Removing the Shackles: Notes from Heather and D from April 1st
AK Note: The following is from D's blog post today. I have fixed some of spellings and formatting for this blog, and changed the Galactic Federation from a mix of GFL and GF to only GF. There appears to be a bogus group run by the divines posing as the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL), and then there's the Galactic Federation (GF) a real group of Galactics who are here to help out. Its a different brand name if you will... You've probably noticed a sharp decline in channelings from GFL sources since January. The channelers mean well, the "divines" and immortals fooled many people. All beings are beings of light, that's what we are made from! Its bit like saying toast is made from sliced bread. Obama is a being of light. That's true... So are you and everyone else. That's not saying much really.
All beings are Eternal Essence, some just don't know it yet, or are fearful of it and being responsible for it. We've known for sometime there's a higher group of controllers who interface directly with the bankers, Heather refers to them as "the divines", they are found of appellations such as "master", "lord", "divine", "ascended", but as any reader of the Law of One knows, its possible to be ascended and not be in service to others. Its just a different energetic state and not necessarily indicative of a higher spiritual evolutionary state. You know what a being BE by what it DOes.
The same hold true with the purported St Germain channelings. There is a real St Germain, he's an incarnated human, and he's awakening. The Chinese and other various agencies know who he is too and have been trying to get him to sign off, and have even at one stage poisoned him. The thing is the St Germain accounts require his DNA presence and signature.
Notes from Heather and D from April 1st
From Heather this morning:
OPPT was a most visible DO'ing of value exchange...the question IS...what IS value?
For Transparency...
In absolute love, gratitude and peace:
It was a very interesting weekend. I did not get done what I expected but I did get done all that was absolutely planned.
I was with Loie most of the weekend as Loie is returning to pure eternal essence. There is assistance only she can provide from that state and she will be working with us as the finale plays out. I love you Loie. ❤ Then she will be preparing to take flight in her new embodiment of eternal essence. [LOIE IS MY MOTHER]
I had very interesting calls this weekend...
One was regarding the "new financial system", they are fearful that with the "issuance" all will collapse and be known for what it IS ... there is nothing lawful and legal backing it in contrast to the I/ UV Exchange They want to meet with me. Australia is apparently a hot spot right now and the PTW are absolutely desparate (BE'ing and DO'ing in Australia is more than they can handle and they don't want the people to know). I was also offered R's passport and full report of "DO'ing" ([investment group name redacted] ... in all jurisdictions, accounts, Chinese and Texas Camp affiliations, etc.) ... so I considered it ... all of it ... and reaffirmed what I know ... ALL OF IT IS IRRELEVANT ... this is about eternal essence of all embodiments operating in Absolute Conscious of what they BE. [speaking now to] R, I do not care what the sum of your role of the sum of your DO'ing in that role to date. I absolutely know the eternal essence embodied in you and that is where I pay energy to ... you know what to DO ... what is it that you DO? Know what you BE ... because then you DO what you BE.
The other contacts were from those who were also deceived...told they had limits and could not create except by manipulating the co-creators here ... and they were asking for confirmation that they could co-create absent having to commandeer the co-creators here and manipulate them in order to create their existence as they choose ... or rather a few of them chose a the damage of others in their existence (same pattern every where (facepalm)(chuckle)❤. I reaffirmed they are eternal essence embodied absent limits in their natural peaceful state ... and that the only limits are those they consent to create within or have imposed upon them.
Another contact was regarding Earth/Gaia and complaints of all the perceived suffering, and the perceived suffering of the people ... that ascension to higher states needed to happen now ... I asked ascension from what to what ... all that IS, including Gaia/Earth, BE eternal essence ... NOW... ascend from eternal essence? Ok ... that BE expansion ... however, to assume one is less or has less than what they BE eternal essence is an illusion by another's design ... do I consent to that limitation of me? No.
I asked if Absolute Truth IS that they already BE eternal essence, absent limits of BE'ing, DO'ing, the value of eternal essence...then what limits of eternal essence are they consenting to? And who created those limitations? Who controls those limitations? ... Hence the three questions I put out yesterday ... an eternal/internal barometer for all to gauge their conscious ... if you know what you BE at any given moment ... then you know what you can DO ... if you know you BE eternal essence absent limits then you DO absent limits ... if you know you BE limited by anything external (financial system, currency, religion, etc.), then you know you DO within the limited structure, and that somewhere you consented to BE with limits ...
Very interesting weekend indeed and I haven't even discussed all the other "work" that was done for the finale! ;)
With absolute love, gratitude and peace...Heather
Questions from a reader to D:
"D are we waiting for this to happen so that we can make an intelligent decision based on the content of the so called announcements as to whether it is Absolute Data or not? Or are we waiting for them to make a move toward the announcements and plan B(what ever that is) takes affect? Is the best scenario that the announcements would be made first and then the changing of our financial system? Is it still a positive thing to have the Chinese involved?"
Love, the PTW will make their decision- they are down to only two decisions left:
1) push through their "new financial system" and hope that not too many people will notice that it's a hollow shell with nothing behind it. (and they are terrified of this because they KNOW that we KNOW that it's all a fraud and they have nothing behind it to support it.)
2) embrace their Eternal Essences and move forward.
Regardless of whether they pick 1 or 2, the "EVENT" will take place and we will all KNOW absolute data. The PTW know this as well.
Let me be very very clear so that there can be no mistaking my meaning:
Their "New Financial System" is a crock of shit and is just another form of slavery- there is no assets left to back their system and it (if they move forward with it) WILL fail- because it is not absolutely Equal, Absolutely transparent, and absolutely free of all hierarchy. Any announcements they make- before, during or after - will NOT be fully transparent because they cannot allow the people to know the truth: that WE the PEOPLE, the BEings, ARE the VALUE!!!!!
Is it a positive thing that the Chinese are involved? No. they are just another faction of the Cabal, more "Powers that Were" who are playing a game for their own power and hierarchy.
"So, D, in short, if they announce a reset they know WE will kick their asses into outer space and beyond before their feet touch the ground?"
[2:33:37 PM] D breakingthesilence: pretty much
[2:36:32 PM] D breakingthesilence: Heather got a phone call this weekend from ..... someone she knows that speaks for the PTW, and they asked again for her to go along with them. and she said certainly...... if everything is completely transparent, absolute data given and absolute equality to all beings.
The biggest giggle is that they - the PTW- don't even know WHO is controlling them and calling the shots, LOL!! :D
Regardless of whether they pick what's behind door number 1 or door number two...... it still leads to the same thing: Absolute data, absolute knowing, absolute freedom and equality
"The cabals off world handlers have been removed or have joined the light forces, cabals are running around like a chicken without a head. No more leadership. They are confused."
Actually that's not correct. The PTW's non-local bosses are still very much around and still very much calling all the shots. The Cabal are running around like chickens with their heads cut off because they have NO Freakin' idea what's going on and they don't understand why their orders are getting changed every time they turn around:
"make the new system live", "NO! don't make it live yet!" "Ok, turn it on" "No no, not yet".....
": D that is like driving full throttle with the handbrake engaged."
The Wizards behind the curtain, are the wannabe "Divines"- they are non-locals of a "higher dimension" (I hate that term, but you get the point). They are pretending to be other beings- like St Germaine and Arch Angel Michael- but they are NOT.
@ D: Are these the non-physical "Archons"?
Personally I dont' believe in the "Archons" as they are portrayed by most people
D what about Sheldan and the GF? Do all of these other "non-local" sources know that these wizards behind the curtain are here?
The Galactic Federation that you hear about in the various channellings are working with the US/Chinese military and the so called "Divines" - the truth is that they - the Galactics - have been hoodwinked by these guys just like we have. This is one of the things that Heather has spoken about a couple of times in the past week - the galactics have been convinced that these "divines" are real as well. And convinced that they [the Galactics] do not have the capabilities that we have, ie: manifesting. Yet we are all equal. We are all Eternal Essence. What we can do, they can also do.
The Galactics have been following everything that is happening down here very closely and they are figuring out just how manipulated they have been. Listen to Heather speak on various shows and recordings- you can tell when she's talking directly to them - the listeners that are non-local ;)
"... and if a being is pretending to be St. Germain and Archangel Michael, would'nt those True Beings put a stop to it? St. Germain and Archangel Michael I mean?"
THAT ... is one of their biggest worries. The guardians are waking up ;)
"@ D: So is part of the delay caused by these beings impersonating St. Germain and others then?"
The so called "St. Germaine" and "AA Michael" are the wizards calling the shots - and they're freaking out because they know that we KNOW that their system of hierarchy is now over and there is nothing they can do about it because every one of their plans has failed so far.
And if that's the case, are St. Germain and Arch. Michael part of the Heavenly "signal/announcement" that Sheldan Nidle talks about?
That's what the GF thought ... but they're starting to realize that their "heavenly " friends are not so "heavenly" after all :D
Hmmm interesting D- I thought Germain was here to help....
Help.... you mean like setting up a new financial system that still leaves the hierarchy in place and is share unequally, and that will cause all the money to end up right back in the hands of the cabal and their banker lackeys just like it is now? ;)
Well Heather said in a show (don't remember which) that there was an St. Germain but that some other folks had started a trust in his name without his consent trying to steal money...
Yes, the real St Germain is not letting them have the money in the trust... hence the reason that the wannabe and his cabal brokers are absolutely screwed - they thought they could get their hands on the St. Germain trust fund... but they can't. Because it's not "here" any more.
And if Sir "St.Germain" or ... *AA*Michael were to materialize and appear in my 3D-reality-Motel-room right *Here* and *NOW* - - - - how would I know the "real" one from the great pretender?!
(chuckle) the real ones wouldn't ask to be called "lord" ;)
That's a good one D... my thinking also... cause how can one be lord if we all are equal eternal essence?
The thing is this, so many lightworkers have put all their faith and hopes and dreams on these so called "higher" BEings, these "divine" wannabees coming to save them, that they will call them 'Lord" and bow to them ... not realizing that these BEings - who are trying to keep themselves on a pedestal in their self proclaimed hierarchy- are EQUAL to us!!!! They are no better, no higher, no more, or less, wonderful than we are!!
Posted by Breaking The Silence at 16:19
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