I just posted on the youngster last night: "Fourteen-Year-Old Caiden Cowger: Homosexuality is 'Perverted'."

It turns out that Big Journalism Editor Dana Loesch defended Cowger on Twitter yesterday, and the homosexual radicals came after her with a vengeance. See, "The Advocate ‘Advocates’ the Bullying of Children Online."

Here's the Advocate's post: "CNN Contributor Defends Radio Host Who Said Obama Turns Kids Gay."

Here's the search tab for Dana on Twitter. The left has gone positively batsh*t crazy over this. The progs were spewing all kinds of vile and violent tweets at Dana, herehere, and here, for example. And Dana handled it like a champ. And check out some of the additional lies she's standing up against out there, at the so-called New Civil Rights Movement, "Tweet of the Day: Breitbart Editor Stands Up For 14-Year Old Who Says ‘Obama Is Making Kids Gay’":
To be clear, there is a difference between civic participation and hate speech. And to be clear, people of all ages are welcome in our national conversation, but hate speech, even under the mistaken shroud of “religious liberty” is not only wrong — it is contributing to an environment that is killing teens — especially LGBTQ teens.

There's no such thing as "hate speech." It's an invention of the left to attack conservatives. And as Dana's experience illustrates --- and Caiden's too --- the genuine hate comes from the left and is directed at those who dare to proclaim their traditional beliefs in public. (And the study cited at that link purportedly showing how teens are getting killed is a utterly preposterous and unrepresentative survey on LGBT youths sponsored by the extremist Human Rights Campaign --- the dishonest creeps.)

OBLIGATORY #FAIL: Charles "Jazzy McBikeshorts" Johnson can't contain himself. He jumps at the chance to attack Dana as a bigot: "CNN’s Dana Loesch Says Ending Friendships With People Because They’re Gay Is Just Part of Being a Conservative Teen."

What an utter douchebag. Jeez, dude, get a life.

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