In 1994 I had an awakening. I grew up in a Christian fundamentalist sect. I discovered it ruined lives and preached the apocalypse to make money from people's fear. They taught that God would kill 90% of humanity. People lived in fear of God and future. My networked electronic movement in 1994-2004 freed about 50,000 people from this religion to think for themselves. I saved some from suicide. It wasn't just my effort, it was a crowd sourced effort of similar minded souls that expanded into a cottage industry of truth speakers. I just provided the technology and played referee if the discussion got too heated, as they will with religious topics. Others came behind me who were better writers and other gifts even more suited to the task than I was.
A friend at JPL told me UFOs were real. Her father was in charge of one of Ronald Reagan's Star Wars projects at TRW. She had asked him about UFOs after FOX TV aired a TV show on Roswell in 1989, he confirmed they were indeed real. He reported to Generals and Admirals. What did a savior mean in a universe of many civilizations? Did all worlds fall from grace? Or was it not so much a fall, as forgetting who we were? My religion had no answer. The belief system was and is exclusive. It required an inside and outside. Yet when I read the Bible it said God made it rain on the just and the unjust, love without discrimination. I searched for answers. How could I help anyone without answers? What was duality? Its hard to recognize it when your religion is by definition us vs them. My religion required dualistic thinking. I found some answers in the teachings Buddhism. But I don't think Buddhists would own up to me being one of them. I do like their core beliefs, but they have barnacles of history just like Christianity. Things that have nothing to do with what the founder taught.
In 2009 I died from blood poisoning. I had a near death experience. I was told a dimensional change coming.
I don’t like to talk about health issues I’ve faced. I just don’t like to dwell on it. Its no secret I came down with fatal MRSA infection and by February 2009. It had developed into full blown septicemia (blood poisoning). It wasn’t that I didn’t seek medical help, I did. I went to four different doctors each of which misdiagnosed the infection as either “aging” or the vague “cellulitis” which tells you absolutely nothing except for the skin is inflamed because of an infection. My body became so bloated by the toxins from MRSA my heart enlarged and I had congestive heart failure (my heart is fine now - it was only temporary). The right side of my heart enlarged to the point that it couldn’t pump enough oxygen through my body and I turned purple. My wife took me back to my family doctor. My doctor took one look at me and told my wife "he looks bad", and left. She just lost her insurance because her employer reduced her to 20 hours a week during a slow period so the doctor did want to treat me, he made more money doing drug trial test for Pharmaceutical companies. My wife not content with that, took me to the non-profit clinic that contacts to San Diego County, but they also serve private individuals. The non-profit doctors were much more concerned with patients than the for profit ones were. As soon as they saw me they put a pulse oximeter on me, my oxygen levels were about 80% of normal. The doctor called 911 and the last thing I remembered was someone cutting clothes off me and putting me on a gurney. ER recognized the infection as MRSA, and I went into quarantine per the protocols of the State of California. I was unconscious for two weeks, until I had a near death experience, learned I was part of God (as we all are) and was sent back to my body. I briefly experienced full consciousness and what a real connection to the Divine Source feels like. I'll never for get that. It was an amazing sensation. We are in for a real treat when earth ascends out this quantum anomaly the Cabal and their masters created to enslave this planet. I spent a month in ICU and another month in rehab learning to walk and eat again. I might have just as well been hit by a Mack Truck for the state I was in.
I’ve done pretty well getting my legs back, joined a health club to strengthen what I lost and regain fine motor control of my legs. Balance was a problem, and stairs were a real issue. But the physical therapists helped me with all that. I regained most everything back. But my legs had scar tissue from about 2 inches above my ankles to about a quarter the way up my calf. In cold weather the scars tended to look a little purple. And in the climate I live in everyone wears shorts nearly year round. This is life on a California beach. I even invented a little device with specific wavelengths of LED lights to help the cells in my legs heal, and it did improve my legs. But still it had I had a problem with edema in my ankles and the doctors prescribed a low dose of diuretics to keep my ankles and feet from swelling. MRSA had damaged the lymph system in my legs. Doctors told me this was permanent condition, as is the scar tissue. I’ve already proven that I could improve the cells in my legs with my light device but my skin had a kind of plastic like feel to it.
In June 2011, after the heaviest chem-trail spraying I have ever seen, I came down with a lung clot. That landed me the hospital again, and I had to spend a week on heparin blood thinners and another nine months on warfarin therapy - which is pretty standard therapy. The clot dissolved. They never found any clots in my legs, they were non-existent, but the doctors were not about to believe chem-trails caused it either. I got off the blood thinner in April.
When GW Harding contacted me about the Wholeness Blessing and the Children of Light Conference I immediately agreed to publicize the event. I’ve met Gary on the Internet in 1994 and he’s shown complete integrity in his dealings with me. That doesn’t mean I understood half of what he told me when I met him. I didn’t. I was in the midst of a revolution in a fundamentalist church sect that I belonged to. I was using early social media to advance the cause and was stunningly successful. I had thought so far outside the box there was no longer even a box in view. I loved the people in my faith, and there was this huge awakening that began about 1990 which came into full bloom about 1993. I was like the surfer on the ocean who senses the wave before you can see, and I paddled like crazy.
During this time I had a number of dreams, some prophetic in that they happened exactly as I saw them weeks before. Others were more esoteric, some of which I was an American Indian being painted in some sort of ceremony. I had dreams of finding gems, one time I had a dream of a book being put in my solar plexus, and another dream of a crystal clear gemstone shaped like guitar pick one inch thick with a symbol embedded in it that looked like a hybrid between a 3 leaf clover and an ankh. Don't know what that was about.
I was deeply involved an Internet based church reformation that could only be described as the electronic version of Martin Luther nailing his treatise to the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral. In fact Martin Luther was kind of a hero to me, he told the Pope where to put it, exposed corruption, and wasn’t above having a good German beer or two. We were not Catholic, but we had as similar structure and endemic clerical corruption. We exposed the corruption, the incest the leader had with his own daughter (documented in his divorce filing with his 2nd wife) and patently bogus scripture intrepretations. It was truly a crowd sourced effort. We freed about 50,000 souls from a very controlling and at times abusive sect. It wasn’t as bad as Scientology or the Moonies but they shared the same law firms. One of the retained church lawyers (who was later ordained) was well known to be a 32nd degree Freemason. We think some of the church donations were funneled into venture capital investments into big Australian telecom companies, but we can't prove that.
Sometimes in life your understanding expands exponentially and you don’t know why you know what you know. I had grown up in the faith, and while I considered myself a liberal in the movement. My identity was carved as a rebel against the extremes of some in the faith, especially the more aggressive right wing preachers who tended to be very controlling. Yet by being a rebel, it was the faith that still defined my identity, which meant I was very much controlled by the belief system. I was a true believer - albeit a flexible one. An outsider would think me the same as everyone else in my religion, to those in power I lacked zealotry. Yet I understood that many of my cherished beliefs not only didn’t square with more mainstream faiths, it didn’t match with the interactions with God that I had experienced in my life journey.
A minister in Atlanta, where I lived at the time began preaching about grace, which went against the grain of the legalistic rule based faith I grew up in. His message was good, and I witnessed the spirit move during this time of change, I saw some amazing things. Healings, miracles, astounding things. The minister was black. And that stuck in the craw of more than few white brethren. How dare this uppity black man change things? Who did he think he was? I saw every form of attack racism can engender, and to be honest if you played the script from 1994 and changed the name to Obama I could have written the last 3 years of political attacks against Barack Obama. Not that Obama is an religious guide. God sometimes sends his messages via messengers people have a hard time accepting. Will they look at the message or the skin color of the messenger? Its all free will isn’t it? I’m white, but what I saw was just plain wrong and evil attacks against an honest and decent black man. When religious people start issuing death threats to protect their cherished assumptions you know they aren’t paying attention to the man from Galilee. God doesn’t need us to protect Him from other humans. He loves all.
I was taught God was a “blessings and cursings” God, an algorithmic God. If you did well and obeyed (which usually meant the preachers whims rather than God) God would bless us with financial rewards and eternal life. If life gave someone trouble, then obviously God was punishing them, which relieved you of having compassion and actually helping them. They deserved it, after all wasn't God in control of everything? I really believed a church controlled my life now and the hereafter and was fed a plausible explanation from some very cherry picked bible verses. You can prove most anything from the Bible, its one big Rorschach test. South Africa justified apartheid for years with the Bible. America once justified slavery, and Israel justifies white phosphorous brutality against its foes by the Bible.
That’s not to say there’s not great wisdom in the good book, there is. But it will also mirror and magnify your character flaws if you don’t have an internal link with God to begin with. All books have that holographic quality. That’s why Bible code software works on the Bible and Moby Dick. There’s some really fine people in Christianity, and there’s a lot of people who aren’t. That’s true of any religion.
Fast forward 17 years and I am again in the midst of another kind of revolution, this one for planet earth. I am doing things I never imagined I do a couple of years ago. I post channelers. I post healing events with angels. I post articles exposing debt enslavers of planet earth. Its all pretty remarkable.
Last Friday GW Hardin arranged for a friend of his to pass on the Wholeness Blessing. I didn’t ask if I could use her name so I’ll just call her “M”. M was in Costa Mesa moving some belongings to Denver and volunteered to meet in San Clemente and perform the Wholeness Blessing.
I found a park on Google that was in a good location with some shade trees. I text messaged M and she agreed to meet me there. M told me to bring a bottle of water and some chocolate. She said the work can be energy intensive. I was a little late arriving, but M was gracious and waiting for me in her pink baseball cap at a concrete picnic table in the park.
Children were playing in front of us on slides and swings, some kids were digging in the sand with their toy trucks. Just a nice ocean breeze, sounds of kids and seagulls.
She explained the Wholeness Blessing and how it started with Joe Crane and the Angel Michael and how the Conference of Light enabled others to pass this gift on. I was sitting to the left of M with my back to the table. M got up and walked to my left side. She put her left hand over my heart and her right hand on my back, and said she’d say a silent prayer and that I could say one of my own. I did so. I began to feeling a very cool feeling from her hands, it felt like cool soothing water flowing into me. She had me sit for a while, drink some water. I asked her to do it one more time and the second time it was noticeable stronger sensation.
I am not unfamiliar with hands-on healing, my former religion practiced it and I was once healed from a mauling by a German Shepherd dog and also was healed of asthma. I’ve never had asthma again and I had it bad. This was very different, as those tended to be warm energy healings. This was cool like a cool stream coming into a warm pool, I could feel the temperature gradient. I’ve also had Reiki healing and was even initiated into first level Reiki in 2002. The Wholeness Blessing is more powerful. Its something completely new.
M said there is no “typical” reaction people have, it varies with the person, I can only speak to what I experienced. This coolness spread to my kidneys next then to the base of my skull. One the way home I got very tired. My energy levels have been low since the illness but this was a sleepy kind of energy level. I managed to drive home safely and ate some chocolate to keep my energy up. Probably ate more chocolate than I should have but it was organic Belgium chocolate which is my favorite. When I got home I noticed some stirring in the left side of my intestines, kind of a squirming feeling, it didn’t feel bad, it just felt like things were rearranging a tiny bit.
Day 2: Noticed, shall we say a bit of enhanced maleness. Interesting. At 55 I am not arguing against that. I noticed the itching of my legs was reduced, and a curious lack of edema in my legs. My wife notices I have a sunburn. I thought that strange as I wasn’t really outside all that long probably less than 20 minutes. I’m out longer than that all the time and I am not burned. San Clemente is an identical climate. When I looked in the bathroom mirror I noticed I was only sunburned on the left side of my face, and it wasn’t severe, just one sided. It was on the side M stood when she performed the Wholeness Blessing. Whatever this is, it must involve a good deal of light energy if I can get a slight sunburn. GW confirms that he got a slight sunburn from the blessing as have others, but not all. Its different with everyone. This is just what happened to me.
Day 3: Legs have lost the granular texture that resulted from the recent illness. Texture has also changed, skin seems smoother and more natural. No change in color.
Day 4: Legs continue to improve, my ankles actually look skinny for the first time in years. Color is more natural but still a little on the red side. I have reduced diuretics to one pill ever 2 or 3 days. I just don’t need them like I used to need them.
Day 7: White skin tissue is starting to infiltrate the reddish/purple scar tissue. Much reduced swelling and legs look skinny like they should. Itching is way down.
To be continued. Photos will be release too.
I’ve purposely not done the online Oneness Blessing yet, I plan to, but I thought doing them both at once would make it hard to report on what changes come from which blessing. Thought I’d try to report on this in a semi-scientific manner, so one thing at a time.
American Kabuki
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