The shadow side is merely the aspect which you have judge unacceptable
The shadow side is merely the aspect which you have judge unacceptable
06/30/2013 by John Smallman
You are all one. And that is becoming apparent to ever more of humanity in every moment. The rate of growth of this awareness is phenomenal! Never before on Earth has there been such an amazing and effective awakening process. It is ongoing, unstoppable, and naturally, because it is divinely willed its ultimate completion is ensured. There are a few who will stubbornly resist awakening, and their choice to remain asleep will be absolutely honored until they change their minds, as eventually they will. In the end no one gets left behind or abandoned because God’s Will, with which your wills are becoming increasingly aligned, is always perfectly accomplished.
To align your wills with God’s is your task as humans, but you were created one with Him so your wills are already aligned with His; you have just lost your awareness of this. At your centers, at the deepest levels of yourselves you know all this, but you are also intensely aware of your unloving attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions – the illusory attitudes and behaviors in which humanity always seems to engage – and you know, truly and deeply know, beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are not and never can be in alignment with the will of God. That is terrifying, and so you refuse to acknowledge them, burying them instead beneath the level of conscious awareness that you maintain while operating in the illusion. It is a massive state of denial that requires enormous amounts of your energy to uphold and maintain. When something arises that seems likely to dissolve that state of denial or undermine it, you go into a massive defense mode to protect yourselves from the seeming horror of uncovering that hidden knowledge.
But the flame of divine Love burning constantly within each one of you is intensifying as it is being fed by the divine field of Love enveloping the planet and all the life that she supports. The foundations of that massive state of denial are therefore crumbling inexorably, and what you have attempted to hide from yourselves will be acknowledged. Acknowledgment releases it … and then you will breathe a sigh of relief as you realize that what had so terrified you was unreal. You are Love – because it is from Love that you were created, and anything not in alignment with Love, with God’s holy Will is unreal, does not exist. All your fears are, and always have been, groundless.
Do not fear your “shadow” side. The shadow side of your nature is merely the aspect that holds thoughts, ideas, desires, or impulses which you have judged unacceptable, evil, sinful, and then buried out of sight in your unconscious for fear that you might act on them. They have no power over you and are quite normal thought forms that occur to humans as an aspect of the separated state that is the illusion. It may well be inadvisable to act on some of them, but there is no danger that you would do so inadvertently as long as you acknowledge them and are aware of them. However, when you keep them buried and hidden they develop a need to be seen, exposed, which you may sense and deal with by battening down the hatches on them, burying them more deeply in your unconscious. Eventually they will burst into your conscious awareness, and when they do you can find yourself unable to restrain yourself from behaving as they suggest, or fearing that you will be unable to restrain yourself.
Instead of waiting for them to explode unexpectedly into your consciousness, address all those uncomfortable issues that you have been avoiding – thoughts that you might believe are sinful, offensive to God, that might drive you to do something bad, or whatever else comes up – and by looking at them and acknowledging them you will find that they have no power over you at all. Then you can release them easily and enjoy the sense of peace it brings you.
Thoughts occur. They are part of the collective illusion, and they float around quite freely. Just observe them and let them pass. You do that all the time in your daily lives: “I need to get bread … actually no I don’t, we still have some.” or “How dare that car cut me out! I’ll give it the finger! No! He’s just a bit stressed out … I won’t react.” You always have a choice to engage or not, so do not fear your hidden impulses; just observe them as you do with normal thought processes and then decide freely whether or not you wish or need to engage with them. Hiding your shadow side from yourself gives it power, but as soon as you disclose it to yourself its apparent power over you evaporates.
When you take your daily quiet time ask your guides to help you with this, to show you what you need to address. Then be silent, still, and wait for an intuitive nudge to show you the way forwards to acknowledge and release all that has been troubling you. That is why we are with you, accompanying you on your homewards journey, so that we can help you find your divine center, recognize that you are loved, and assist you with issues that can appear insoluble. Ask us, we are here to help you, and we love to do so.
With so very much love, Saul.
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