

Freedom to Heal
May 6, 2013
Posted by 1Akabal

I had a beautiful and inspiring experience today that I wanted to share. Perhaps it will simply be a reminder that there are lovely people out there BEing and DOing that have been humbly and heartfully helping human beings to heal the soul – not because it is a job, but because it is their passion. I imagine this is not a typical program that is funded and/or recommended by the system, so it warmed my heart that this program, “Freedom to Heal” is real, highly successful, and recommended to “clients” by the State of New Mexico Judicial and Public Health Systems.

I am proud to be working on a documentary about the resurgence of traditional therapies in healing ourselves and the planet. It is currently an un-funded project, but my partner and I are not allowing money, or lack thereof, to stifle our passion to report on the good works and inspiring stories of transformation in our own backyard and beyond. We trust that should funds be required for our living expenses while working on this documentary and others, they will appear.

The founder of this program, Lorraine Cordova, is a Family Nurse Practitioner in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is also a Curandera – which is an indigenous, traditional healer utilizing prayer, herbs, plants, and energy. “Freedom to Heal” is a nationally recognized recovery program for individuals seeking recovery from the dis-ease of drug addiction.

Lorraine invited us to experience a 3-hour group healing circle in the South Valley of Albuquerque today. The program has a focus on treating the person as a Whole – body, mind, spirit and soul. We were included into this unique circle along with six recovering heroin addicts. After a short, calming and welcoming introduction from Lorraine and the two Reiki healers leading the group, the healings began. The first healing modality introduced was Acu-detox. A set of 5 needles were carefully placed in each ear and we were gently reclined with a small towel covering our eyes. The second modality applied was Reiki – a Japanese healing system in which healing energy is transferred through the hands of the practitioner to promote healing, balance and well being for the receiver. And finally, Lorraine herself spent time with each individual performing a Limpia healing. This healing modality is described as spiritual cleansings that work with energy, prayer (based on each person’s own belief system), imagery and the elements of water, fire, earth, and wind, and involve the use of herbs and incense. Lorraine and all of the healers and assistants present shared their gifts with complete respect and honoring of all recipients.

This was the first of four healing sessions for this particular group. The following three healing circles will add yoga, guided imagery and the application of Miguel Ruiz’s “Four Agreements”. All therapies are used to help each recipient reclaim their essence and fundamental values, often lost with substance use. These modalities are safely combined with other medicinal treatments such as Suboxone and Naltrexone.

I was completely blown away with the shift in energy that occurred between the initiation of the circle and the closing. Some recipients spoke up and shared that this was the first time in their entire lives that they ever fully relaxed and received such profound healing, nurturing and love. The gratitude and appreciation in the room was palpable. Personally, I felt renewed and energized from the healing, and was able to witness first hand how powerful this recovery work can be for all human beings. We may not all be heroin addicts, but many of us have definitely been “addicted”, “dis-eased” and wounded by a world that has conditioned us to believe that we are less than wonderful, beautiful, and enormously valuable in this earthly life.

The world is changing… because we are healing from our wounds and remembering how powerful we all are. Thank you to Lorraine and all the healers who are here for us now on Planet Earth – reminding us that it is possible to stand tall, stand in wholeness, and feel the inspiration to share our own unique presence and gifts with others. We don’t have to make ourselves small anymore in order to fit into a very small version of life that we were “talked into” long ago. I know for certain now that upon the restoration and healing of our soul, the possibilities for the human race and the world are indeed, absolutely limitless.

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