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(by Waves Forest) Part Two: TENSEGRITY TOOLKIT
In part one of this report we presented some evidence in support of a wild-sounding hypothesis: the artificial retardation of human progress and cooperation is induced by inorganic nonphysical parasites that “cultivate” humans as sources of self-importance-flavored awareness energy, which they consume. This predation occurs at the level of reality where we consist entirely of fields of energy. Even those humans who believe they are controlling everyone else are themselves being parasitized in the same manner. This arrangement has been going on all over the world throughout recorded history. The sorcerers who first identified these parasites called them “flyers”, but since that term has several meanings in modern English, we’ve been referring to them as “awarenivores” for the last decade or so.
Disengaging self-significance repels these parasites. To accomplish this we can utilize any of a wide variety of ancient energy-gathering and re-deploying movements which in modern times are known as magical passes or tensegrity.
Since some people may find these concepts rather upsetting, at this point it might be useful if we provide instructions for performing a pass with the specific purpose of restoring emotional equilibrium, before continuing this exploration.
This pass serves as a sort of emotional reset button.
The movement is asymmetrical. Energy is pushed diagonally across the body from left to right, but not the other way.
Start with the feet about shoulder-width apart, and with the right foot about the same distance in front. The knees are slightly flexed for stability.
The hands are right beside the pancreas area, the vital center known as the center of feeling, on the left front side between the hip and ribcage. The left hand is held next to the crest of the hipbone with the flat palm up, fingers pointed diagonally towards a spot above the right knee. The right hand is held with the palm down, a few inches directly above the left palm, fingers pointing the opposite direction.
The right elbow projects forward to allow this. From this position, take a deep breath.
Now with a sharp exhalation that fully engages the abdominal muscles, the hands shoot diagonally forward, horizontally, a few feet to the area above the right knee. They arrive with the left hand flexed back, fingers up, in a position such as one would use to stop traffic, and the right hand in a back fist just above it. The back of the right fist faces the same direction as the left palm, forward and to the right. This movement and breath is then repeated as many times as necessary, five, ten, twenty times, whatever it takes. The body can feel when it’s had enough. If the unwanted feeling returns later, simply perform the movement again. (One of the cumulative effects of regularly practicing magical passes is a reduced susceptibility to negative emotions.)
Although this is called a movement for dispelling anguish, as far as we can tell it works on dispelling other unwanted emotions as well. This pass would not be part of one’s regular practice, but used only when needed, or when showing others how to use it. It works regardless of whether one can see the energy, or understands how it works, so it is effective even for very young or very old people.
While many passes involve gathering energy from the periphery and bringing it back to the vital centers, this is one of the few that pushes it away. Our guess is that the energy specifically holding the unwanted feeling in place is being pushed into the right circulating vertical column of energy (one of two columns in front of the body, part of the internal structure of the luminous sphere) which recycles it.
We can now examine some further evidence for this highly weird yet ancient hypothesis, and some of its implications. We should acknowledge however that for many people, no amount of evidence or logical arguments will be persuasive until they have gathered enough energy, and accumulated enough inner silence, to directly perceive the energy involved and/or drive away the parasites long enough to start feeling the difference.
There’s one implication of this situation that we should cover right away, since it could otherwise easily become yet another source of victim mentality. While human self-significance has certainly been exploited and intensified by outside influences, it could not have been entirely created by them. Humans must have already had some innate capacity for that mode of awareness, where anything’s significance is determined by how it pertains to the self. Otherwise there would have been nothing to attract parasites that consume that variety of awareness in the first place. So let us consider this long-standing parasitism as an exciting challenge to overcome, rather than another reason to feel downtrodden and disempowered.
While we’re working on throwing off this influence, it will be easier for us to be more patient with each other if we can recognize that our flares of uncontrolled self-importance are being provoked to nourish the invisible energetic equivalent of some giant fleas. Some humans have it so bad they’re basically nothing but flyer-chow. So instead of condemning them, it makes more sense to just give them a wide margin and plan on working around their disability. That is certainly a challenge if such humans have seized command and control of much of humanity’s basic operating systems.
But if we weren’t capable of meeting that challenge, we wouldn’t have occurred here in the first place.
As we’d expect from parasites, principal features of the awarenivores are constant hunger, and anxiety about being discovered and denied food. Since their tactic for obtaining human compliance involves superimposing a false mind patterned after their own over the original human mind, these features are also widespread among humans. Even humans who’ve never had to go without food are anxious about food scarcity, and many eat much more food than they actually require.
Of course, an upside of the parasites’ food anxiety is that any plans the entrenched elite might have for massive population reduction will probably not be allowed to get too far. From the parasites’ viewpoint, while the occasional extermination of millions serves to keep most people worried about survival, and thus focused on the self, the deaths of billions would amount to needlessly wasting food. Their approach has been to keep most humans alive long enough to squeeze every bit of sustenance out of them, while maintaining continuous stress from many different threats to survival, mostly caused by other humans. To offset the trend toward mass awakening and peaceful coexistence, the threat level keeps getting ramped up, to the point where it takes the prospect of mass extinction to keep humans sufficiently self-absorbed, and now more and more of us are even seeing through that.
Frankly, we’re just not as dumb as we used to be. Despite all the efforts to lower human awareness, whether through mis-education, mind-control broadcasts, electromagnetic pollution, mass application of biocides, chemtrails, radiation, fluoridation, vaccination, pollution of water and food, health disinformation, oxygen depletion through deforestation, et many ceteras, more and more people are seeing the light or least less dark.
The sheer over-reaching of the would-be controllers has pushed many people past their disinformation-tolerance threshold. And certain key principles about information are finally catching on.
One is that lies cause stupidity. Mis-information causes distortions in the mental maps people are trying to operate with, making them functionally stupider, to the point of driving off a cliff that their map insists isn’t there. People can start out intrinsically bright, but then get filled full of lies until they’re dumber than sea slugs. Most people now recognize that life is safer and more interesting if those around them are less stupid, so telling lies is like peeing in the drinking water, polluting the environment with stupidity. The only ones who actually want others to be stupider are trying to take advantage of them, or avoid having their crimes detected. These facts are now more widely recognized than ever, and humans are experiencing an unprecedented collective impulse toward bringing out the truth.
Another principle that is catching on more broadly is that the usefulness of information is proportional to its improbability. That is, a fact that one could easily extrapolate from what’s already known is not as useful as one that could not be readily guessed just by extending prior knowledge. It’s one thing to know that it’s going to keep raining for awhile because it’s been raining for days and the sky looks pretty much the same. It’s a lot more important to know if there’s a tornado coming even though the existing conditions wouldn’t normally produce one, so nobody’s guessing it’s likely.
And it’s even more important to know, if it turns out to be true, that humans are actually capable of miraculous feats and unprecedented harmony and well-being, but are being side-tracked and manipulated by invisible eaters of awareness who are only interested in self-importance. It doesn’t get much more improbable than that.
A third principle with vast potential is the effect of the observer on whatever is being observed. The capacity of those who are about to experience the future to collectively determine its outcome cannot be overstated. And just as the role of awareness in modulating reality is becoming more widely known, we are passing through the galactic plane where the interstellar medium is especially rich in reality pores, similar to what some call micro-wormholes, through which fresh reality can ooze. The controllers, both human and unseen, have long been engaged in a bizarre form of brinksmanship. They have sought to conceal from humanity the human capacity to affect the parameters of reality through intent, while at the same time trying to covertly harness that capacity in order to reinforce the thought forms they wish to predominate. One can easily guess by now what sort of thought forms those would be.
This is as good a place as any to clarify the concept of intent, the binding force that holds reality together. It’s a term that actually translated fairly well from the paleo-Toltec through Spanish and into English, but it’s still elusive. Don Juan Matus and his cohorts were and presumably still are masters of expanding their perception in ways that allowed them to join their own intent with that which sustained the reality around them, and invite it to shift in ways that would normally be impossible except in a dream. This is less implausible if we consider the possibility that the waking world may have started out as a dream, and then gradually solidified though group agreement. After all, the oldest oral traditions on Earth say that’s pretty much what happened.
For simplicity’s sake we’ll go ahead and continue calling the practices involved sorcery, since that’s what Don Juan called it, emphasizing its abstract quality, and ignore any negative connotations attached to this term by previous generations of controllers who wanted to spook people away from such possibilities.
Through practicing the magical passes, recapitulation and impeccability in their daily lives, sorcerers gathered enough energy and inner silence to directly perceive the luminous filaments composing reality, and the vibratory coalescing force that holds it together, which they called intent. Although intent is impersonal, it is somehow aware of itself, and it can be beckoned and influenced. Part of the trick however is that sorcerers don’t actually impose their will on intent, but rather they acquire the grace and fluidity to go along with what intent “wants to do”. This can include some highly exciting possibilities, by no means limited to the default-mode intending of ordinary reality in which most modern humans unwittingly engage.
Intending in the sense meant by sorcerers is quite deliberate, but it is not a mental process. It involves our energetic side, and is nearly impossible to describe, but it can be learned. The learning process can be scary, but awareness-at-large apparently does want awareness to expand, diversify and acquire new abilities. Don Juan’s apprentices nearly got creamed a number of times, especially Castaneda, yet they survived to share with us the tools to verify their wild stories and accomplish similar expansions of perception and thus of reality, as long as we are willing to disengage self-significance and act with impeccability.
At the level of sheer energy fields, the “ground state” of the luminous filaments is to stretch out straight in all directions, as far as can be perceived. (For all we know it could all be just one colossal filament zipping back and forth zillions of times, in and out of the seer’s field of view.) Intent is what gathers some vast number of these filaments together and curls them into a ball of light, whose projection into the familiar world is a human or some other creature. If intent stops holding the filaments together, the creature dies and the filaments unfurl and revert to their “original” state, stretched out in all directions.
It’s interesting to observe that many details of physical reality do look as though they’ve formed over a filamentary energetic substrate. These include the hairs on various plants and animals, conifer needles, cactus spines, the striations in muscle tissue and various minerals, the structural fibers and root hairs of plants, the mycelium of fungi, the axons and dendrites of neurons, cilia and even the microtubules and DNA within cells. All these potentially represent evidence that our familiar reality may indeed have crystallized out over configurations of luminous filaments, as seen by the sorcerers of ancient Mexico and their modern descendents.
As described in part one of this report, humans actually consist of not just one but two spheres of light. The second one is the part that dreams, and relays inspiration and life-sustaining energy to us here in the “real” world. The reason the connection between the two balls of light is so tenuous is that the awarenivores feed on the glow that forms that connection. If we can jettison self-absorption and drive off the parasites we can grow back the connection and vastly expand the range of what we can perceive, and what we can accomplish. Eventually we can bring the clarity and coherence of our daily awareness into our dreaming, and bring the capacity for doing miraculous things from our dreaming into our daily lives. But not, obviously, if we’re doing it just to try and impress somebody.
We can also exercise the option of not dying an ordinary stupid death when we decide to leave this world for good. Instead we can retain our individual awareness and fly free, exploring elsewhere. There’s a lot of elsewhere.
The recapitulation of our lives is what makes this abstract flight possible.
The force that generates awareness will accept a facsimile of our life experiences in the form of a thorough recapitulation, instead of having to take us apart to get at them, as usually happens at the end our time here.
When sorcerers, or whatever practitioners call themselves, accomplish this, the awareness composing them lights up their bodies and dissolves all internal distinctions among their cells. To the outside observer it looks as if they are turning into pure light before disappearing or flying off. If anyone wants to draw parallels with the “rainbow body” phenomena reported in Tibet, India and elsewhere, feel free. Some of those reports sound rather similar, but others differ widely.
In the modern western world, vanishing in a puff of light can complicate the daylights out of one’s affairs. Castaneda may have been the first of his lineage to have to officially “die” in order to avoid hanging up his estate, his publishing, and the activities of Cleargreen, the outfit he set up to teach the magical passes in various workshops around the world. He told us at the workshops that he was almost ready to go; he just wanted to give us everything he got from Don Juan first. “And then poof, I’m off. Maybe I’ll wear this suit, what do you think?” He put out three books at once, just before he left. One of his recurring jokes was, “Sure it’s a lot of work; what would you rather do? You want to die an ordinary stupid death? You want to die of liver cancer?” So naturally one of the in-jokes in his obituary, which he must’ve had a lot of fun composing, was “died of liver cancer.”
When he took off in the spring of 1998, following Don Juan’s trail, the Blue Scout went with him. When we saw her she resembled a thirty-year-old human female, but exceptionally alert and direct, with the impersonal whisper of infinity very close to the surface. As described in “The Art of Dreaming”, she materialized into this world in the form of a seven-year-old girl, after breaking out of the inorganic beings’ realm with Carlos. When someone asked what it was like where she came from originally, she said it was a pointless question, since there was no common frame of reference. “We didn’t even have bilateral symmetry.” The immeasurable distance she’d come from wherever she started was somehow visible in her eyes, and she clearly was ready to resume her interrupted journey.
Momentarily lurching from the sublime to the ridiculous, among the many attempts at misdirection on the internet is a photo of a woman who died in the desert, alleged to be the Blue Scout, but obviously someone else, as anyone who actually saw the Blue Scout can tell. The photo is even posted on Wikipedia, which may be a good source for mainstream topics but is nearly useless where exotic science is concerned, or any other subject the powers-that-thought-they-were are hoping to steer researchers away from seriously investigating.
After Carlos and the Blue Scout accomplished their “somersault into infinity”, the instructors at Cleargreen continued presenting workshops for anyone wanting to learn Tensegrity. The workshops continue to this day, and are announced on Cleargreen’s website. They also offer some instructional videos, and Castaneda’s book, “Magical Passes”, as well as “The Sorcerers’ Crossing” by Taisha Abelar, and “Being-In-Dreaming” by Florinda Donner. All these are highly recommended. It was Taisha’s book that provided the first written instructions for performing magical passes, twenty years ago. There are also hundreds of passes that have been taught at workshops but aren’t in the books or videos. Some have been written up informally and shared around on the net. Segments of the videos are up on YouTube. According to the original instructors, before he left, Carlos prepared scripts for twenty-eight Tensegrity videos. Presumably Cleargreen will produce and release the remaining videos when the time is right, but what’s already available is quite sufficient for the task at hand.
Despite all the mainstream efforts to persuade people that “there’s nothing to see here, folks; move along,” some eight million copies of Castaneda’s books are floating around out there. Thousands of people have learned tensegrity and are practicing with varying degrees of regularity. Their combined effect on the trajectory of consensus reality is impossible to calculate, but it can certainly be felt.
For those who enjoy computer analogies, the magical passes could be thought of as backdoor override commands in the software of reality. They work on the part of us that communicates directly with intent. Of all the methods available for enhancing awareness, vitality and perceptual fluidity, the magical passes, and the sorcerer’s path of which they are a part, are the most powerful we have encountered.
Here are instructions for performing four more magical passes, which as far as we know have not been written up elsewhere.
Among the several hundred magical passes available to us, this one is exceptionally useful for gathering energy from our perimeter and applying it wherever healing is needed. The energy that accumulates around our body’s equator is particularly effective for accelerating regeneration, once it is retrieved and brought inward.
This pass starts from a standing position, feet parallel, about shoulders-width apart, knees slightly flexed for stability, and hands hanging loose at the sides. Begin with a deep inhalation while the hands shake rapidly along the axis of the forearm, somewhat like rattling a doorknob very fast, though the fingers are pointing down. This vibration wakes up the capacity of the hands to act like gills, breathing in energy.
Next, the right foot pivots on the heel to point right. Then the left foot steps around and lands firmly, parallel with the right and shoulders-width apart, as before, with the body now facing ninety degrees to the right of its original position. At the same instant, the left hand swings out to the side, waist-high, and grabs the energy in an arc, parallel with the ground. A sharp exhalation accompanies this step and grab, with the abdominal muscles fully engaged for a moment.
Then the hand rubs this grabbed vital energy in, wherever healing is needed, as the remaining air is exhaled. Breathing out while rubbing energy into place accomplishes the transfer.
Another deep inhalation is followed by another step, grab and sharp exhalation, turning another quarter circle to the right, and again the grabbed energy is rubbed in wherever needed, while the remaining air is exhaled.
Repeating this for two more quarter circles brings the body around to face in its original direction. Now the entire movement is repeated exactly, only in mirror image; the left foot pivots left, the right hand grabs energy while the right foot steps around, and so on, until after four quarter circles the body is once again facing in the original direction. This sequence is repeated as many times as desired; the body will let you know when it’s had enough for the time being. This pass can also be used when there are no injuries or body parts needing repair. In that case the energy is simply rubbed into the main vital centers, the soft areas at the sides between the hips and ribcage, over the liver, pancreas and adrenals. Like all the passes, this one works whether or not you can see the energy you are manipulating.
This pass was taught at Carlos Castaneda’s Magical Passes workshop in 1996 in Oakland, California. Most of the other passes from that workshop were included in the Intent Series chapter of the book “Magical Passes”, and in the Intent Series video. Although “Grabbing Energy in a Circle” was part of the original “Oakland Series”, it did not make it into the book. Like most passes, this one is far easier to perform than to clearly describe using words alone. The book contains around two hundred pass descriptions, with several hundred photos, but there are hundreds of others that have been taught at Cleargreen’s workshops, and many of these are still waiting to be written up and shared around.
This pass was taught by Taisha Abelar, and has been a favorite ever since.
We cannot articulate its effect except to say that it definitely feels like we’re going somewhere.
Stand with the feet together. Look past everything in front of you; focus on infinity. The hands are hanging down at the sides. Take a deep breath while rapidly shaking the hands, in the same manner as described at the start of “Grabbing Energy in a Circle”.
Bring the right hand around in a big overhand vertical circle, ending out in front and to the left of the body, shoulder-high, hand open with the thumb to the left, just as if grabbing a thick handrail on the left side of a narrow bridge. Exhale slightly as this grab is made. Then the left hand performs the same motion in mirror image, grabbing the rail on the right, while the right hand comes back around horizontally to a position slightly behind the body. Exhale the rest of the opening breath as the second grab is made. Breathing will now be deep but normal until the end of the pass. Both hands maintain the shape of holding a rail throughout the entire movement.
Next the left hand comes back around to the left, horizontally, while the right hand again swings up and over to describe a large infinity symbol (an 8 on its side) as if drawing it on a wall right in front of you, with the crossing point out in front of the upper chest. As the right hand is completing this motion, coming back to the right, the left hand comes around and traces the same large infinity symbol. As both hands complete their patterns, they wind up extending straight out to the sides, at shoulder height, still maintaining the shape of holding rails.
Now both hands simultaneously make three small forward loops, as if pulling oneself along while floating between the rails. The shoulders propel these arm movements, rolling forward at the same time. Next the hands and arms make three large forward loops, again propelled by forward shoulder rolls. Then make nine small forward loops, like the first three.
Finally as the hands complete the final loop, they come around and down, ending up a little behind the body, around the level of the hips, palms facing towards the back. Lean forward slightly, continuing to focus on infinity, and take a deep breath. Then exhale and relax.
This pass assists with any sort of assimilation, whether of food, experiences or knowledge. We learned it at the Tensegrity Workshop at UCLA in the summer of 2003.
This pass is most easily performed while standing but can be adapted to other positions if necessary. The palms are flat, with the thumbs right against the sides of the hands. Start with a slow inhalation while raising the hands in a forward arc from beside the legs up to a position in front of the armpits, close to the body. Continue inhaling as the hands push straight forward at the same level, then draw back again to right in front of the armpits. From there, hold the breath and chew, while the hands come down, then sweep up and out to the sides until the backs of the hands meet straight up overhead. Now swallow.
Then exhale while lowering the arms, again out to the sides, until the palms are facing each other behind the body, thus pushing the shoulder blades together.
This pass is also called “Enticing the Double” or “Affection for the Energy Body”. It assists in bringing the dreamer closer to the familiar part of us that is anchored in the waking world, and vice versa.
Begin from a standing position, feet parallel and about shoulders’ width apart, knees flexed for stability.
The hands are flat, with no space between the thumb and fingers. The hands, starting from beside the ears, strike forward and inward to where the outside of the shoulders would be, of a body standing a couple feet in front of you. This blow is accompanied by a sharp exhalation, with the abdominal muscles fully contracted for a moment. The hands draw back, beside the ears, then strike again, a little closer together, at the level of the chest. After drawing back once more, they strike again, a little closer together still, to the sides of where the waist would be. It is as if one is compacting energy with these blows into the upper body of the double. This first section is also a pass by itself, known as “Forging the Trunk of the Energy Body”, from the Recapitulation Series.
Next, the left hand gently reaches forward and stretches around the trunk that was just formed, at the shoulder level, as if it was a tree trunk a couple feet thick. To project the hand as far around as possible, the shoulder blade opens fully. This movement is repeated on the right. Then this reaching, stretching and wrapping movement is repeated at the chest level, first with the left hand, then the right. The same motion is repeated again at the level of the waist, with the left, then the right.
Now the wrists are flexed all the way back, with the hands flat and fingers up, and the left pushes all the way across from left to right, at the level of the eyes, as if sweeping consensus reality aside. The right hand does the same, sweeping across from right to left. Then with the wrists still flexed back, cross the forearms, about a foot in front of the face, with the left closest.
With the backs of the hands facing each other and the fingertips pointing up and in so that they just touch, the hands form a diamond-shaped window several inches across. Peer through this window, past everything in front of you, focusing on infinity, and take a deep breath. Then exhale as you step
forward, right foot first, and embrace the energy in front of you, wrapping your arms around and through it, crossing them over your chest.
In our experience this pass assists in making dreams more coherent and easy to recall, and in bringing some of the dreamer’s confidence and fluidity into waking life.
For a very long time we’ve had this peculiar impulse to try and explain certain fascinating subjects even though we didn’t fully understand them ourselves.
The first article we ever came up with was “Free Energy: Healing the Earth” back in 1977; it appeared under various titles in 1978. It described several free energy devices, all of which had been suppressed, Townsend Brown’s electro-gravitational inventions, examples of living creatures using related principles, and the nature of the aether, or “space-juice”. We also suggested, based on Castaneda’s work up to that point, that perhaps we could eventually alter reality directly in various favorable ways, and transcend the need for machinery to take us where we wanted to go.
Over the years we wrote about a variety of breakthroughs, all of which are suppressed to this day, whether free energy devices, gravity control, passive desalinators, oxidative therapies, even industrial hemp. (An encyclopedic selection can be found at rexresearch.com.) Since all these developments kept hitting the same barrier, and inventors and journalists were getting clobbered all over the place, it seemed advisable to pipe down for a while and try to zero in on what was the ultimate source of all this suppression. From as safe a distance as possible. No point investigating a deadly phenomenon if it eats you before you can report on your findings.
Plus it was quite obvious that many of these advanced discoveries weren’t simply suppressed but actively utilized by a select inner circle, with no intention of sharing any of their advantages with us peasants.
Yet all along the dazzling implications of the sorcerers’ path continued to simmer in the background. The capabilities demonstrated by Don Juan and his party must surely represent the ultimate in free energy.
From the beginning there were questions that never seemed to get addressed. For example, if extra-terrestrials were so bloody advanced, how come they still needed saucers to get anywhere? Ancient Mexican sorcerers could fly all over the place with no craft of any sort. So could certain Tibetan adepts, according to accounts by Baird Spalding (“Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East”) and others. So can the Siberian recluse Anastasia, to some extent, according to Vladimir Megre. And apparently none of them crash into things, which is more than the saucer pilots can say.
So, since the vast majority of us are blocked from accessing the electro-kinetic gravity-control option on any useful scale anyway, maybe we’re supposed to cut to the chase. Could it be that the human controllers and their possible ET overlords have actually done us a favor by preventing us from taking a technological path that leads to a dead-end?
The universe may be composed of impersonal forces, but at some deep level it seems to have quite a sense of humor. And it’s intending us forward.
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