In one of those all-too-common episodes, yesterday I saw purported conservative Scott Jacobs, a.k.a AblativMeatShld on Twitter, join up with progressives in a lame attempt to slap down my argument that the Kimberlin case is an epic partisan battle over free speech. Check the comments at Popehat, where one can see how the proprietor there deleted all the ad hominem, off-topic comments hijacking the thread. No worries, though. You can see some of Jacobs' related tweets here, here, and here. I'm thinking anger management might help. The dude blocked me with this tweet, and then wished he could choke me to death with the very next one:

Unfortunately, a lot of people involved in the Kimberlin affair still don't understand how progressives work. For example, Racist Repsac3 works by infiltrating the other side, attempting to undermine those with the most powerful moral clarity --- and hence those most dangerous to the leftist agenda. Then idiots like "AblativMeatsld" get suckered into a false alliance of convenience, which is shown soon enough to be a suicide pact with the devil.

C'est la vie.

So, I'm pleased to see John Hawkins out with a great new piece at Townhall, "7 Ways Conservative Activists Are Being Harassed By the Left" (via Right Wing News):
The harassment that seems to follow people who get caught in the crosshairs of Speedway bomber Brett Kimberlin has started to put a spotlight on the staggering level of abuse that many activists, columnists, and bloggers on the Right have to endure just to exercise their First Amendment rights. If liberals had to deal with 1/10 of the same amount of harassment that conservatives do, it would be a front page story in every major paper in America and Barack Obama would be giving speeches about it. Unfortunately for those of us in the new media on the Right, we're considered important enough on the Left to try to destroy us, but we’re not important enough to the Right to draw the funding we need to get appropriate legal protection, to properly investigate stories, and to insure that an independent blogosphere still exists five years from now (Sorry, pet peeve). Since many people are unaware of what goes on behind the scenes, it seems like a good time to catalogue just some of the tactics liberals are using to try to stifle free speech on the Right.
Read it all at the link.

I'm still shaking my head at all of the examples John uses to illustrate his argument.

In any case, despite the death-wish tweets I'm getting, I can only reiterate my point that it's all about "how 'free speech' is defined and who's speech will be protected." There will be some fair and respectful people on the left who recoil from Kimberlin's tactics. But mostly, these same people will rationalize it as foreign to progressive ideology when it's in fact central to it. The left can't win the debate. It can only destroy its opponents. The sooner folks figure that out the better.

Now, in other developments, see Robert Stacy McCain, "‘Team Kimberlin’ Meltdown Continues." And following the links takes us to Dan Collins at The Conservatory, "Neal Rauhauser's About to Have a Very Bad Day."

Also, at Patterico, "More Evidence Emerges of Brett Kimberlin’s Involvement in Nadia Naffe Litigation Against Me."

BONUS: From Bob Belvedere, "The #BrettKimberlin Report [D+17] Part IV: Why’s Everybody Always Pickin’ On Me?"

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