Here's the report from last night, "NY1 Exclusive: School Prohibits Fifth-Grader From Giving Speech On Same-Sex Marriage."

And here's the update at DNAinfo, "Fifth Grader Allowed to Give Same-Sex Marriage Speech, Walcott says." Also at New York Post, "Walcott: student has right to read gay nups essay but not everyone has to hear it."

Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott said a Queens fifth-grader barred from reading his essay on gay marriage in front of the entire school “has the right” to present it — but not everyone has to hear it.

Walcott refused to say whether he supports PS 195 principal Berryl Bailey’s controversial decision to bar 10-year-old Kameron Slade from giving a speech on the issue yesterday.

Only after media inquiries did the Department of Education say that Slade could read his essay in a makeshift assembly scheduled for Monday — but that parents could opt their kids out.

“It’s something that the principal felt that she needed to do more due diligence with her parent community because of the topic of the speech itself,” said Walcott. “This extra day will give her the ability to reach out to those parents to make them aware of the content of the speech — because we’re talking about an elementary school.”
And if you ever doubted that progressives couldn't give a shit about the welfare of children or the rights of parents to raise their kids as they see fit, check the commentary at The New Civil Rights Movement:
Public schools, like all institutions of learning, are supposed to teach facts and relevant topics. Same-sex marriage is not pornography. Same-sex marriage has been in the news in New York for the past few years, especially leading up to its legalization one year ago. Parents should take an interest in their children’s learning, and support the schools’ efforts to teach. Schools need to recognize that for students to learn about equality, they have to start teaching it.

Since when do parents get to decide what public school curriculums teach? If a majority of parents decide they want creationism to be taught instead of evolution, will that become part of a school’s curriculum? What about climate change? Or, the latest David Barton lies? Where does it end?
Public schools are funded by the "parents," so obviously the "parents" have a right to help decide what will be taught in those schools. And obviously, teaching about homosexuality --- or homosexual marriage --- isn't a question of "equality." Current laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and same-sex marriage is not a civil right. But the radical homosexual lobby is all about demonizing people who hold traditional values, so they'll viciously attack folks who might just be a little bit concerned that their 11 year-old kids might not be ready for such a sophisticated, confusing, and political-charged topic as this. But again, the radical gay from couldn't give a flying f-k. They just don't.

See more commentary at Memeorandum.

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