NOTICE copy: any and all canceled and foreclosed slavery systems, its principals, agents, and beneficiaries
NOTICE copy: "main stream media"
My eterenal gratitude and love for you, your brother, and many others who are experiencing the same unlawful and illegal violation, usurpation, and invasion of BE'ing, your value and your rights. Both of your BE'ings are duly REGISTERED, SECURED, and ENTERED into Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, inclusive of the former corporation of "TEXAS". These unrebutted REGISTRATIONS stand as Absolute Truth in Law, commerce and BE'ing, registered in public record, universal law ordinance, for all of the world to rely upon. See (registration required), or
As I read your story and that of Cody, many who have DONE as Cody, including Bill Brockbader (former US Military whistleblower Military/Bank Projects Camelot and Mark (Jonesy) Jones (former special opps USA/UK energy and UK theft of intellectual property by Royals and RollsRoyce using public funds), Eileen Clark (whistleblower US/UK extradition treaty), and recently even one of the Public Trust's duly bonded Advisors, Miles J. Julison (whistleblower of UCC, CORPORATE, JUDICIAL and IRS)...all unlawfully and illegally threatened, forced, kidnapped and thrown into a hole, with unlawful and illegal BONDS, securities, (private Prison Bonds) are cut and sold many times over (China, the most bankrupt nation in the world even before the OPPT canceled and foreclosed on the slavery systems, was the largest purchaser of these bonds, but others like Russia, Europe, private principals, etc, are buyers too). I will go back and dig through my files of the paper/money trail of these PRISON BONDS and the process is uniform in every "CITY", "STATE", "COUNTRY"...domestic and international (I will use the "US" as an example)...basically, the "COURT" REGISTERS the judgments (underwriting) into the UCC by "batch filings" insured by the bonds of the "judges", "attorneys" and "clerks", then they are "deposited" in the FEDERAL RESERVE and the FEDERAL RESERVE then issues "PAPER" which usually JP MORGAN then "deposits" into private corporate shells (usually co-jointly owned by the corresponding "STATE", "BUREAU OF PRISONS", "LAW ENFORCEMENT PENSION GROUPS" and a few others...they are filed on the SEC (formerly the head was former Deutshe Bank Executive) and declared as enitities that are not required to file..they usually file so that "prospective" and "institutionally vetted investors" ("club members") can have proof of the underwriting without exposing the nexus entry points...the "JUDICIAL", that is then used as the UNDERWRITING for private CORPORATE MTN's and LTN's to be issued and JP MORGAN, MORGAN STANLEY, BANK OF AMERICA, etc., peddle them overseas...and overseas does the same process and peddles them externally....same is essentially done for every one of the people "in service" in each of the various globel "MILITARY" Washington State, for instance, all "public employees" pension and retirements funds are managed directly or indirectly by BLACKROCK, PTW front is an easy paper/money trail to find if you know what you are looking for all the way to former "BIS" is all recorded..and the "SPACE" WHERE that money/paper trail leads, and where that energy goes...will astound and shock many. *WINK WINK*...yes, Bill Black (love him!!!) and David Wilcock has much of it right...but then again, so did David Ike...and so many others...but there is still MUCH MORE DATA to be released...that is on its way NOW.
When I read your email, three things pop to heart:
1. Cody is an amazing eternal heart that is DO'ing just by his BE'ing...and then he gives even more...he is also amazingly loved and thank you for BE'ing that light and love guarding, protecting and preserving the BE'ing and DO'ing of Cody....that is what OPPT IS and DOES...that is the power of what any of the people can DO.
2. Many of the people working in the slavery systems that were canceled and foreclosed would never intentionally harm the people and they, in fact, believe they signed on and are serving the people...Absolute Data becoming visible notices the falsity of that belief...the OPPT and the people are DO'ing NOW so that those "public servants" have that data, and the lawful and legal tools to serve the people ABSOLUTELY and TRANSPARENTLY. They are either a participant or a hostage...those you know as the PTW are actually nothing but brokers to the PTW, in all their dimensions, that hide behind the curtain like the "GREAT AND POWERFUL WIZARD OF OZ"...LOL....either way...the Absolute Truth is made known in this Absolute Current of NOW.
3. MAPPING AND HONORING THE LIGHTS of BE'ING that DO for the highest good of all: Cody is one of many...many...eternal hearts applying pressure on the "body" of the slavery system and the PTW. I know what an impact fearless acts of DO'ing what you BE has on that body and the PTW...Mapping, literally mapping, each and every one of the lights that the PTW try to extinguish, bury, or hide, people like Cody, on a visual map with a light dot of their geographical location (there would be many around the world if the Absolute Data be known) and when you click on that dot a summary of their BE'ing and that BE'ing's story pops up....not only is it a tool of disclosure, and an opportunity to quickly heal the matter by shining truth on it, and holding that space of light until the embodiments are release... but it is an opportunity for all the one people on this planet to see in one glance all the fearless DO'ing that has quietly gone on and been buried...if you add the people that DID and are no longer embodied (aka dead) the whole visual globe is "lit up"...amongst those lights are also those within the slavery systems (those who truly believed they were serving the people, judges, police officers, teachers, attorneys, public officials, scientists, and yes...even bankers...etc.) that DID so that people could be free and they paid with the energy of their embodiment....THAT IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE...THAT IS NO LONGER PERMITTED. LET THEM KNOW THE LIGHTS OF BE'ING...wherever the eternal heart chooses to domicil their body without prejudice!!!!!
You, Cody and all the rest of these eternal hearts are honored, respected....LOVED...guarded and protected. I DO CHOOSE to DO so that their light may BE known and loved...The moment of visibility of the changes that are BE'ing and DO'ing behind the curtain are upon us. The mapping inspiration is what I get very strongly as a tool to heal those going through it, the families that have watched them go through it, and it is a tool of disclosure, warning and pressure for those who would choose to violate, invade and usurp any one of the one people...A TOOL TO LET THEM KNOW..."YOU CAN'T EXTINGUISH THE LIGHT OF BE'ING"..."NO MORE"..."WE SEE YOU"..."WE KNOW YOU"...and "WE ARE HOLDING YOU ACCOUNTABLE"...."WE ARE COMING TO COLLECT YOUR DEBT!!!!!"
I am not a techie, but there are so many of the people out there who are reaching out to us every day, wanting to participate and show what they BE and to stand guard, protect, and preserve that space for others to BE too....
Perhaps we can all work to get this made and done before Caleb meets with the Sheriff's at their conference on the 23rd of them visibly in another manner the power, love and safety the people BE and DO so that they can rely upon us to guard, protect, and preserve the space for them to serve the people...something their former contractors could not or would not provide :)
The CVAC's are being globally launched NOW...
Stacy...Cody...with absolute love, peace and gratitude for your BE'ing and DO'ing...I return the energy IN ABSOLUTE KIND...and more. I love you. I have attached a visual abstract tool of my reality that I consciously pull down to be visible for all to know and rely upon (thank you to
Let's do this!!!!!
with absolute responsibilty and liability
eternal presence transparently embodied in Absolute Truth has made a different choice
with absolute gratitude and grace
in absolute love and peace
without prejudice
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.
From: Stacy Chapman []
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 6:04 PM
To: Heather Tucci-Jarraf; Caleb Skinner; Randall Hillner
Subject: A CRY FOR HELP!!!!!
My name is Stacy Chapman and I live in Houston, Tx. I sent this after printing off hundreds of pages of your site and sending it to my brother. It's hard to explain what has happened to my brother, Patrick Cody Morgan, without being lengthy, but, if you will read this I will try to get to the point as quickly as possible -I promise.
My brother filed his UCC paperwork several years ago, expatriated from the Public back to the private, won battle after battle against the IRS and along the way really rattled the cages of some people - just trying to be left alone and live his life. He is a successful businessman in Houston: We also were involved in the High-End Condominium business in Houston. We bought well over 100 condos and resold. Out of those 100 condos, 10 were foreclosed on because the owners didn't make the payments. The Feds came and investigated. They filed 3 lawsuits against my brother thinking he was an easy target. We also know another reason they came for someone who had no control over whether someone made their payments or not. You can read that reason below, but they didn't know who they were messing with. My brother KILLED all 3 lawsuits and got a judgement against them on each one. They were based on LIES, FRAUD, etc... and he proved it in his paperwork My brother did ALL his own paperwork and made them look like idiots. Boy, did they get mad!! He made those idiots look just the IDIOTS they were - : ) His case number is: 4:11-cr-00819 People who've seen his paperwork say it's incredible he prepared it all on his own.
During this same time, my brother became friends with a gentleman, who'd been in a 27- year legal battle over $30M he was cheated out of in an oil deal. He was a tenacious as a bulldog and dispite threats on his life and financial ruin, he would NOT quit! When my brother got involved, he moved this man closer to exposing the corruption and those involved than he had ever gotten up to that point. Cody helped him get a JUDGEMENT against those involved. During the 27 years the amount had grown to over $1B with penalties and interest. That's right!
This gentleman knew Senator Orin Hatch and Governor Norman Bangeter of Utah. They knew all about this judgement. They had tried to help him get paid by putting him in touch with some people in Washington. My brother and he, along with others were going to turn this judgement into a security instrument that could be traded on Wall Street. The Senator and Governor lined up some wealthy investors to meet with this gentleman, Bill. I guess others knew as well. He was killed on his way to meet with them. "They" didn't want this to happen. And they came after my brother.
My brother had helped him for 6 years! People in Washington knew my brother had been the one to do the paperwork and they didn't like him one bit, helping Bill. In fact, they knew my brother KNEW all the ways, through the UCC, etc... to fight them. Right before Bill was to leave on his trip to meet with Hatch and Bangeter my brother was, illegally picked up and held for 3 days without being able to contact his family. He has since been charged with mortgage fraud, tried and found guilty on all charges and is awaiting sentencing. All of it is based on lies, fraud, violations of due process, etc...
My brother is a family man with a 9 year old and a 13 year old daughter at home with his wife. The fact that the government has and is doing everything in their power to silence him and put him away for life is unbelievable!!!!! I have NEVER seen anything like it and the man has done NOTHING WRONG!!!!!!!! There are so many others in with him that the government has done the exact same thing to - it's appalling!!
Below is a letter that we are sending Melvin Stamper and anyone else we feel could, possibly help or point us in the right direction. God only knows we could use it or my brother could spend the rest of his life locked up because the government decided to shut him up. This reads like a John Grisham novel, but the problem is THIS IS TRUE!
There is NO ONE who will hold these people's feet to the fire to uphold the paperwork my brother has prepared. His case number can be found on Pacer: 4:11-cr-00819 If we could get some publicity maybe someone will step up to the plate to help us make them FOLLOW THE LAW!!! This is what our government can do to us if they just FEEL like it!!
Thank you for reading this far,
Stacy Chapman
Dear Mr. Stamper,
My name is Patrick-Cody:Family of Morgan and I am currently incarcerated at the Joe Corley Detention Facility in Conroe, Texas. This facility is a private facility operated by a public company named GEO. GEO is under contract with the UNITED STATES MARSHALL SERVICE and IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE to detain federal inmates and illegal aliens. On March 9th 2012 I was arrested on charges of mortgage fraud. At the time I was brought before UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE Mary Milloy. I challenged the jurisdiction of the court. Mary Milloy claimed the court had jurisdiction and I told her it is the prosecution's job to prove jurisdiction, not hers. My points at law were ignored and I was held for the next 3 days without being able to contact my family. On March 13th I was brought before MAGISTRATE STEPHEN SMITH in which I plead "not guilty/without prejudice" and crossed out defendant on the PR bond. I have NEVER received a signed indictment from a grand jury foreman in the 9 months of my incarceration. Over the last 9 months I have witnessed a systematic approach by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to deprive American citizens of basic fundamental due process rights. What is even scarier, is the attorneys are working with the government. The judges, attornewy and the prosecution have conspired to prosecute American citizens, both guilty and innocent.
In my particular case the first violation was failure to provice the accused with a lawful indictment signed by a grand jury foreman. I have yet to receive one. After my arrest I was held 72 hours without the ability to make a phone call. This is systematic for any detainee. Detainees are given 72 hours to obtain private counsel or a court appointed attorney is assigned. But the detainee has no way to make a phone call. When I refused court appointed counsel I was told he would remain as standby counsel. At my bond hearing, I was given a PR Bond for $50,000. I crossed out the word defendant and signed the PR Bond "without prejudice" reserving all my unalienable rights.
After my release, I prepared a 29 page "Conditional Acceptance of your offer of an information fraudulently presented as an indictment and evidence of criminal conspiracy against my rights." I gave the prosecution 20 days to produce a signed indictment and supporting affidavit from an injured party. After their failure to produce either, I gave them an additional 20 days. After their failure to produce either, I then prepared an "affidavit of obligation" and filed it on Monday May 13th, 2012. ONE week later a motin to revoke bond appeared in the recored, dated May12th - which is a SUNDAY. This was a deliberate attempt to circumvent the government's default of my conditional acceptance. Since my arrest I have been denied access to the counsel of my choice. My mail is opened, my phone calls are listened to and I have been denied access to the law library. When I am able to get to the law library, the computers have no case lookup ability. There is no pacer, westlaw or lexis nexus on the computers. Basically the law library is a joke. The other due process violations are too numerous to count.
I'm not sure what your interest would be, but if you're looking for a story these private detainment facilities are a good place to start. This facility is nicknamed "tap out". It is a 23 hour lockdown maximum security facility. Other than ONE hour recreation, NOT consistent at all, detainees are held in 10, 20, or 30 man tanks 23 hours a day. The food is strocious. The government uses that as an inducement to get pled out and go to a normal federal facility where they serve quality food.
One thing I have been able to uncover is the fact that the public defenders are working for the government. In some cases, private attorney's completely drop the case due to intimidation and harrassment from the government. I see countless violations of attorney/client priveledge violations. No woner the government has a 99% win ratio. They control both sides of the process. If this is what America has become, the sooner the Chinese take over the better.
From: Patrick-Cody: Family of Morgan, Secured party
Beneficiary to the Public Trust
Without prejudice – c/o
3005 Rowan Burton
Alvin, Texas
Account-Number: 4:11-cr-00819
Patrick-Cody: Family of Morgan, Secured party and Beneficiary to the Public Trust, freeman and Accuser vs. UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, HOUSTON DIVISION; George-C, Jr.: Family of Hanks and George-C, Jr.: Family of Hanks d/b/a GEORGE C HANKS JR. d/b/a UNITED STATES™ MAGISTRATE JUDGE; Mary: Family of Milloy; Mary: Milloy d/b/a MARY MILLOY ATTORNEY; d/b/a MARY MILLOY, UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT MAGISTRATE JUDGE; Stephen-W.: Family of Smith; Stephen-W.: Family of Smith d/b/a STEPHEN WM. SMITH ATTORNEY; d/b/a STEPHEN WM. SMITH, UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT MAGISTRATE JUDGE; David-J.: Family of Bradley and David-J.: Family of Bradley d/b/a CLERK OF COURT; Kenneth: Family of Magidson d/b/a KENNETH MAGIDSON ATTORNEY, d/b/a KENNETH MAGIDSON UNITED STATES™ ATTORNEY; Jennifer: Family of Lowery; Jennifer: Family of Lowery d/b/a JENNIFER LOWERY ATTORNEY AT LAW; d/b/a JENNIFER LOWERY ASSISTANT UNITED STATES™ ATTORNEY; et al., Accused
Commercial Affidavit of Facts; Criminal Breach of Contract;
And, Declaration of Kidnapping and Extortion against Me by the Accused
For the Record:
Comes Now Patrick-Cody: Family of Morgan [hereinafter Patrick-Cody: Morgan, me, I], Secured party and Beneficiary to the Public Trust “PATRICK CODY MORGAN,” a freeman, Sui Juris, Appearing Specially, Not Generally Or Voluntarily, In propria persona, and filing this “Commercial Affidavit of Facts; Criminal Breach of Contract; and, Declaration of Kidnapping and Extortion against Me by the Accused.” In support, I state the following:
The Accused did willfully and knowingly and with callous disregard for the law file false and misleading documentation and engage in criminal activity in order to deprive me of my rights and cause me injury financially, emotionally, physically and to my reputation.
1. That on 5 : 24 : 2012 C.E. I noticed the street where I live being cordoned off by vehicles.
2. That I got into my automobile and as I was backing out I noticed the vehicles at the end of the street, where a fire station is located, were beginning to pull out.
3. That having been accosted by the corporate police officers of the FBI and local department I pulled back in.
4. That I had my neighbor take my children to school.
5. That during the morning my ex-wife, were I am staying, was called to the corporate police were she works.
6. That shortly thereafter I received a phone call ordering me to step out on the street in front of the house.
7. That I asked to see a warrant for arrest.
8. That I was not shown any warrant at any time.
9. That by phone my wife informed me that a Lynn-N.: Hughes [hereinafter Lynn] has signed a warrant.
10. That I had been serving Lynn all documentation whether by certified mail or through USPS Form #3877, verifying that Lynn had been served throughout this process.
11. That I had not officially named Lynn as an Accused inasmuch at the time he had not injured me.
12. That Jennifer did, nevertheless, specifically make Lynn an Accused in her document “Case 4:11-cr-00819 Document 72 Filed in TXSD on 04/10/12, titled “UNITED STATES’ RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT MORGAN’S CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE,” page 2, (full)¶1, line 5,” wherein it states, “Lynn N. Hughes, hereinafter referred to as ‘the parties.’”
13. That Lynn filed nothing declaring that he was not a party.
14. That, furthermore, the Accused “Case 4:11-cr-00819 Document 72 Filed in TXSD on 04/10/12, titled “UNITED STATES’ RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT MORGAN’S CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE,” has the language on page 6, VII Conclusion, “Therefore, the United States respectfully requests that the Court find this Court has jurisdiction, the Defendant was charged with an Indictment signed by the grand jury foreperson, the parties have not committed the violations the Defendant has alleged, whether the BAR Association is a monopoly is irrelevant, the United States is only required to provide documents in accordance with Rule 16, and the parties are not liable to the Defendant for ten (10) million dollars.”
15. That an ‘ORDER’ was provided seeking in the same document, after Lynn was declared a party to the action, requesting Lynn to declare jurisdiction.
16. That to follow their own procedure, the Accused did not even file a “Motion” with the ‘ORDER’ to their coconspirator, knowing full well that if Lynn is a party to the action he cannot lawfully autograph or sign the ‘ORDER.’
17. That, again, even though Lynn could not autograph the ‘ORDER’ once he was declared as a party by his coconspirators, he did not autograph the ‘ORDER,’ thereby never claiming said jurisdiction.
18. That, as a matter of fact, I have received no documentation from the tribunal “UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, HOUSTON DIVISION,” of any ‘ORDERS’ autographed by anyone.
19. That “UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, HOUSTON DIVISION,” and “David-J.: Family of Bradley and David-J.: Family of Bradley d/b/a CLERK OF COURT” did willfully, knowingly and with malicious intent withhold information from me regarding this unlawful action to my injury.
20. That the Accused knows, or should know, that “Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading.” U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297 [Emphasis added by me.]
21. That, in regard to Lynn, Eric-H., Jr.: Family of Holder and Eric-H., Jr.: Family of Holder d/b/a UNITED STATES™ ATTORNEY GENERAL and Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller and Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller d/b/a Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation I did include the language “et al.” in the style of the case to include anyone else that chose to injure me.
22. That I also served Eric-H., Jr.: Family of Holder and Eric-H., Jr.: Family of Holder d/b/a UNITED STATES™ ATTORNEY GENERAL and Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller and Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller d/b/a Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the facts of the case.
23. That, however, Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller sent his FBI agents dressed out as storm troopers to where I lived and they swarmed the area brandishing machine guns, side arms and other weapons.
24. That one occupied vehicle of FBI agents also pulled into a property behind the property where I live.
25. That I approached the gate on the gated property after I had opened the gate.
26. That the FBI agents pulled in with weapons ready to fire and even though I am a belligerent claimant of my rights I do not believe that being murdered or beaten is the proper vantage point.
27. That the FBI agents kept screaming for me to step out on the street brandishing their weapons.
28. That under menace and duress I stepped out and a couple of agents grabbed me and roughly escorted me around their vehicle and began frisking me.
29. That during this process my neighbor was watching and listening approximately 50 feet away on his property.
30. That the FBI agent ordered him to continue backing up away from the kidnapping event against me.
31. That I have never been charged or questioned in relation to violence.
32. That I have cooperated at every level of this case.
33. That jurisdiction was challenged and a Conditional Acceptance was served binding each and every party of the Accused and me to the contract.
34. That according to the contract I have fulfilled all that is required of me.
35. That the “bond” from the hidden plaintiff, that being UNITED STATES™, was a product of poison fruit, in that the alleged “INDICTMENT” was never autographed and, therefore, it is an “‘Information’ fraudulently presented as an “INDICTMENT;” and, so being, the bond is void on its face. Fraud vitiates a contract.
36. That additionally I reserved my rights on the bond.
37. That merchant Lynn knows, or should know, by simply looking at the document of the Offer that this is a fact.
38. That, moreover, I filed six (6) documents, those being 1) “Conditional Acceptance of your Offer of an “Information” fraudulently presented as an “INDICTMENT”; and, Evidence of Criminal Fraud; Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Fraud; Conspiracy against my rights; Extortion against Me and Treason with a blatant violation of the “Sherman Antitrust Act” By the Unlawful Monopoly known as the BAR Association”; 2) “Notice of Surety-Act and Bond;” 3) “Waiver of Perjury-Immunity;” 4) “Declination of Your Offer to Modify our Common Law-Contract as You Intend it to apply to Me, Patrick-Cody: Family of Morgan, Beneficiary of the Public Trust “PATRICK CODY MORGAN”; Notice of willful Intent to Misrepresent Material Facts by Kenneth: Family of Magidson and Jennifer-B.: Family of Lowery; and, Notice of Criminal Tort Violations against Me;” 5) “Declaration of Acquiescence; and, Settlement-Offer;” and, 6) “Commercial Affidavit of Facts and Affidavit of Obligation.”
39. That each of the listed Accused, including Lynn, Eric-H., Jr.: Family of Holder and Eric-H., Jr.: Family of Holder d/b/a United States Attorney General United States D.O.J.; and, Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller and Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller d/b/a Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation were all served.
40. That the parties acquiesced to the criminal acts against me.
41. That after this kidnapping and assault by the corporate FBI agents I was brought before Lynn whereby he attempted to gain jurisdiction through kidnapping and extortion over me unlawfully and knowing full well that he does not have jurisdiction in this case.
42. That Lynn declared that he did not receive the documentation I have filed and specifically sent to him, however, each mailing was through verification of either certified mail or through USPS Form #3877, whereby proof of mailing is attested to by the UNITED STATES™ POSTAL SERVICE.
43. That this would qualify that anytime someone is ordered into merchant Lynn’s tribunal they could officially declare that they never received the documentation and could not be charged with any action relating thereto.
44. That, therefore, Lynn did willfully and knowing and with malicious intent conspire with Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller and Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller d/b/a Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to have his armed and dangerous agents kidnap me through assault and battery with the intent to extort jurisdiction.
45. That all parties were served with the original Offer of the “Information” fraudulently presented as an “INDICTMENT” as Exhibit-A in my filed and served “Conditional Acceptance.”
46. That the Accused knows full well that I am the Creditor of the Bonds marketed through this account number by George, Mary, Stephen and Lynn, or any other alleged judicial officer, and that they refuse to produce information and documents of the Bonds to me marketed by this business known as the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS (UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS).
47. That, additionally, they refuse to place in writing with an original autograph or signature what my share of the bond monies were and are to be and how such monies are to be distributed to me proving that their intent was not to steal or embezzle all of the monies.
48. That Lynn has ordered me held in a corporate concentration camp attempting to usurp jurisdiction and embezzle my funds as the beneficiary to the Public Trust “PATRICK CODY MORGAN” and the monies from the bonds marketed in this case for which I am the creditor.
49. That further I demand to be released immediately from your corporate concentration camp where I am being held for ransom of the Public Trust “PATRICK CODY MORGAN.”
50. That I further demand the payment in full of the agreed and contracted amount of Ten million and no cents (10,000,000.00) from each of the Accused, to be paid immediately.
51. That the Accused are all in breach of contract through kidnapping and extortion.
52. That on 10: 29: 2012 C.E. at approximately 2:30am I was taken to a holding cell at Joe Corley Detention Facility to await transport to 515 Rusk, Houston Texas.
53. That during this time, I was deprived of sleep due to extreme cold temperature and metal benches that did not support laying down.
54. That at approximately 5:45 am on 10: 29: 12 C.E. I was placed in wrist and ankle shackles and driven to 515 Rusk, Houston, Texas.
55. That at approximately 7:00 am I was placed in a holding cell at 515 Rusk and kept in shackles with no possibility of laying down due to the shackles cutting into my wrists and ankles.
56. At approximately 8:30 am I was taken to a small holding tank and told to put on business suit by the private GEO employee employed by the United States Marshall Service.
57. I told the GEO employee I refused to change clothes or participate in the sham court hearing due to the Governments dishonor of my “Conditional Acceptance of your Offer of an “Information” fraudulently presented as an “INDICTMENT”; and, Evidence of Criminal Fraud; Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Fraud; Conspiracy against my rights; Extortion against Me and Treason with a blatant violation of the “Sherman Antitrust Act” By the Unlawful Monopoly known as the BAR Association”; 2) “Notice of Surety-Act and Bond;” 3) “Waiver of Perjury-Immunity;” 4) “Declination of Your Offer to Modify our Common Law-Contract as You Intend it to apply to Me, Patrick-Cody: Family of Morgan, Beneficiary of the Public Trust “PATRICK CODY MORGAN”; Notice of willful Intent to Misrepresent Material Facts by Kenneth: Family of Magidson and Jennifer-B.: Family of Lowery; and, Notice of Criminal Tort Violations against Me;” 5) “Declaration of Acquiescence; and, Settlement-Offer;” and, 6) “Commercial Affidavit of Facts and Affidavit of Obligation” and “Non-Negotiable Notice of Acceptance” dated August 3rd, 2012 and “Non-Negotiable Notice of Acceptance dated September 27th, 2012.
58. That at approximately 9:00 am I was approached in the holding tank by two United States Marshalls.
59. Julio Villabaleza introduced himself and asked me why I was not going to court.
60. I explained to Mr. Villabaleza that I had a contract with the United States wherein they had acquiesced to ten million in damages to me.
61. Mr. Villabaleza kept asking why I felt the court did not apply to me. I finally told him the court had no authority over me and I asked the deputies name standing next to him.
62. Mr. Villabaleza said the deputy’s name next to him was Deputy Marshall. I asked if he was refusing to identify.
63. Mr. Villabaleza then said he was going to offer me an alternative solution via a bond, but now he wasn’t. He told me they would be back in 10 minutes.
64. I was then taken to another holding cell and waited for approximately 10 minutes when approximately six United States Marshall’s opened the door and asked me was I coming to court. I told them no.
65. One of the Marshall’s then grabbed my arm and the others picked me up in the air. The Marshall on my arm began attempting to break my arm. I screamed “your breaking my arm, your breaking my arm!”
66. I was then rushed into an elevator and thrown into a wheelchair.
67. I was then rolled down a hallway to the courtroom. Upon entering the courtroom, I was told I had to sit at the Defendant’s table. When I attempted to move from the Defendant’s table, I was thrown back into the chair and told by the deputy “you will not be allowed to move from this chair”.
68. After several minutes, the Lynne Hughes entered the courtroom and I refused to stand up.
69. Over the next two days a mock trial was held. I answered every question by “Accepting the charges and returning for settlement and closure and requesting discharge according to House Joint Resolution 192, Public Law 73-10, and UCC 3-419.”
70. Every time we had a break and I was brought back into the court, I would always state
“For the record, I am here under Special Appearance not General and I explicitly reserve all my rights without prejudice”.
71. On day two of the mock trial, I was taken into the court room. This time I sat next to the Defendant’s table.
72. When Lynne Hughes entered the room, he asked me to sit at the table as a favor to him. I told him I was fine where I was sitting. He said I was embarrassing myself. I told him I did not feel embarrassed.
73. After the jury came in and Lynne Hughes read the verdict, I did not stand and was across from the Defendant’s table. Mr. Hughes then asked the jury to leave.
74. Mr. Hughes then said he was setting sentencing for February 4th and I said “I do not consent to being sentenced” and Accepted the jury verdict and returned for settlement and closure according to House Joint Resolution 192 and Public Law 73-10.
Claim of Lien(s)
The following attached liens are hereby made a part of and adopted into this “Commercial Affidavit of Facts; and Declaration of Kidnapping and Extortion against Me by the Accused” as if fully written into and set forth at length, see Attachments-A through J.
Patrick-Cody: Morgan, Secured party and Beneficiary to the Public Trust, by permission
Under penalties of perjury I, Patrick-Cody: Family of Morgan, do hereby avow that the foregoing “Commercial Affidavit of Facts; Criminal Breach of Contract; and, Declaration of Kidnapping and Extortion against Me by the Accused” is true, accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Patrick-Cody: Morgan, Secured party and Beneficiary to the Public Trust, by permission
Texas-State )
) asv.
__________-County )
As a Notary Public for the Texas-State, I do hereby certify that on this- : 5th(Month) : 25th (Day) : 2012 : Current Era the above Billy-R.: Family of Flanigan appeared by permission for Patrick-Cody: Morgan before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:
_____________________________________ _________________________
Notary Public-Autograph My commission expires
Certificate of Service and Interested Parties
I Hereby Certify that the foregoing “Commercial Affidavit of Facts; Criminal Breach of Contract; and, Declaration of Kidnapping and Extortion against Me by the Accused” was sent to be filed into the account-number supra, on this the: 25th day : 5thmonth : 2012 C.E., to:
1. Lynn-N.: Family of Hughes and Lynn-N.: Family of Hughes d/b/a LYNN N. HUGHES ATTORNEY LYNN N. HUGHES and UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT JUDGE
2301 Bob Casey United States™ Courthouse
515 Rusk Street, Courtroom 9C
Houston, Texas 77002
By personal service and Delivery confirmation #
David-J.: Family of Bradley and David-J.: Family of Bradley d/b/a CLERK OF COURT
2301 Bob Casey United States™ Courthouse
515 Rusk Street, Suite 5300
Houston, Texas 77002
By personal service and Delivery confirmation #
3. George-C, Jr.: Family of Hanks and George-C, Jr.: Family of Hanks d/b/a GEORGE C. HANKS JR. d/b/a UNITED STATES™ MAGISTRATE JUDGE
2301 Bob Casey United States™ Courthouse
515 Rusk Street, Courtroom 9C
Houston, Texas 77002
Delivery confirmation #
4. Mary: Family of Milloy and Mary: Family of Milloy d/b/a MARY MILLOY Attorney and MARY MILLOY UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT MAGISTRATE JUDGE
2301 Bob Casey United States™ Courthouse
515 Rusk Street, Courtroom 9C
Houston, Texas 77002
Delivery confirmation #
5. Stephen-William: Family of Smith and Stephen-William: Family of Smith d/b/a STEPHEN WM. SMITH ATTORNEY and STEPHEN WM. SMITH UNITED STATES™ DISTRICT COURT MAGISTRATE JUDGE
2301 Bob Casey United States™ Courthouse
515 Rusk Street, Courtroom 9C
Houston, Texas 77002
Delivery confirmation #
U.S. Attorney's Office
Southern District of Texas
P.O. Box 61129
Houston, TX 77208
Delivery confirmation #
7. Jennifer: Family of Lowery; Jennifer: Family of Lowery d/b/a JENNIFER LOWERY ATTORNEY AT LAW; d/b/a JENNIFER LOWERY ASSISTANT UNITED STATES™ ATTORNEY
U.S. Attorney's Office
Southern District of Texas
P.O. Box 61129
Houston, TX 77208
Delivery confirmation #
8. Eric-H., Jr.: Family of Holder and Eric-H., Jr.: Family of Holder d/b/a United States Attorney General
United States D.O.J.
10th & Constitutional Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530
Delivery confirmation #
9. Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller and Robert-S., III: Family of Mueller d/b/a Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Delivery confirmation #
Patrick-Cody: Morgan, Secured party and Beneficiary to the Public Trust, by permission
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