At CNN a little while ago, Fredricka Whitfield spoke with illegal immigrant and open borders activist Jose Antonio Vargas (video here). It turns out Vargas' story is the center-piece of this week's cover story at Time Magazine, "We Are Americans - Not Legal Not Leaving." Good timing, eh?
UPDATE: Shortly after Jose Antonio Vargas' story on the issue of the undocumented was published in TIME, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced that it would no longer deport young undocumented residents who qualify for the DREAM act. Those eligible will receive work permits.
And Vargas has an introductory piece, "Inside the World of the ‘Illegal’ Immigrant":

Time Magazine Immigration
A year ago this month, I wrote an essay for the New York Times “coming out” about my status as an undocumented immigrant — what many people call an “illegal.” I told of my journey of being sent from the Philippines to the U.S. at age 12 without knowing I didn’t have the right papers; graduating from college and working as a successful journalist; and relying on a support network of American citizens (my high school principal and superintendent among them) to get me through. But mine is just one story. So with the help of friends and supporters, I founded a campaign called Define American, to document the lives of the undocumented and harness the support of our allies around this very controversial and misunderstood issue.

There are an estimated 11.5 million people like me in this country, human beings with stories as varied as that of the U.S. itself yet who lack a legal claim to exist here. It’s an issue that touches people of all ethnicities and backgrounds: Latinos and Asians, blacks and whites. (And yes, undocumented immigrants come from all sorts of countries, like Israel, Nigeria and Germany.) It’s an issue that goes beyond election-year politics and transcends the limitations of our broken immigration system and the policies being written to address them.
Check the link for the rest of the article, and the links to Vargas' NYT commentary and his website.

The immigration system isn't "broken." The left refuses to enforce it. And now with the White House's announcement, the Obama administration is turning election 2010 into a referendum on the president's open borders policy --- and a bid to mobilize the Democrat Party's Latino voting demographic.

More throughout the day on this.

Michelle Malkin has a big report on developments: "Occupy Open Borders: Obama delivers 800,000 more illegal alien deportation waivers."

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