CNN had a couple of segments up yesterday. I'll post Don Lemon's interview with Erick Erickson later. This one's more of a straight news report:

Also, there's word out that at least 70 Members of Congress will call on Attorney General Holder to probe SWAT-ting attacks on conservatives.

RELATED: I had a lengthy Twitter exchange yesterday with Martin Longman, publisher of Booman Tribune. Longman (Booman) holds a really bad grudge over the Graeme Frost CHIPs controversy from 2007, which  partially explains why he went after Michelle Malkin in particularat his post mocking Friday's day of silence for conservatives. I kept pushing Longman (Booman) to update his post to apologize for not taking progressive attacks on conservative bloggers seriously. His response was to spam me with links and quotes about how HORRIBLE the right treated the Frost family, which was back when the Dems controlled the House. Poor guy. Here's his post: "National Day of Blogger Silence Joke."

Plus, I want to link Mandy Nagy's post one more time, it's so good, "National Day of Blogger Silence."
Dear Brett Kimberlin,

I learned about you in 2010, and I wrote this article about you on October 11, 2010.

Flashback: Progressives Embrace Convicted Terrorist

You wanted me to shut up then, and you threatened to sue me.

Liberty Chick Threatened With Lawsuit

I did not go quiet.  And when you hit the radar again, as did you and your friends’ tactics, I didn’t shut up then, either.

As Hacked ChamberLeaks Emails Break, Left Scrambles to Hide Ties to Domestic Terrorist

Since then, you’ve done everything you could to try and shut me up, including falsely accusing me of crimes and inserting me into lawsuits.  And threatening even more lawsuits, based on more false accusations.  Your associates have bragged for a year that their relentless harassment of me, my family and those friends close to me has been all for your benefit. They have hounded people that I work with, trying to get me fired. They have defamed me repeatedly with false accusations of everything from drug use to murder.  They know every detail of my private life and they share it with the world.  They have terrorized me and others and tried to make us fear for our lives.  They, and you, have terrorized us long enough.

Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism

Today, I go silent.  But that does not mean that I do not act. I take action.  And you should, too...
And conservatives were so hard on Graeme Frost!

Check Mandy's post for all the links.

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