From: Palmi
Subject: Hello my belowed lightworker
Date: January 19, 2013 9:06:29 AM PST
Thank you so much for all your work regarding our new world.
I´m not sure what I want to do with this but I somehow felt that I needed to write this to help people better understand what we are going through. I live in Iceland and I sure I am on this planet for a good reason like yourself and that I´m trying to think about how one can contribute to our efforts in getting the message out to the rest of the world and what we should DO in the near future.
It´s important for people to start realizing and understanding this issue in plain 3D English. Maybe you and the readers of your page can help us get an article up that will do just that. Bellow is what I have written so far but I´m sure there are sooooo many things that I am missing and together is the new word so maybe we can work something like this out together.
Thank you my dear love for all the work you have done and will DO in the future.
Lots of love.
The GOLDEN AGE of mankind.
Google "One People's Public Trust" or "OPPT" (lot of this is written in "legalese" but that´s kind of required for this kind of action) but you will have to do some research to find this since no one of the mainstream media has picked up on this yet.
I also encourage you to look up these documents in the legal system:
All the financial/corporate structure (owned by the "ELITE" or sometimes called the "CABAL") that were in place is now foreclosed upon and does no longer have any authority to claim anything from you!
I realize this is so unbelievable and amazing and many will cry "wolf" before generally excepted but never the less then I encourage you to read up on this as it is very inspiring and eye opening as you start to ask yourself questions like:
Am I really free?
Have I been in chains all my life
and not just realized it until now?
Who do I really report to?
My government?
My bank?
Who owns me?
If you think about it, no matter what religion you belong to then you have to admit that someone created all of this, can we agree on calling "this force of creation" GOD? If we can agree on this then it is him, and only him that you can and should report to. Now, since this creator GOD is not readily available here on planet earth to claim ownership over YOU then it is only one person that can rule over you, "YOU" are in charge of yourself until someone else claims "ownership" over YOU.
Now, what these filings from the OPPT, DO claim in legalese is: ONLY THE CREATOR OF YOU CAN CLAIM OWNERSHIP OVER YOU! This is now on paper in our legal systems and everything is properly done from the legal standpoint. What was then done at the same time was to overthrow all of the monetary system that we are born into and we claimed sovereignty from those who have kept us in shackles for a long time (remember that the "old" monetary system is based on dept! there were no funds to begin with, it was created out of thin air, e.g. hence the FED).
Now here is where this becomes very interesting. According to the OPPT then the gold and silver amount owned by OPPT is quite a lot! :) (NESARA Fund and St St. Germain Fund, please google these) or about $500 billion in Gold and Silver per person on the planet... This means in plain 3D English that the 7 billion humans on planet earth have now pretty good funds to build a new world, hence the Golden Age Of Man Kind.
It is interesting to note that the final filings from OPPT are dated on the 25th of December 2012. Those of you that know astrology know that this is the day that the sun rises after three days of darkness and then on the 25th it rises again and a new AGE is born or The age of Aquarius (we are coming out of the Age of Pisces (hence the letters "Jesus" are often depicted in a fish symbol). Again, those who know anything about astrology know Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas and are the bringers of prosperity and growth.
We know that the earth does wobble on its axis and it takes the earth 25.960 years to do a full circle or 2160 years in each Zodiac (this number 25.960 is also the Mayan long calendar). This 25.960 years are just like our 24hour day cycle with 12 hours in night and 12 hours in the day or with two seasons in growth and with two seasons in hibernation but there is a much longer cycle as well and in the long cycle this is 12.960 years of "night" and 12.960 years of "day". On the 25th of December 2012 was the first day of "day" timeline for our planet in this long calendar count. In other words we have been going through 12.960 days of night but 25th of December 2012 was the first day of our next 12,960 year cycle. It is worth noting that in the past 12.960 years of our planet being in the dark side of this cycle, all kind of negative things can manifest. However, as soon as we come on the bright side of the cycle those negative things cease to exist although it may take some time to get rid of all of it.
Having spent many hours over the last year reading/viewing material on astrology, astronomy, cosmology, religion, politics, financial etc. then I find this new information quite interesting and well worth researching as we know that our monetary system is on the edge of collapse, our way of living on the planet is on the edge of no return in terms of destruction, we see people rising up and demanding justice and fairness, we see corruption pretty much everywhere in our societies and people are crying out loud for change. It seems to me that here it is at last.
After about 20 years of creating crap that was designed to last a very short time (remember, pretty much everything is designed to have a certain lifespan so we can keep the economy running) and using resources and materials un-wisely, I realized that I did not want to design "crap" anymore since we do not have materials to keep this going. Over the last 30 years or so we have depleted about 1/3 of all resources on the planet. Now, since I have 4-6-21 year old boys I know that when they will reach my age at 43, we will have depleted completely every resource on our mother earth. As far as I know then we only have one mother earth that we can life on so we better start thinking about this very seriously.
Now we are finally free and have wealth way beyond our wildest dreams, but, what does all this mean for us as free human beings? Are we all now just going to put our feet up and stop working? Why would I work anymore since I have all this wealth? Well, here is the thing. What this means in my mind is that now we have to look at our world and ask our self: How are we going to continue? If everyone stops working nothing will get done, that is for sure. Now we will have to rethink our very BE'ing on this planet together. What we need to do now is to merge into 5th dimensional economics, and in 5D economics everything is free. You say, wait, if everything is free and no one is going to work how is that going to work? Well, that´s up to you weather you work or not, but now it is YOU that will have to make up your own mind regarding what you want TO DO. I personally want to start living/co creating this new world with our new economics, in a world of peace, prosperity and abundance.
How I would see 5D economics work.
You see, I studied Industrial design because I loved CREATING something. Now, since I now am free and can live a life in abundance do you think I want to stop creating? You see that many people on the planet are actually doing what they absolutely love doing. E.g. a nurse in Iceland does study nursing because she or he wants to nurse people, they want to help those who are in need. This gives them life pleasure. Nurses in Iceland have always been on very poor salaries. There was a article in the paper here in Iceland few weeks ago about a nurse that was leaving her job because the salaries where so shamefully low that she was being forced to leave her job and look for an alternative job to make ends meet. Do you think this same nurse, now when she does not owe anything, she does not have to worry about mortgage payments next month, she does not have to worry she will not be able to buy food and clothing for her family next month is going to sit home and do nothing? Or is she going to stand up and say: I WANT TO CONTRIBUTE to my society and be a part of society where we all can live in abundance peace and love. I can assure you that I will do the latter. I will not stop designing products, no I will START designing products that are designed to last, that are designed with our resources in mind, that are designed to minimize pollution, designed to please someone, designed to inspire someone, that´s what I would LOVE to START doing and that´s what I AM going to start DO´ing.
Now is the opportunity for all those that decided to learn something for the money to start learning what they really want to do for the rest of their lives. Now is the time to reflect, WHAT DO I WANT TO DO? WHERE WOULD I LOVE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORLD? Now you can learn many different things and DO different things. You would be able to work in one field for as long as you want but if you ever wanted to learn or DO something else you would just stop DO'ing what you have been doing and just learn the next thing and so on. Now, you will of course say "hang on Palmi" what the hell are you talking about, if everyone starts DO'ing what they want to do, who's going to DO the things NOONE WANTS TO DO? This does never work...or so you think. I think there is a simple solution for this. You see, since we now have abundance and have new economic system there will be a time period where we will have to start by building this new WORLD. With the new economic system there will be a lot of people that will be out of a job, all the banks are gone, all the military is gone, there will be a lot of resources that will become available to us since people will want to CONTRIBUTE. So, just imagine, think about all the resources that will become available from e.g. the military or other institutes that are no longer needed. Imagine all the brilliant designers, engineers, scientists, technicians etc. out there that we will have access to. We will use these resources to design solutions to solve those jobs NO ONE WANTS TO DO. We can design robots or machines to do all this work that no one wants to do. In our new society our goal should be to "WORK" as little or as much as we want. Our goal should be to spend more time living, not working. When I´m designing I´m not really working, I´m loving what I do therefore I´m not really working I´m enjoying myself. If you do not want to contribute then there is no one (except "GOD") that can kick your butt... but this is your FREE WILL.
This will not happen overnight but, this is what we are faced with and I know in my heart this is what we can very easily do and what we have to do. I promise you that the technology that has been kept hidden from us for a long time or used in special ops. will blow your minds. When we will get access to these technologies things will look and work differently than you could ever dream of.
Being an Industrial Designer and having good background in research and development I have a pretty good understanding of technology and design and I know things can be designed to last. For example, there is nothing in the way of designing cars to last several hundred years. Today our cars are pretty much done after 10years specially here in Iceland where weather does not act in our favor most of the time. Why do we all need to have e.g. golf clubs hanging in our garage that we use couple of times a year? Why does my garage have to be full of tools that I use couple of days a year? Now we will just go to the golf club and pick whatever clubs you want to use (and they will always be the latest and greatest), if you want to keep it then...keep it, you transport the damn thing back to your car and back to your garage, I´ll personally will just return mine to the clubhouse for others to use. You see, we will need much much less of things in 5D since we will start sharing everything much better than we did before.
So, where do I go from here? Well, first, research for yourself everything above, second, share the word, third, start DO'ing. Remember, we have to give this some time to sink in and remember we have to keep things going for awhile in the old system until we have redesigned it. If your job becomes obsolete, ask yourself, where do I want to CONTRIBUTE and go from there.
Things we have to make sure will stay in place during the transition and have absolute priorities.
1) FOOD FOR EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, NOW! Food production is essential, and will have to continue as it is but I´m sure the workers in the food industry will quickly change their practices when it comes to the QUALITY of the food.
2) SHELTER FOR EVERYONE! There is a lot of property that are owned by BANKS and no one is living in. We need to get those who do not have shelter into these houses, NOW and turn on their utilities. The military and other organizations will focus on getting our so called 3rd world assistance in bringing them food and building houses.
4) TRANSPORTATION IS ESSENTIAL. Since we need to keep food, materials and personnel moving.
5) ENERGY PRODUCTION! Needs to keep running as it is but I´m sure new technologies will transpire quickly that will deplete some of the old energy technologies.
6) FORM SOME SORT OF ALLIANCE BETWEEN GEOGRAPHICS AREAS WHERE WE CAN GET OVERVIEW OF OUR PROGRESS. (Since there are no borders anymore and the people of the world is one nation I say geographic areas).
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