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Photo sent to me by CW |
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Photo Courtesy Sydney Morning Herald |
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Photo Courtesy Rense.com (added 7/29/12) |
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Photo courtesy http://copycateffect.blogspot.com/2012/07/aurora-synchro.html |
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Photo courtesy http://copycateffect.blogspot.com/2012/07/aurora-synchro.html |
Management Experience: I am currently managing a team building Falcon Fraud Manager Credit card fraud models. I have also managed teams in the Telco and Identity Theft fraud areas.
Operating systems: UNIX, Linux and Windows
Some backround on HNC Software:
Robert Hecht-Nielsen is an adjunct professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, San Diego. He co-founded HNC Software, and became a vice president of R&D at Fair Isaac Corporation when it acquired the company. Robert Hecht-Neilson, is a pioneer in artificial neural networks. The math he and others discovered from studying brain neurons and how they worked was commericialized by HNC Software.
I have one of Hecht-Neilson's books and sat in on one of his lectures at UCSD in 1985. T was very interested in neural networks in the late 80s as it was solving problems conventional computer algorithms could not. They work like brain cells. But like brain cells they can be fooled. Neural Network Algorithms are very very good at spotting patterns.
Hecht-Neilson, is tangential to this story, he just invented the technique. But without his discovery there might not be any high frequency trading.
Was this kid framed or mind controlled into this rampage? We know such mind programming techniques exist since at least Nazi Germany. North Korean brainwashed POWs in the 1950s. Shades of John Hinkley Jr.?
Update 7/26/12
Found this at (discernment is advised):
James Holmes Family Tied To DARPA And Mind Manipulation Work
July 26, 2012By Wayne Madsen
Aurora massacre: several links between James Holmes and U.S. government research (Salk Institute involved in neurologically enhancing soldiers' abilities on battlefield...connections to DARPA)
James Holmes, the 24-year old suspect in the mass shooting of Batman "The Dark Knight Rises" movie goers in Aurora, Colorado that left 12 people dead and 58 injured, has had a number of links to U.S. government-funded research centers. Holmes's past association with government research projects has prompted police and federal law enforcement officials to order laboratories and schools with which Holmes has had a past association not to talk to the press about Holmes.
Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver. Holme is a graduate of the University of California at Riverside with a Bachelor of Science degree in neuroscience. Although Holmes dropped out of the PhD neuroscience program at Anschutz in June, police evacuated two buildings at the Anschutz center after the massacre at the Aurora movie theater. Holmes reportedly gave a presentation at the Anschutz campus in May on Micro DNA Biomarkers in a class titled "Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders."
Initial reports of Holmes having an accomplice in the theater shooting have been discounted by the Aurora police. However, no explanation has been given by police why the Anschutz campus buildings were evacuated after Holmes was already in custody in the Arapahoe County jail.
The Anschutz Medical Campus is on the recently de-commisioned site of the U.S. Army's Fitzsimons Army Medical Center and is named after Philip Anschutz, the billionaire Christian fundamentalist oil and railroad tycoon who also owns The Examiner newspaper chain and website and the neo-conservative Weekly Standard. The Anschutz Medical Campus was built by a $91 million grant from the Anschutz Foundation.
In 2006, at the age of 18, Holmes served as a research intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. It is noteworthy that for the previous two years before Holmes worked at the Salk Institute, the research center was partnered with the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the Mars Company (the manufacturers of Milky Way and Snickers bars) to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate.
The research was part of a larger DARPA program known as the "Peak Soldier Performance Program," which involved creating brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use, including human-robotic bionics for legs, arms, and eyes. DARPA works closely with the Defense Science Office on projects that include the medical research community. Fitzsimons was at the forefront of DARPA research on the use of brain-connected "neuroprosthetic" limbs for soldiers amputated or paralyzed in combat.
According to his LinkedIn profile, James Holmes's father, Dr. Robert Holmes, who received a PhD in Statistics in 1981 from the University of California at Berkeley, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc. from 2000 to 2002. HNC, known as a "neural network" company, and DARPA, beginning in 1998, have worked on developing "cortronic neural networks," which would allow machines to interpret aural and visual stimuli to think like humans. The cortronic concept was developed by HNC Software's chief scientist and co-founder, Robert Hecht-Nielsen. HNC merged with the Minneapolis-based Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), a computer analysis and decision-making company. Robert Holmes continues to work at FICO.
It has also emerged that Holmes, when he was 20, worked as a camp counselor at Camp Max Straus of the Jewish Big Brothers and Sister of Los Angeles. According to the Jewish Journal, among other tasks, Holmes helped to teach boys between the ages of 7 to 10 archery. In another unusual detail, the car Holmes used to drive to the Aurora movie theater had Tennessee plates. Holmes is originally from San Diego.
James Holmes is the grandson of Lt. Col. Robert Holmes, one of the first Turkish language graduates of the Army Language School, later the Defense Language Institute, in Monterey, California. Graduating from the Turkish language class in 1948, Holmes spent a career in the Army, which likely included more than a few intelligence-related assignments. Typically, U.S. military officers conversant in Turkish served with either the Defense Intelligence Agency or the Central Intelligence Agency at either the U.S. embassy in Ankara or the Consulate General in Istanbul, or both.
Terrence Sejnowski, the Francis Crick Professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and the director of the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, in an interview with Cognitive Science Online in 2008, had the following comment about recent studies of the human brain: "Alan Newell [cognitive psychology researcher at the intelligence community-linked RAND Corporation] once said that when AI [artificial intelligence] was founded not enough was known about the brain to be of any help and in the early 1980s, symbol processing was the only game in town. That has changed and we now know a lot about the brain, perhaps more than we need to know [emphasis added]."
More than we need to know!
The links between the younger and elder Holmes and U.S. government research on creating super-soldiers, human brain-machine interfaces, and human-like robots beg the question: "Was James Holmes engaged in a real-life Jason Bourne TREADSTONE project that broke down and resulted in deadly consequences in Aurora, Colorado?" In any event, if the Batman movies are now serving as a newer version of J.D. Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye" subliminal messaging triggering mechanism, -- Salinger's novel was of interest to a number of American political assassins -- keep in mind that August 10 is the opening date of The Bourne Legacy. It may be wise to skip that film in the theater for a while.
Alleged gunman a 'quiet and easy-going' neurosciences drop-out
FIRST POSTED: FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2012 01:59 PM EDT | UPDATED: FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2012 02:19 PM EDT'Dark Knight' shooting
(Galen Clarke/QMI AGENCY)
Old friends of James Eagan Holmes, who police say is responsible for one of the most deadly mass shootings in U.S. history, know him as a friendly jokester who liked to smile.
Holmes, 24, was arrested after allegedly opening fire on a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Col., on Friday, shooting 71 people and killing 12.
But Sumit Shah, an old friend who attended Westview High School in San Diego, Calif., with Holmes, described the accused killer as "the funniest, smartest guy" who "always had something witty to say."
"The guy I knew in high school, I don't understand how that could be the same guy," Shah told NBC Bay Area. "He was shy and little quiet, but he was never aggressive or mean. He always had really good grades. He seemed pretty normal."
Another neighbour told NBC 7 San Diego, "He was a nice kid and grew up in a nice neighbourhood. Whenever I spoke to his mother she was very proud of him."
But his mother didn't appear surprised at all when contacted by ABC News for comment on Friday, before police had even informed her of her son's arrest.
"You have the right person," she told ABC. "I need to call the police ... I need to fly out to Colorado."
The family later released a statement via police, asking that people respect their privacy.
"Our hearts go out to those who were involved in this tragedy and to the families and friends of those involved," it reads.
After graduating from high school in San Diego, Holmes appears to have earned a bachelor of science in neurosciences from the University of California, Riverside. He then attended grad school at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver. School officials say he was in the process of dropping out of the neuroscience program, but did not know why.
Meanwhile, cops circled Holmes's Aurora apartment on Friday.
The suspect booby-trapped his apartment with sophisticated explosives, Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates told reporters.
"We are trying to determine how to disarm the flammable or explosive material. We could be here for hours or days," Oates said. "The pictures are fairly disturbing. It looks very sophisticated, how it's booby-trapped. It could be a very long wait."
MSNBC reports that public records show Holmes lived with two roommates at the apartment, which is reserved for students, faculty and staff from the medical campus.
Despite his alleged extensive collection of explosives and weapons, officials say he has no military connection or criminal past.
His only run-in with the law before now was a minor traffic ticket in 2012.
Holmes was scheduled to appear in court to face charges on Monday afternoon.
- With files from Reuters
From: http://copycateffect.blogspot.com/2012/07/aurora-synchro.html
Dissapeared from news: James Holmes had two roomates in Colorado
"According to a news items in the Toronto Sun: "MSNBC reports that public records show Holmes lived with two roommates at the apartment, which is reserved for students, faculty and staff from the medical campus."
But if you go to the original MSNBC account, oops, the mention of Holmes' alleged two roommates has disappeared....
What is going on here?"
....."He did not have many friends for someone who wanted to be liked," she said. "He loved all the villains in superhero stuff, which I did point out as odd. Most people enjoy the hero!"
Her cousin, who knew Holmes and played soccer with him, offered this assessment by email: "Jimmy was kind to those who knew him. It was hard to get to know him, but once you did, you realized he was funny and accepting of everyone's faults. He loved video games. But I would say he did not like the shooting games. He preferred others, guitar hero. He was always quiet on the soccer field, but was committed to the team. Which is someone you want on your side even if they aren't the best. The last time I talked to Jimmy, he didn't really seem to be in a good place. But that was years ago. But nothing out of the ordinary, just you know the 20's trials and tribulations. What he did was horrible, but I will always know him as Jimmy Holmes, not this person he is being portrayed as. Just so devastating, maybe if I tried to keep in contact or something. Just hope and pray that the families that were involved know that everyone is thinking of them. I just am thinking of Jimmy also.".....
UPDATED: 7/30/12
A reader sent me the following URL about James Holmes being kidnapped May 21, 2012 and drugged with the memory and willpower erasing drug from Columbia, Scopolomine. Unfortunately no references for where the information originates: http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/news617_batmanwhohow.html
UPDATED 8/1/12
Found this on Facebook today (click to enlarge)
UPDATED 8/4/12
10 Facts Revealing Conspiracy Behind Aurora Shooters
August 4, 2012
Source: Rense
1. James Holmes had no job, was earning unemployment but was able to purchase close to 10k in weapons, explosives, and tactical equipment, and this all happened within 2 months. The chances that Holmes could afford to finance this on his own is highly unlikely. Someone helped finance this attack, follow the money and we will find the masterminds.
2. The testimony of 2 key eye witnesses totally contradicts the official story of there being one shooter, with no accomplice in the attack. One witness testified that the tear gas canisters came from both sides of the theatre, a second witness testified that before the movie began he saw someone sit down in the front row, and shortly after sitting down his phone rang and instead of walking into the main lobby to take the call, he walked over to the emergency exit to the right side of the theatre opened the door and looked to be signaling someone outside the theatre. Shortly after the shooter made entrance through the emergency exit and commenced his attack.
3. Evidence photos - Evidence photos have surfaced of a gas mask outside of the emergency exit of theatre 8, police reported that when they arrested the shooter in the white Hyundai outside of theatre 9 he was wearing a gas mask, that would make 2 gas masks that were recovered. Also photos show the AR-15 propped up against the wall opposite of the fire exit door of theatre 9, police radio communications reported that night that the rifle was found inside the theatre, and even if the the AR-15 was discarded outside the theatre do you think the gunman was going to take the time to set the weapon down ? The Hyundai - why was the window missing? I thought he put up no resistance as he was being taken into custody ?
4. Radio communications from the night of the attack -
*First report of suspects was two men fleeing the theatres both wearing back packs, what happened to these two suspects??
*Reports of three people dragging an unknown individual into a non descript vehicle and speeding off
*the majority of injured and witnesses were not given access to ambulances, they were to be transported by other vehicles to the high school. WHY?
* Police radio that one of the shooters may be wearing blue and plaid shirt
*Magazine and AR-15 dropped in theatre
6. Holmes booby trapped apartment - How are we to believe that a 24 yr old, former jewish camp counselor, gaming nerd, science rock star, Neuroscience PHD had the skill set to set up a system of explosive devices and booby traps that would have the FBI bewildered for almost two days?? How are we to believe that ?? There is no way this maze of death was the work of one neuroscience student. It's BS.
8. Anti-gun agenda - Didn't anyone notice how quick public officials were ready to talk to the media about antigun legislation ? Bloomberg publically called out Obama and Romney to do something about the lack of gun control in the US, excellent timing seeing as the UN has legislation on the table to ban small arms globally.
9. The fact that Holmes allegedly bought the guns legally, to me this is the biggest smoking gun that this attack is being used as sounding board for the anti gun/disarmament agenda, think about it...most intelligent people who were planning an attack like this would do everything they could to stay off of the radar, buying the guns legally doesn't allow one to do that. What they are trying to do is demonize the legal gun owner, saying hey Holmes wasn't a criminal he was a normal guy who went crazy, and due to his ability to legally buy these firearms he was able to pull off these attacks.
UPDATED 8/5/12
James Holmes is probably NOT Jewish. I saw the idea emerging from a few blogs implying James was Jewish, seemingly to try and spin the blogs tracking this into a anti-semitic theme, which has nothing to do with this tragedy in Colorado. Holmes is a very English surname. Just think Sherlock Holmes! My wife worked for a Jewish Children's home in Ohio when she was young and she is not Jewish. You do not have to be Jewish to work in these service organizations. What follows was posted at Rumor Mill News. -AK
Posted at: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248135
Dark Knight Shooter James Holmes - Jewish or not?
Posted By: AndiVDate: Sunday, 5-Aug-2012 04:11:50
At the beginning of every new suspicious event, such as the Kennedy assassination and the 2012 Aurora shooting, many bits and pieces of information are thrown out, and many are immediately taken at face value.
James Holmes, the alleged Dark Knight shooter, is said to have worked at a summer camp run by Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters. I have a little familiarity with the Big Brothers / Sisters program, as a friend of mine used to work for one of their fundraising venues in Tacoma, Wa.
The Jewish Big Brothers / Big Sisters also operates Camp Max Straus. Camp Max Straus is non-sectarian, e.g. not affiliated with or limited to a specific religious denomination. This camp is open to all underprivileged youth in the LA area, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity:
In this picture from MSNBC, Holmes working as a counselor at Camp Max Straus is seen goofing around with another counselor, who is obviously Asian and more than likely not Jewish:
Therefore, logically, his affiliation with JBBBS is not proof of his ethnicity or religious background.
Updated 8/19/2012
Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46
Aug 17, 2012
Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged, Natural News (July 20)
James Holmes Batman shooting to justify UN small arms treaty gun grab?, Mike Adams (July 21)
Eyewitness: Second Shooter in Batman Massacre, YouTube, (July 21)
Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater, CNN/PrisonPlanet.com (July 22)
Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massacre, Paul Joseph Watson (July 23)
Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science, Kurt Nimmo/Wayne Madsen (July 24)
Fox News Channel Questions Narrative Of ‘Batman’ Massacre, Infowars/WXIX-Fox19 (July 25)
Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt: Batman Shooting Could be Staged (July 27)
James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 27)
Why Are Republicans Calling To Disarm The American People?, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 30)
The Batman op expands: you shot those people, Jon Rappoport (Aug 3)
Drowning reported at West Okoboji LakeOKOBOJI, Iowa (AP) — Authorities say someone has drowned at West Okoboji Lake in northwest Iowa.The Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office said officers responded to a report of a drowning a little after noon on Tuesday.The office hasn’t released the victim’s name or any other details about the drowning.
Victim identified in West Okoboji drowningPublished on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 06:30On Tuesday, August 7, the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a drowning on West Lake Okoboji. An investigation found that Jennifer Galagher, age 46, from Denver, Colorado, had been swimming the previous night in West Lake. On Tuesday morning, Galagher was reported missing by family.A short time later, a family member located Galagher underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.Assisting the DCSO were:
- Milford Fire/Rescue
- Arnolds Park/Okoboji Dive Team
- Lakes Regional Healthcare Ambulance
The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office.
Greg explained that the family had travelled [sic] to nearby Ohio [sic] for a holiday when Jenny tragically drowned.He and Jack had gone to sleep when Jenny and her friend decided to take a boat out on to a lake.“She wasn’t a very strong swimmer and I suppose she just wasn’t able to stay afloat.“The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny.”
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