything separating your connection to the Divine. You can download a copy of it for $2.99 from the Oneness Store. I’ve done this as some Oneness Meditators don’t stream any audio. I simply play my own meditative music and then the Liberation Sutra when this occurs. Here’s the link to the Oneness Store download:
Anyone who is energy sensitive will be blown away at the Grace received during a Oneness Meditation Live-Stream. Please do not go overboard! These are very powerful energy transmissions. Respect your body and pace yourself. Lifelong aches and pains may surface in you as your body starts to heal. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest after you experience a Oneness Meditation to help physical discomforts pass quickly.
And please know that buried emotional charges are very likely to surface. In order to fully Awaken and connect to All That Is, blocks held in your emotional body will need to be cleared. It is very common to experience increased negativity, glaring judgments and a host of strong emotions as these charges clear. Help this process along by doing your best to stay present whenever you feel a charge arise in your body. Keep breathing into the physical discomfort (knot, tension, stress) you feel in your body. Let out any emotions that surface. Try your best to keep your mind out of it. Distracting yourself with reasons why it happened and trying to explain or justify your emotional experience will only serve to block the charge from being fully released. Do your best to experience it fully. Let the anger, sadness, or hurt grow as big as it possibly can. It will eventually burn itself out and you’ll be free of that charge FOREVER! You’ll also help the collective by moving the heaviness of that energy off the planet for good.
Please know you don’t have to be alone when you move an emotional charge. That’s the mistake most westerners make, thinking we have to be strong and face our problems alone. The Divine is always with you, reaching out to help you. Let it. I regularly invoke the Divine and then thrash about and cry and moan in front of my altar when I’m clearing a really big charge. Ask for Grace to help you and you’ll get the help you request.
Please treat yourself to a Oneness Meditation if you wish to supercharge your Awakening process. Here’s the link for the schedule of Oneness Meditation webcasts:
[Note this website is not associated with Oneness University and is provided as a service to the community by a group of volunteer blessing givers. Please go to for official information regarding the Oneness Meditation and a list of Oneness Meditators worldwide. The official web site also links to calendars listing where Oneness Meditations are being held around the globe. Please attend one in person if you can. It will knock your socks off!]
Peter DeBenedittis, Ph.D.
Oneness Trainer
Oneness is a state of consciousness, which transcends all religions, all cultural and national barriers, and unifies humanity in the realization of one divinity, one love, and one consciousness with All That Is. – Sri Bhagavan
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