
The 100%’s Call to Action!
Angelo Arias
June 5, 2012

We are living in very challenging times, every day as we turn on the TV or tune into the radio, events are happening faster than we can stop to hear it. 2012 is the year as many have stated in prophecy is the year everything Ends!!! What is ending is our current cycle, which will pave a way for a new one. At the moment there is so much negativity, so much death, so much war and people dying. I ask where is the PEACE? Our first thought is to escape the troubles we face on a daily basis. It’s in our nature to find a quick way out. What if I told you that’s the coward’s way out, what if I told you if running away from the problem simply does not solve it.

We are so use to worrying about ourselves, and moving forward with our lives. Sometimes we do this unintentionally, and sometimes we do this purposely. In a planet of around 7 billion people, 7 major continents, and 5 major oceans where’s the PEACE? Our nations are constantly at war with one another. Fighting for pride, fighting for resources, and fighting for the hidden masters which control major platforms in our society. Regardless of what nation, or what color we are,  or what side we fight for, where’s the PEACE? Countless lives are taken in the pursuit of war, but with what end? Is profit really worth the loss of human life? Destruction can be universal if we allow it to be. I ask who can replace a soldier lost at war? Who can tell a little girl her daddy will not be around for her wedding because he’s a casualty of war? Nothing can replace the arms or limbs that use to be, that are blown up by a bomb planted. Like the song,
War is good for absolutely NOTHING.

We do not need any more battles, no more bloodshed. If you advocate war, if you cheer the battle cries for blood, put yourself in harm’s way and let’s see if your perspective changes . In a planet so full of riches, why do people go hungry? Instead of building the next best weapon, let’s feed every mouth we can we and put an END to Poverty. If we can put a man on the moon, we can end HUNGER! It’s a shame we want the next best thing, whether it’s shoes/clothes/ or the next electronic. Where is our humanity? Where is our Humility? There are billions of voice’s who’s plea’s for help go unanswered every single day. We tend to leave many things in God’s hands, but what of our part? We tend to think that someone else will solve the problems of the world. I challenge you to challenge yourself. Please look within yourself and find the courage to stand up against the tide of tyranny. Be the light that God sends from deep within the Universe. Shine tall & shine bright so the world can see. Yes there is darkness at this very moment, but in the end LIGHT always prevails.

Do not sit back and watch the world crumble, for you are not living. Do not be a zombie or a sheep as many will call it. Part of our humanity is the unconditional love we have to offer. Sometimes this love is damaged or hurt by pain and deceit. This unconditional love has the power to heal ALL wounds. We are love, don’t seek it just embrace it. The other half of our humanity is forgiveness; we must first forgive ourselves and forgive others of the actions made in our past. Our creator has made us into a blank canvas; he has given us the brush and paint. It is up to us to paint a world in which we see fit.  Our Governments have acted unjustly on our behalf; currently they pass draconian legislation to limit our mobility and freedom.

Let 2012 be the Year, the people take back their power. Government’s cannot rule without the people. When we remain silent, when we remain submissive, when we do not challenge the Establishment- WE LOOSE, I say to all who read this, where ever you are in the world. You are the change, you are the force that drives the world. Without us there is no world, without our ability and talent the world cannot function. We are the parts that make up the engine of life. We have seen the massive global protests stemming from 2011 and it grows bigger by the day. Whether Students in Canada protesting tuition increases, or it’s the Greek’s demanding a monetary change. The people are starving and thirsty for change.

Folks we are the power, we are the force, we are the 100% not the 99%. Together & united we can change the world, so our kids can live a safe and comfortable life. Turn of the News casts, turn off the radio broadcasts, disconnect from the mainstream media and find yourself enough with the Divisive tactics that seek to break us apart. When we learn the truth about ourselves and our history on this planet, some may be angry and disappointed but I say to you remember “forgiveness”. It is the most powerful tool we have in helping to move forward. Forgive those who have hurt you, and send them love & light. All beings have a choice; none are too dark or too evil to save. Do not get me wrong there are those who must answer and pay for their crimes against Humanity.

But in the end we must forgive them in order to create a better world, free from negative vibrations.  Do not play into the fears of nuclear war in the Middle East, or cataclysms and natural disasters. Do not buy into the financial uncertainty of Wall Street & Europe. If we want a better world we need to Dream it and Demand it at this very moment. 2012 is the year of Ascension, where we must make a choice to ascend into the higher dimensions or remain in our current 3rd dimensional reality.  There is much to be told, and many truths that remain unspoken. We are entering into uncertain times but remember only we can project what we want to see in the world. Project love and light onto the Earth and the people around you. This is the year to find your purpose; it’s never too late to start. No government, no dictator, no tyrant can tell you who or what to do. I call upon anyone and everyone to rise up and take back our world. Rise up, speak up, protest if you must. Do not remain silent—get vocal! Gather in groups, educate yourself and uplift yourself. Let us build bridges that connect one another, regardless of what continent. Only together can we change the world. We are the 100% who are united as ONE…….will you answer the call?

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