Mondoweiss is truly one of the most repulsive progressive blogs on the web --- and that's saying a lot considering the left's deep bench of hatred and racism.

See Atlas Shrugs, "Jewicidal Heads Explode Over 'Palestinian' Proclamation Day Cancellation":
Mondoweiss is a leftist "anti-Zionist" blog founded by Jewicidal kapo Philip Weiss of the self-loathing tribe. Two of its "principal aims" are to "foster the movement for greater fairness and justice for Palestinians in American foreign policy" and "to offer alternatives to pro-Zionist ideology as a basis for American Jewish identity" -- in other words, to conspire with the Left and the "Palestinian" jihadis to destroy Israel. And so it is a badge of honor to be demonized by these Useful Idiots, who are enraged over the recent AFDI/SIOA victory for freedom over "Palestinian" Propaganda Proclamation Day. They are now calling it (sough cough) Palestinian Cultural day (talk about your oxymorons.)

These liberal Jews would rather chew off their own leg than see our people stand on their own two legs.

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