Questions and comments are in black font and Daniel’s responses are in blue (Daniel is color-blind to red). If you have additional comments add them to either this posting or the Geoengineering paper, or the Time Lines papers by Daniel. -AK
Aaron of comment: Daniel can only outline whats happening in the form of explaining the Science that THEY KNOW. But he certainly cannot be the "savior" of mankind; for that is UP TO MANKIND.
Patricia: If/when the sun does go dark [temporarily], I will be enormously grateful for the understanding of what is really happening. Thank you, Daniel. Also, it is already obvious to the naked eye that the sun is significantly more white than yellow, and larger.
That is obvious to me, too, when I look in the sky at the sun. But then, most people miss the obvious! I used to watch sunspots through my welding glasses--a very dark red--but now, using the same lens, can't even look at the sun. Just too bright.
Patricia: Question: Daniel, you discounted the photon belt theory outright, which makes me wonder. Is there no truth to the IBEX "ribbon" data at all?
DANIEL: Re: photon belt... in order to have a "belt," for example the asteroid belt, there needs to be some cohesion between the constituent parts. Photons do not gravitate--there is nothing to keep photons together, in a belt or otherwise. If there is a belt, it may emit photons but cannot be made of them. If anything, my experience has taught me to keep an open mind, so I don't discount it as much as I am not able to find any evidence that it exists.
Another false assumption that arises from the conventional perspective of looking at the universe backwards, is that we believe stars and solar systems just float around in this void of emptiness, containing all sorts of other things floating around like belts, ribbons, stars and rogue planets. The actual situation, which is now being reported by the extra-solar satellites, is that almost everything is in a kind of gravitational lock down. Consider the sun and stars to be in the center of bubbles. That bubble isn't floating around the room--it's part of a dense foam of bubbles, a "galactic neighborhood," so the walls of each bubble is pushed up against the other and can hardly move at all. There is no real "void" between stars for things to roam about in. For a galaxy, think of the whirlpool of your dishwater foam going down the drain--moves in clumps, not individual bubbles. (Since galactic evolution is based on stellar evolution, and stellar evolution is backwards... galactic evolution is also backwards.) We're in the middle of a big clump called the Sagittarius Dwarf.
Re: IBEX, I looked at that when the data first came out, only to find there was very little actual data and a ton of speculation. I just looked again, and doesn't seem to be any different. To me it looks very much like a "lens flare," not a real object... a distortion created by the electromagnetic bubbles bumping into each other in the foam, basically the same thing NASA is saying now about it.
Anonymous6: If Patricia meant the event Pane Andow is talking about in his breath taking presentation about the expected cosmic event I'd love to know as well, how to correct his analysis.. (!!)
DANIEL: I watched the video. Unfortunately, he believed conventional astronomy, so some of his analysis is backwards...for example, we just came from a red giant, and are moving towards the white, main sequence star. Also, since galactic evolution is also backwards, the core of the galaxy isn't producing stars--it is consuming them. It works just like a flame on a candle... the hottest point in the center is the blue super giants, going supernova. Outside of that you've got your yellow stars combusting, surrounded by a bunch of red giants. That's one of the things that intrigued me about the Reciprocal System--it matches simple observations. Looking at the spectrum of the galactic core is no different than looking at the flame of a candle, from the top, down.
As far as some kind of IBEX/superhot gas bubble... well, as I said in the Geoengineering paper, that's why they needed 3 alternatives. David Wilcock and Richard Hoagland documented its entry into the solar system, years ago, and at that point the dust cloud was sufficiently energetic for the Jovian moons to leave "trails."
Whatever is going on, it IS going on--NOW. I agree with Andow with his conclusions that we need to act now to improve ourselves and our planet.
Anonymous5: BTS and daniel - thank you both. This report pulled together a lot of info in a way that made sense. Much of the Sun and stellar evolution info was new to me.
A few questions: Will daniel share additional information about his work with plants and animals - what he does and how he sees that work "initiating the transition and ascension process"? (Also fascinated by his work in torsion field dynamics and restoring damaged DNA) For torsion fields, I'd refer you to David Wilcock ( He taught me about torsion fields and I taught him about 3D time. It was a fascinating exchange.
DANIEL: Plants and animals are a big topic. I could do a paper on it when I get some time. I have Native American blood in me, so I tend to see the relationship between man and his environment a bit differently than most. For me, plants and animals aren't "things," they are friends. And when some saplings I had went into abiotic shock and died--which took minutes, not hours, from a too-bright sun, I got a little pissed. So, I did what the old shamans had told me to do when I was a boy--to "give of yourself so another may live." Today, we refer to that as using qi, chi or prana--bioenergy. And I'm not talking love, but a conscious transfer of your own life force to another, as a voluntary act of giving (not charity)--with NO expectation of return. Works good with trees.
Couple days later, when I was going to dig up the "bodies," I noticed small buds all over the trees. The leaves came back quickly, but were slightly different than the other trees--same shape, but appeared thicker(more dense, or should I say, "higher density"), and the coloration had changed--a darker, very vibrant green. I still had some of the original trees to compare with and even though they were from the same cutting, looked very different. And the regenerated trees seemed impervious to adverse conditions -- they laughed at chemtrails and hard ultraviolet. And that is when it occurred to me that some kind of "upgrade" had taken place from exposure to the bioenergy of a life form a little further down the path... me. Then I noticed that this upgrade energy was contagious--other plants near those trees started doing the same thing, without my help.
I've never encountered anything like that before, probably because there was no need for it. But now we have the need, and the door is open to that opportunity to "upgrade." I'm continuing to experiment with some indoor plants; about a 50% success rate, so there are still factors I do not yet understand. My aloe plant is the best success so far; it's in a 12" pot and it's got close to 400 shoots on it now. I think I need a bigger pot.
Anonymous5: Different sources claim a secret space program exists with highly advanced technologies including bases on the moon and Mars and nearly instantaneous ways to get there. This contradicts Daniel's statement re Alternative 3 that we are "not going anywhere else, any time soon." Sounds like the globalists already have?
DANIEL: I had removed some of that section, as it did not really apply to the focus of the article. Here is the original piece:
*Alternative 3*
Now to the fun stuff! If you were NASA, the New World Order or the Cabal and knew this was going to happen (BTW, Larson gave many lectures to NASA back in the 1960s, when they were trying to get into space—so highly probable), but did not know the specifics because you listened to conventional scientists with their backwards stellar evolution, what would you be likely to do?
How about to hit up the world scientists for some "Alternatives" on how to survive... like 3 of them? And what did they come up with?
1. Use nuclear weapons to blow holes in the upper atmosphere to let the increasing heat out,
2. Create huge, underground cities to live in until the sun stabilized, or
3. Get the heck off of Earth.
The first one was a bit preposterous and could not be pulled off without public knowledge, so they
started the 2nd and 3rd. They got out their shovels and started digging in, and sent NASA to the moon — gotta beat the Russians to it, after all! It's a matter of National Pride! Nothing to do with saving the butt of the mega-rich.
The underground bunker approach was simple enough, as one of the features of HAARP was that it was able to probe well beneath the surface of the earth, supposedly looking for minerals, but identified large caverns that would make excellent Morlock cities for them to stockpile and ride out the transition in comfort. (Alex Jones reported they are large enough for 80,000 people with supplies for 30 years.)
Then just had to set up some collection points at major transportation hubs to get their flock in there, when the time arrived, and to filter out the riffraff that they bought out to do their bidding. Places like Denver International Airport. Alternative 2 is nearing completion.
Alternative 3 was still the best bet, as they could leave the dregs of society behind and start their new Utopia without mutant humans running around. They were thinking the moon was an empty rock with no atmosphere, but when they got there, there was an atmosphere and also a sizable population. Just not a Terran one, and they did not want mankind joining them. It took some negotiating to do an official landing on the moon and they only agreed to places that were in the middle of the lunar “nowhere,” like landing on Earth in the middle of the Sahara desert. The NWO, like the aggressive, uncaring folks they are, tried to force the situation to make bases on the moon, regardless, then found out these folks had some “big, honkin' space guns”—and told humanity to get off the moon and don't come back. So the moon was out.
Mars does not have any significant magnetic field, so there was nothing to block particulate radiation. It had a large civilization at one time and there were still colonists there that were not friendly to the NWO either. Bad reputation from the Moon, no doubt. Word travels fast. So Mars was out. The moons of the outer planets were the next thought, good and safe, but when their probes got there, they found other civilizations already claimed them. It's a crowded solar system. So the globalists were stuck on this globe!
With Alternative 3 not viable and knowing they would be stuck here with the rest of us, they needed to come up with a way to make their Utopia on Earth... and that is geoengineering. Change this planet to be resistant to the solar changes they knew were coming and keep their Cabal-istic, 3rd density society going...
Anonymous5: Will there be a deeper dive into the 2012/2013 boundary and it's similarity to a "synthetic quantum environment"? I heard an interview with someone supposedly involved in these experiments who stated they were prevented from "seeing" past this point in time. I don't pretend to understand all this but am fascinated by that boundary resistance and what it might mean.
DANIEL: What we didn't know then, and do know now, is that there is a convergence of timelines at that boundary; a /causal nexus/. It is like a major intersection in the timescape, where people come together and have to make a choice on which road they are going to take, to continue on.
The equipment being used to project to the future was not able to make such a choice (like a car without a driver, going down the road), so I'm thinking that the path was "hijacked" into a synthetic quantum environment, and did not follow its natural route. The bump was probably the "fall out" of the hijack.
Edward Reidhead No. 7015: I appreciate everything, especially what this website is creating and
sharing with Everyone. I have a question for Daniel. Have you seen my friend Bryan Kemila's blog?
DANIEL: No, I have not seen that website before.
Edward Reidhead No. 7015: I would like your feedback on his working hypothesis; When you do NO THING, other than being fully aware that the 3 dimensional experience is an illusory deception conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS, which is turn was meant to disconnect us from REALITY, then you have reconnected to your original eternal wisdom state. There’s nothing to do, just simply become AWARE of what is transpiring. Perfection and purity is what we are ALREADY.
I address something similar in my anthropology paper, which is not out yet. It also covers the
Gregori/Egregori, as well as a number of the other hosts. Short answer is, is that there are multiple evolutionary tracks going on for Homo sapiens. Your friend is one the one commonly referred to as a Wanderer. If what he says resonates with you, then you may be on a similar track. But please understand that we don't all follow the beat of the same drummer... or sometimes, not even the same band!
Edward Reidhead No. 7015: This is wisdom and this is liberty, this is the freedom and the power and strength of what we ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.
The illusory 3 dimensional teachings of intellectual and religious thought systems, that instruct us to believe that we are born sinners, and need to repent, to avoid some hell fire, are conjured up lunatic notions straight from the mind of the Luciferian egregore group mind.
The aim of the Luciferian group egregore is to establish a New World Messianic Age, where the control of the illusion we call humanity, is the manipulation tactic that will be increased to such an extent that escape from being manipulated by the total 3D illusion is all but impossible.
Wisdom knows, and sees the lunacy of this 3D illusory reality. The illusion called humanity, (and humanity is an illusion), will awake from the trance and reconnect to our original state through awareness.
These entities, who manifest their CONTROL OF REALITY through the lives of the elite, will soon dissolve in frustration as humanity stops responding to the subliminal messages that bombard the wisdom state in endless fashion. For it is that the 3 dimensional experience is NOT REAL, and it only exists IN OUR MINDS.
Therefore, its in OUR MINDS, (which are in reality, THEIR MINDS), that we disconnect emotionally from the 3D space and reclaim our eternal state, which is here now. This is what we are! We are the original eternal paradise state, and the 3D illusion was simply conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS to separate us from this immense power and peace of the wisdom state and thereby deceptively manipulate this ultimate state of being into servitude to the Luciferian egregore.
The beneficial aspect in understanding this, is that at any moment of our choosing, we can become aware of the Luciferian hypnotic manipulation, and we can reclaim our wisdom state, and experience the freedom of the paradise state right now.
ED: Fascinating! I wonder if our days get longer, will we age slower??? I found it interesting about
his experimenting with seeds and a resetting of the defaults. Reminds me of something I recently
heard about, a product called RnA Drops ( They are supposed to create new cells in your body (thru the RNA and chromosome 14) to help it get back to its original blueprint
or default settings. It's being called Bread of Living Water, like in the Bible (shewbread or something like that).
Coincidence they just came out recently and have had amazing testimonials?
They were created by Dr. Carolyn Dean with the help of ION, which as I understand it, is a group of nonphysical beings. Sounds like science fiction to me, but there's been a lot of talk about this product lately on the internet and the testimonials are really interesting and include not only physical shifts but spiritual as well. Would be great if they really did bring us back to our original blueprint. They also said the drops take heavy metals, radiation and toxins and dissolve them so they are not harmful.
DANIEL: We live in interesting times. I know some folks that are in to the whole anti-aging scenario, and they asked me for my take on the subject based on what I've learned over the years. That required research into the foundations of the cell--not the biological ones, but the spatio-temporal ones.
Something interesting turned up, and I don't know if it is true yet as I have no way to test the theory... but it appears the isotopic mass of the atoms comprising cells may be behind aging, and that is controlled by the magnetic ionization level of Earth. In other words, the Earth's core controls our lifespan, and since that is now changing, there will be a corresponding change in our own lifespans, here. But the theory also indicates that if one gets outside the influence of Earth's ionization where it drops to zero, cells will NO LONGER AGE AT ALL. So if you're out in deep space, you don't age a single day, regardless of how fast or slow you travel.
It does make for an interesting solution to interstellar travel, because once you get clear of the planet, you can live for thousands of years during the voyage, without aging. You won't start aging again until you get to the new planet. How is that for "interesting times?"
Anonymous6: Excellent article....will see ya tomorrow....thanks....would like Daniels take on this...
...this happened after...coincidence?
DANIEL: Native Americans believe that the Earth is a living thing, not an inanimate rock. If I stick a pin in your leg, will you just sit there?
Roxane: Well.. there's tiny thing I'd like to know... regarding Montauk... so apparently the scientists involved in the Montauk experiment all had their memories wiped out... did daniel go through that as well? if yes.. how did he recover..?
DANIEL: I did not have my memory wiped--well, at least I don't remember if I did! I was a part-time subcontractor, not an employee. I wasn't there the week the project closed. Most of the subcontractors were hired by local management, so when their minds got wiped, knowledge of who we were went with them! The base kept no records of us, other than our authorizations at the gate.
Roxane: The other thing is if he's had contact with Preston Nichols and aware of the new projects he's working on?
DANIEL: I have stayed clear of any of the surviving Montauk big-shots Particularly my old boss, Nichols. Or as we used to refer to him when he wasn't around, the "Brookhaven Blimp." I don't know what he is like these days, but he had quite the ego back then. He was the technical engineer, working with the radio equipment.
Roxane: I listened to a Nichols interview more than a year ago, where they had the psychic that operated the chair interviewed too.. and the stuff they are talking about is just.. well.. mind blowingly unbelievable.
DANIEL: If you're talking about Duncan Cameron... he was a really nice guy. Very kind and soft spoken; did not fit in at all with the other personalities there.
Roxane: Nichols also claims that there was a draconian prince working with them.
DANIEL: I would not doubt that at all. On more than one occasion, "dinosaurs" were spotted on the base, particularly if there had been an accident. Talking 8-10' tall lizards. Never interacted with them; absolutely no desire to!
Roxane: I am a imaginative person, but that interview was even hard for me to take... lol
DANIEL: I'll take a watch when I get a chance.
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